He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1118 Age of Gods and Steel Pillars!

"So these rock piles hide the Steel God Pillar...?"

Aroused by their curiosity, Xiaozhi and the others dispersed, observing the surrounding rocks and dirt.

"It does have an ancient smell..."

Xiaozhi imitated Pikachu's movements, leaned closer and smelled it, and a smell of earth came to his face.

However, it is also possible that the perennial rain has made the rocks here moldy and mossy.

"If it's the Steel God Pillar."

Xiaozhi tried to knock one of the rocks with his hands.

Generally, divine pillars are sealed in large stone chambers, right?

But looking at the rocky soil bags here, the largest one is only half the size of the training ground, which is still a bit short.

"Then Pikachu, use the steel tail once..."

"Don't destroy the monuments!"

However, the ruin fan directly interrupted Pikachu's movements, causing the latter to spin a few times in mid-air before landing awkwardly on the ground.

"The ruins here must be able to use a certain method to see the Steel God Pillar, rather than violent destruction!"

The middle-aged relic spoke with fiery eyes, with a bit of respect in his eyes.

There must be hidden organs on these rocks, as long as you tap lightly, a door will appear.

"Then where is the agency?"

Xiangta grabbed the note and asked curiously.

He remembered that Xiaozhi had an Electric God Pillar, didn't he expect to see the Steel God Pillar again so soon? !

This is the legend he heard when he was a child in the Fangyuan area!


This question puzzled the ruins.

If he knew, he would have seen Steel God Pillar by now!

"In short, this pile of soil bags can be eliminated first!"

Trying to regain his composure, he pointed to the pile of dirt bags closest to the crowd.

For so many years, he has thoroughly touched the most central soil bag, even poured water, and chanted scriptures... He took out various decryption triggers.

Neither worked.

"Is that so, why do I think this is the most likely place?"

Xiaozhi patted this earth bag, it is located in the center of the stars, it can be said that it belongs to the most special pile.

"I have studied here for twenty years, trust my professional judgment!"

The middle-aged Rue said in a confused voice, with a confident face.



While everyone was still looking around, there was another sound of air flow from above, and a huge object landed on the pile of dirt bags.

"That tropical dragon?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, it turned out that this guy was indeed nearby

Only the next moment, Xiaozhi's expression collapsed again.

Because he had already seen a figure standing on the back of this tropical dragon.

"Isn't it wild..."

Xiaozhi shook his head in disappointment. It seemed that the angle of view just now prevented them from seeing the figure on the back.

As this person jumped to the ground, Xiaozhi discovered that he was actually an acquaintance.

Dressed in a dark green mountain boy, with short pale brown hair, and a very serious face, his eyes are always showing the word serious, and his aura seems a little arrogant.

"I remember that you were that weirdo at Yanshenzhu back then..."

Xiaozhi blurted out in surprise.

At that time, it was still in the nameless desert in the north of Zijin City. Due to an accident, Xiaozhi was blown to the edge of the desert.

Then he bumped into this strange man, and with a perfect posture, he forcibly captured the Yanshenzhu.

At that time, the latter also reported his name, which seems to be... Jindai?

"Oh, you were the Marine Corps soldier back then."

After landing, the God Generation took back the Tropical Dragon, glanced over the crowd, and then landed on Xiao Zhi, obviously recognizing the latter.

Looking Xiaozhi up and down, looking like a normal traveler, Jindai nodded in satisfaction...

Although the face is still tight, serious.

"Have you really left the Ocean team? This is the right choice."

He said in a deep voice.

"Wait a minute, I told you I'm not a member of Team Ocean!!"

Xiaozhi hastily emphasized.

At that time, it was just because he was wearing the sun protection clothing sponsored by the marine team, so he was mistaken by the other party as a soldier of the marine team.

"Xiaozhi, do you know this uncle...?"

"It looks so fierce..."

Xiaolan and the others had already moved to Xiaozhi's side, and asked weakly.

Jindai's eyes remained erect and fierce, as if everyone around him owed him money.

"Oh, at that time Yanshen Pillar..."

Xiaozhi told everyone about the capture of Yanshenzhu by the Age of God at that time. This is definitely a very powerful trainer.

Seeing the appearance of a few people, they are all normal traveling trainer boys... Only then did Kodai put down his guard a little bit, it seems that they are indeed not members of the Marine team.


"So Mr. Jindai, are you here to subdue the Steel God Pillar this time?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking curiously.

"Yes, once the Steel God Pillar is subdued, I will finally collect all the Three God Pillars in the Fangyuan area."

Kojiro crossed his arms and replied solemnly.

These words shocked a few people...

It means that apart from Yanshenzhu, this guy has even conquered the Iceshenzhu now? !

Rounding it up, it means that one person has subdued all the flame birds, lightning birds, and frozen birds in their hometown!

You must know that finding them accurately is the most difficult step compared to defeating the legendary Pokémon.

"So, you are also here to subdue the Steel God Pillar?"

Jindai's eyes swept across the crowd.


This look gave them a feeling that when they were still children, they seemed to have caused trouble and were interrogated by their parents. They subconsciously straightened their backs and did not dare to be careless.

"We were just passing by to watch a play."

"Well, pure passerby!"

Hearing this, Jindai nodded slightly, and then set his eyes on the middle-aged fan of the ruins.

Through years of investigating clues in ancient books, the Age of God knows how to awaken the sealed Steel God Pillar at this moment.

But if other people want to subdue...

As the leader of the frontier zone, he didn't bother to jump in line to fight for it.

But you will not give away the information you know to your competitors.

The big deal is to wait by the side.

"No, no, I don't intend to subdue the Steel God Pillar!"

The middle-aged relic fan quickly shook his head like a rattle.

He is not a trainer, even if he wants to subdue him, he has no strength to complete it...

But after all, it has been obsession for so many years.

"Please, please let me see the Steel God Pillar with my own eyes, and...then let me take a photo with it as a nostalgia!"

The relic fan bowed respectfully to the Gods and asked.

Hearing the previous conversation, the guy in front of him is probably a real expert...Maybe he will really be able to see the legendary Steel God Pillar today!

He used to say everywhere that the Steel God Pillar was sealed here, but no one believed it at all.

Maybe you can slap them in the face today! !

"In that case, I agree to your request."

Shinji nodded, agreeing.

Immediately, everyone consciously backed away a few meters, staring wide-eyed, wondering how the Age of God would operate next...

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