He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1119 Subdue the wild dogs on the side of the road

Under the eager eyes of everyone, Jindai slowly walked to the most central pile of soil bags.


This made the middle-aged fans of the ruins smile awkwardly.

So, did he rule out the correct answer in the first place...?

Next, Jindai took out a poke ball.


The red light flashed, but it was a brown clay puppet, with columnar arms hanging down symmetrically, and a single arrow-like lower limb standing on the ground, like a scale...or a spinning top.

"This is..."

Xiangtai's illustrated book responds faster, and it actually broadcasts the data first, than Xiaozhi's illustrated book.

"Hey. Libra puppet, clay puppet Pokémon, ground and super power attributes, the legendary clay puppet made by the ancients becomes a spirit, usually inhabiting wild deserts or ancient ruins, moving while spinning."

"To open the stone chamber where the Steel God Pillar is located, two steps are required... One is to perform flying and falling above the stone chamber."

The Age of God is still explaining the opening steps to several people.

The tropical dragon that landed previously has completed step one.

"Next is step two...Libra, use the flash technique!!"

As the words of the Age of God fell, the whole body of this Libra puppet burst into dazzling light, shining directly in front of the central soil bag.


The next moment, the ground began to shake violently, and the ground around the dirt bag cracked and cracked layer by layer, as if something was about to break out of the ground.

Everyone hastily stepped back a few meters again, not daring to be careless.

After a while, I saw that the soil bag that was still on the surface had been raised to a height of five or six meters.

And below... is an incomparably magnificent Founder's Stone Room!

It was the size of two or three battle training grounds, exuding an ancient and misty atmosphere.

"So the sealed stone room is hidden under the earth bag?!"

Xiaozhi suddenly realized, and recognized this huge stone room, which was exactly the same series as the stone room he had seen in the desert before.

And the crack in the center is a door leading to the interior of the stone room.

"The flying technique and the flashing technique are the steps to open the stone chamber."

Jindai's tense face also showed a rare eagerness.

Most of the sealed stone chambers of the Three Divine Pillars require such weird opening steps... If the details were not known in advance from the records in ancient books, no one would have guessed that there is such a mechanism operation.


This scene made the middle-aged Ruins fans blush.

He touched the ruins with his hands for twenty years, and it turned out that he was doing nothing...

Now that the stone chamber has been opened, the Age of God took the lead and walked in first.

Xiaozhi and the others hurriedly followed, and also entered the divine pillar stone room.



Stepping into the sealed stone room, Xiao Zhi and the others stood on the outer stepped high platform.

Under the stairs, in the center of the stone room is a platform space the size of a training ground.

At this moment, the Age of God stands at one end of the space below... and at the other end, stands a huge silver-white figure.

At a height of nearly three meters, the thick steel body leaned forward slightly, the lower limbs like legs stood on the ground, and the slender black arms folded in front of the body in a cross shape.

"Is this the Steel God Pillar, Regis Chill?!"

"I actually saw it!!"

"Are you sleeping now...?"

Xiaozhi and the others were discussing in the back.

And after realizing that the stone room had been seen again, Steel God Pillar finally woke up from his perennial sleep.


It made a telegraph sound similar to that of the electric god pillar, and its body straightened up again. Its slender black arms spread out to both sides, with three silver-white fingers growing on each end.

The head is integrated with the body, and the center is a gray-black depression with strange dot marks.

"Uh, it's really not that I'm embarrassed, why is it a bit like the one in the toilet..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but opened his mouth, but he didn't fully say the following words.


"It's kind of like..."

A few people next to him agreed with understanding.

Although the three god pillars all have stone pillar-shaped bodies, the body structure of the steel god pillar is particularly resembling...


The seat-style one, not to mention the silver-white color scheme, is more like it!


The uncle fan of the ruins didn't answer, and finally saw the existence he had been looking for for many years. He didn't want to destroy the noble image of the other party in a second.

Well, although it does kind of look like...


"Reggis Chilu, fight with me, I will subdue you!"

Face to face with the other party, Shendai said straight to the point and said in a low voice, there was already an extra elf ball in his hand.

This also made the Steel God Pillar on the opposite side seem to be activated. Although there was no facial expression, it became obviously aggressive.


Jindai didn't care so much, opened and closed the poke ball, and a nimble hat mushroom appeared in front of him.

"Bamboo hat mushroom, the fighting attribute can restrain the opponent's steel attribute..."

Shota frantically took notes from behind.

The trainer who can subdue the Three Divine Pillars, this guy is probably as fierce as Xiaozhi!

And the next fight...

Boom boom boom! !

The entire stone room began to vibrate violently, but seeing this steel god pillar continuously using powerful moves such as cannon light cannon, arm hammer, electromagnetic cannon, the entire surrounding ground and walls were shaking, as if the next second To collapse down.

However, these dangerous moves were dodged one by one by this swift bamboo hat mushroom, with ease.

Whoosh! !

Then came a sonic punch with outstanding effect!

After punching the bamboo hat mushroom, he stopped in an instant and circled around again, waiting for an opportunity to find the next round of Sonic Fist attack, bringing the cd flow tactics to the extreme.

From time to time, I will sweep the hall and kick down...

You must know that this move has devastating damage to high-weight Pokémon, which makes the newly awakened Steel God Pillar miserable.

After a while, he was panting and entered the state of the candle in the wind.

"It's completely pinched by the nose..."

"This man is amazing..."

Several people onlookers were all amazed.

This scene is very similar to the scene where the Age of Gods faced Yanshenzhu last time. It was a perfect manipulation of the situation. Xiao Zhi was much less surprised than the others.

The current Gang Shenzhu has just woken up, and his physical fitness is not at its peak in all aspects, which can be regarded as the best point to subdue.

Just when the angry Steel God Pillar planned to perform a big bang at once and die together...

"Use mushroom spores!"

Komyo folded his hands on his chest, responding calmly.

The scattered green clusters instantly enveloped the Steel God Pillar.

The enhanced version of the hypnotic powder completely hypnotized the Steel God Pillar in a short while, and the extremely dangerous explosion energy stopped abruptly.

"it's time..."

Seeing that the opponent's physical strength has reached the limit, and it is also the best sleep state at this moment, Shendai decisively throws a high-level ball.


The red light flashed, and the latter's huge figure was completely sucked into the ball in an instant, and it began to shake on the ground.

Da da da!

There were no waves, and the high-level ball stopped moving after a few shakes.

Steel God Pillar, conquered successfully!

Everyone: "..."

Such a calm submissiveness made the few people watching behind him all look silent.

Is this taming a legendary Pokémon, or a wild dog on the side of the road! ?

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