
The smoke and dust dissipated, and a figure suddenly fell from the sky.

The mega megalodon fell down like this, his eyes rolled around, and he lost consciousness.

The surface of the body suddenly burst into a strange light, which gradually dissipated... This made its body return to the appearance of a normal megalodon.

Generally, when a Pokémon loses its combat ability, it will automatically exit the state of mega evolution.


The only exception was the Mega Tanabata blue bird that was still hovering in the air. Although it was not impossible to fight on the spot, the fluffy white cotton on its body was also covered with scorched black marks, obviously seriously injured.

On the other hand, the Wandering Night Spirit was also in a state of exhaustion, and even his actions became extremely reluctant.

Only Ash's coal turtle is still relatively healthy.

In this battle, it was surrounded by wandering night spirits.


Xiao Zhi and Fu Rong even gave each other a high five to show their friendship.

Unexpectedly, an ordinary-looking trainer would actually have a few tricks... Fu Rong has also noticed that Xiaozhi is not a simple trainer.


"Damn, two brats...!!"

Seeing that he was the first to lose the battle, the two of them even made that childish action in front of them.

Shui Wutong was so angry that he retracted his megalodon with a backhand, as if about to release the second Pokémon.

Hmph, he didn't intend to play a serious trainer game with a few people.

The megalodon is just his No.3, this time he will directly use the strongest king sea lion to freeze everyone at once! !

And Sijana's expression was equally stern, since one of them had been defeated at this moment, she already had the intention of retreating.

In fact, as long as she handed the indigo blue orb safely into the hands of Shui Wutong, she would be considered accomplished, and there is really no need to continue entanglement...


Just when the situation reached a stalemate.

Da da da...!

At this time, a woman in uniform suddenly walked up the stairs to the rooftop, who was the previous gatekeeper.


There was also a little pink rabbit beside her. When she saw Sigana, she looked happy, and immediately fell into Sigana's arms with a bump.

"Hey! You guys! This place is now forbidden to open to the other party, please leave here immediately!"

The gatekeeper scolded, but he didn't recognize that the group of people in front of him included the king of the alliance, and even the dangerous leader of the ocean team.

Looking at the battle-ready Pokémon that were confronting each other, and the signs of battle around them, why didn't she know what happened here before.

She who was in the lower room just now sensed the movement of the battle.

"Tsk, woman...!"

Shui Wutong's face darkened, how dare this woman scold him?

Already furious, he acted like he was going to finish everyone in front of him together.

Da da da! !

Da da da! !

However, at the next moment, there were a few hurried footsteps at the entrance of the stairs again, and there were several Miss Junsha.

Xiaozhi and Furong looked at each other and nodded secretly.

Don't panic, they are all called by him.

Before making the move just now, Xiaozhi had already called the police, reporting illegal transactions on the top floor of the department store.

Make good use of the illustrated book to call the police... This is his means of copying Shota.

"Hey! You guys, we heard that there is an illegal transaction here, now everyone come with us!"

One of Miss Junsha scolded.

Beside them were a few grinning thunder dogs, their bodies frayed and electric currents flowing... This was their partner police dog.

"Yo~ the police are here~!"

Seeing this, Sijana lost her fighting spirit and was ready to run away.


The mega Tanabata blue bird in the air pressed down, and Sijana jumped nimbly.

The next moment, she had already landed on the back of the Qixi blue bird, and the other hand was holding her Gu Niuniu.

"Tsk, Tiaozi..."

And Shui Wutong's expression was also unfriendly.

While he wasn't afraid of the official police, he didn't bother to associate with them either.

Getting involved with these people is as troublesome as stepping on shit.

"Hmph! Remember me, you two brats...!"

In the end, he gave Xiaozhi and Furong a vicious look, and the poke ball that he was about to touch also changed its position.


This time it was a large-billed gull that came out.

Shui Wutong grabbed the big-billed gull's lower limbs and made a gesture to leave directly from the sky.

"Wait a minute, you have to keep the indigo blue orb today!!"

Heavenly King Furong suddenly remembered something, and chased after her anxiously.


It's just that the wandering Yeling next to him has reached the limit of his physical strength, and he is powerless and unable to move.

When Miss Junsha's police dogs saw that the target was about to run away, they instinctively rushed to bite and restrain the target...

"Mega Tanabata blue bird, use the giant sound!!"

However, there was a sudden low voice in the sky.

The next moment, a strong pink sound wave swept the audience, and everyone was frozen in place by this fairy energy. They could only plug their ears tightly and looked uncomfortable.

The strength of the mega Tanabata blue bird is still very powerful.

When everyone opened their eyes again, both the figures of Shui Wutong and Sijana had disappeared in midair.

The sunny weather has long since ended, and the surrounding sky has also returned to cloudy and rainy weather, with overcast clouds and extremely poor visibility.


In the end, Fu Rong could only slam the railing hard, her complexion changed...



Department store, lobby on the first floor.

"So that's the case, we will start a follow-up search immediately!"

Miss Junsha bowed preciously, and then hurriedly walked into the rain with her Thunder Dog and left the building.

After knowing that Furong is the king of the alliance, he naturally knows that he is a friendly army.

However, Fu Rong did not tell about the indigo blue orb, but only said that a precious orb was stolen by the marine team.

After all, the secrets of the indigo blue orb and the vermilion orb are too involved, and it is not suitable to be publicized too much.

After a while, only Fu Rong and Xiao Zhi were left here.

Although there were still an endless stream of tourists and customers around, it was obvious that no one had noticed the fierce battle on the rooftop just now.

"Sorry, I didn't stop those two people."

Seeing the other party's gloomy face, with his head bowed in thought, Xiaozhi gave a dry laugh, breaking the deadlock.

"Oh... ah, it's nothing, I'm already very grateful for your shot!"

Heavenly King Furong was stunned for a while before she realized, her face turned red, and she explained in a hasty tone.

Her age is not much different from Xiaozhi, but she has already become the king of the alliance... This gives Xiaozhi the feeling of a young adult.

After all, all the kings of the alliance he met before were basically over 20 years old.


But at this moment, the two orbs kept for generations have been lost, which made Furong also feel a strong sense of powerlessness, and couldn't help but sigh.




(Cold knowledge, in the game, the roof of this department store will indeed be closed to the public due to abnormal weather changes in Gaioca Gurado.)

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