He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1128 Top Assistant!

Boom...! !

The coal tortoise let out a low growl, and a large cloud of fiery red soot steam spewed out from the cracks in the tortoise's shell, like thick volcanic smoke, with extremely hot temperature, they all rushed towards the two opposing people.

With the blessing of the sunny day, the power of the puff of smoke has risen to a higher level, forcing the Tanabata blue bird and the giant tooth shark to retreat again and again.

Whoosh! !

The mega Tanabata blue bird flapped its wings continuously, and the strong wind blowing away the smoke and fog.

Whoosh! !

Immediately afterwards, a sharp water arrow rushed out, and another jet of water flowed out!

This time, it is the impact of the mega evolution of the megalodon, with an unstoppable impact!

"Coal Turtle, use the iron wall to stop it!!"

Seeing that the other party's target was pointing at him, Xiaozhi quickly commanded.

Even in trick space, he didn't expect his Coal Turtle to dodge attacks.

The coal turtle quickly gathered its limbs and head, and the thick coal turtle shell raised its defense to a higher level.

Bang bang! !

Even so, it was still hit by a powerful blow from the mega megalodon, causing it to rub against the ground and retreat several meters, the effect was outstanding.

"We use the power of the moon!!"

Sigana also commanded at the same time.

The mega Tanabata blue bird that has acquired the attributes of a fairy flutters its wings, and gradually condenses a dangerous pink energy bomb above its head...

"Don't let it be used, wandering night spirit, use the night phantom!!"

Heavenly King Furong commanded calmly.

The wandering night spirit's ghost image flickered, and the one-eyed shot out a black lightning bolt again, forcing the Qixi blue bird to stop the move and dodge the attack.

"Coal turtle, use hot air!!"

The coal tortoise below poked its head out, and the hot wind blowing from the cracks in the tortoise's shell swept the audience!

"Damn it, this damn sunny day...!"

Shui Wutong cursed in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, even if they both mega-evolved, they would not be able to take down their opponents in an instant.

And generally speaking, the round of sunny days should be over...Why is the sun still so strong at this moment? !

Of course he didn't know that the Coal Turtle was carrying a prop - hot rock, which had the effect of prolonging the time of sunny days.

"Right now, Coal Turtle, use overheating!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly said.

Under the trick space, the Coal Turtle made an instant move, opened its mouth to the maximum, and spit out a golden-white pillar of flames!

The temperature was unparalleled for a while, as if even the air along the way was scorched.

Boom...! !

Unable to prevent it, the overheating bombarded the Mega Tooth Shark head-on.

You must know that this is a big move of the fire attribute. Even though the megalodon has a certain resistance to the fire move, it is still pushed backwards by the excessive heat.

When the flames dissipated, there were obvious scorched scars on the surface of the body, which showed how powerful the coal turtle's blow was.

But the price of overheating also made the coal turtle's body weak, and its attack power became much weaker...


bang bang...!

At this time, there was a sudden cracking sound in the sky around everyone.

The effect of trick space is over.

This also made Sigana and Shui Wutong finally show a dangerous offensive look.

This disgusting space is finally over... Both of them are not trainers of dirty tactics such as trick spaces, so don't let them be disgusted by Heavenly King Furong.

Good opportunity, now the two people on the opposite side are in the ultimate turtle speed state.

And they also saw that Furong, the Wandering Night Spirit, tended to interfere with the human shield, and didn't have much output power.

That is to say, as long as they kill the fire turtle first, the victory will be decided!

The two looked at each other, and they both planned to set fire.

"Qixi blue bird, aim at the coal turtle, use the power of the moon!!"

"Megatooth, use water jet!!"

The double mega offensive move is ready to go... Without the blessing of the magic space, the coal turtle is absolutely impossible to survive this round.

Just when the ferocious attack was about to hit the target, the corner of Fu Rong's mouth raised, as if she had expected it and said:

"It's now, use the exchange venue!"

The wandering night spirit understood, and the strange energy was activated.



The next moment, the Wandering Yeling and the Coal Turtle completely changed their positions.

Then came two powerful attacks, all of which were bombarded on the wandering night spirit!

Boom! !

The powerful moves immediately blasted the Wandering Night Spirit several meters away, and even half-kneeled on the ground at the end, his figure crumbling...

Although he barely resisted, the wandering night spirit at this moment has already entered the state of a candle in the wind.

"But it's enough..."

Heavenly King Furong's eyes were extremely bright, and she looked at the young man beside her.

bang bang! !

On the other side, the coal turtle, which was safe and sound, also made a sound of broken eggshells.

Broken shell!

This move will make one's defense very vulnerable...but instead, it will greatly increase one's speed and offense.

At this moment, the coal tortoise's whole body seemed to be burning, and it turned into an extremely raging flame tortoise...

"Kill them all at once, use the overheating trick!!"

Xiaozhi roared loudly, and directly used the big move of the coal turtle.

A heavenly king assists himself, of course he has to go all out!

Boom...! !

The golden-white pillar of flame roared out again!

Although overheating has been used once, but with the double blessing of sunny day and broken shell, the power is not as good as the first time.

"Wandering Night Spirit, use help!!"

Furong even made up a trick quite insidiously.

Wandering Yeling's ghostly hand waved, and a strange energy light fell on the coal turtle.

Boom boom boom! !

This caused the power of overheating to skyrocket again, and the entire rooftop was filled with fiery aura! !

The power has been greatly improved, and the attack speed is also extremely fierce, bombarding the Megalodon.

Boom! !

The blazing flames even directly pushed the megalodon, and rushed towards the sky again, and finally bombarded the mega Tanabata blue bird above.

The power of this blow has reached its peak!


Even after blasting out the overheating shot, the coal turtle wailed loudly on the spot for his blow.

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

There is a king-level master next to him to assist him... This feels so comfortable! !

Obviously today is their first cooperation, but Heavenly King Furong can perfectly match her shape and carry out auxiliary battles.

This is definitely a top assist hand!

Boom! !

And the overheating move that was added by several buffs finally exploded completely in mid-air, sparking a violent flame explosion!

It was so powerful that even the high-rise buildings below seemed to tremble again and again.

Especially the Tanabata blue bird and the megalodon shark at the center of the explosion were both swept by the frontal hits.


This scene also made the faces of Sijana and Shuiwutong on the opposite side become extremely dark.

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