He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1130 Energy Cube

Shuijing City, at the entrance of the department store.

Seeing Xiaozhi's extraordinary strength, and having overheard some news, Fu Rong told him all the information she knew.

However, these contents are similar to what Xiaozhi heard in the weather research institute, except that there are more historical legends about the vermilion orb and the indigo orb.

"Our family has been the caretakers of the two orbs for generations...but because I left Sending God Mountain two years ago, this was taken advantage of by the bad guys."

Heavenly King Furong sighed.

She grew up in Songshen Mountain since she was a child. She was born to co-exist with the local ghost-type Pokémon, and her strength also grew rapidly imperceptibly.

He even has the special ability to communicate with ghosts.

But you can't stay stuck in one place forever...

So 2 years ago, Furong went down the mountain to challenge the gymnasium, and won the league championship in the first year, and even challenged the alliance king, standing at the highest point in Fangyuan area in one fell swoop.


Xiaozhi nodded, counting her age, she should have completed the achievement of becoming the king of the alliance at the age of 12, which is a real genius.

What made him even more strange was, what exactly was that woman going to do?

There is a high probability that the theft of the two orbs was all done by Sijana.

The scarlet orb caused Gulardo to run around the world...

At this moment, the indigo blue orb was given to the leader of the ocean team.

"This woman, isn't she planning to let Gulardo and Kyoka appear in the world at the same time, and have a big fight?!"

Xiaozhi and Furong looked at each other, and a horrifying thought arose in their minds.

If so... this would be an unimaginable disaster for the Hoen region.

If those two orbs really have the power to manipulate and influence the ancient gods, then according to the fanatical ideas of the Ocean Team and the Lava Team, it must be to drive Gulardo, causing countless volcanoes to erupt, and the erupting lava to cover the ocean and expand the land.

And Kyoka is naturally going to set off huge waves, and layers of tsunamis are bound to submerge the earth...

The collision of the volcano and the tsunami will only suffer disasters for all the living beings in the Yoshien area.

"By the way, that vermilion orb should be at the Weather Research Institute now."

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something and quickly shared information with him.

In the Hezhong area, the vermilion orb has been successfully recaptured by Xiaomao, and it should be returning to the Fangyuan area with the members of the Weather Research Institute.

And, of course, a huge, bulky lava turtle followed.

Counting the days, there are still four or five days left.

Since Sijana gave the indigo blue orb to Team Ocean, maybe the next target is the vermilion orb, which is going to be dedicated to Team Lava next door.

Xiaozhi could no longer figure out what this woman was thinking.

Compared with the original Xiaomao, he can jump up and cause trouble.

It was clearly intended to stop the catastrophic meteorite in the sky, but it turned into provoking a war between two ancient gods?

"Good information!"

Hearing this, Heavenly King Furong's eyes lit up.

With a flip of the palm, a poke ball has been thrown.


A red light flashed, and a spherical Pokémon about two meters tall appeared in front of Xiaozhi.

The inflated body is like a purple-gray hot air balloon, with a white cloud above the head, and four slender arms-like strips below.

"This is..."

Xiaozhi subconsciously took out the illustration book.

"Didi. With the wind ball, hot air balloon Pokémon, ghost and flying attributes, the body will fly with the surrounding airflow. It is said that the gas in the body is composed of souls. Sometimes when flying with humans or Pokémon, Stealthily absorb their soul energy."

The simple and unpretentious introduction of the illustrated book made Fu Rong, who was just about to take off with the wind balloon, excited.


And this wind poke blew plaintively, indicating that this human machine is insulting people!

No, insult the ball!

"Okay, okay~!"

Heavenly King Furong just rubbed Suifengqiu's head, she has a firm bond with the latter, so naturally she won't just listen to outsiders' words.

But having said that, it seems that every time I take a ride with the wind ball, my body will become faintly weak?

Shaking her head, Heavenly King Furong grabbed the slender belt that fell with the wind ball.

There is no time to think so much now.

And the latter also gathers the four straps towards the middle, turning them into a stand for sitting... like a swing under the hot air balloon.

"Then Xiaozhi, it's nice to meet you...but now I have to protect the vermilion orb!"

Furong solemnly said to Xiaozhi:

"If you also want to participate in the Caiyou Conference... let's meet again in Caiyou City!"

As he said that, in Xiaozhi's eyes, the wind ball carried the Heavenly King Furong soaring upwards, suspended in mid-air.


With the strange wind blowing around, one person and one ball drifted towards the east.

Shuijing City is located on the easternmost side of the Fangyuan continental plate...but the easternmost side of the entire region should be the island where Luyuan City is located.

If the people from the weather research institute come back, they should arrive at that location immediately... Fu Rong plans to go to meet them.

After a while, Xiaozhi and Pikachu were left in place.

"It's really troublesome..."

Seeing that it had been delayed for several hours before he knew it, he hurriedly ran towards the venue of the gorgeous contest.



When Xiaozhi just walked into the gate of the gorgeous competition venue in Shuijing City.

"Xiaozhi! You are finally here!!"

With a twist of braids, Xiao Lan, who hangs down in front of her neck, has already greeted her with a smile on her face, holding several small brown cubes in her hands.

"Try the energy cube I made~!"

Like offering a treasure, he looked at Xiaozhi expectantly.

Xiaozhi and Pikachu grabbed a cube without thinking, threw it into their mouths and chewed.

"Hey, hey...!" "Hey, hey...!"

Don't look at the small cubes that are only three or four centimeters long, but they are very chewy.

And the more you chew, the more fragrant it will be, and the sweet taste of the juice will come out in the aftertaste, and it will be swallowed completely in the end.

By the way, this is the ration of Pokémon, right...?


Although he didn't know what was going on, Xiaozhi still praised him without hesitation and gave him a thumbs up.


This made Xiaolan scratch her head in embarrassment, and her face turned red.

There are several special energy cube manufacturing machines built in the hall of this venue, and they operate according to the instructions, which can be regarded as Muggle operations.

Xiaolan and the others arrived a few hours earlier than Xiaozhi, and they have already made several rounds.

"Well, the energy cube is indeed a good thing~"

At this time, Xiao Gang also came up, also holding a box of brown cubes in his hand, throwing one into his mouth to chew from time to time, with a surprised expression.

Although it is the ration of Pokémon, the raw material is various tree fruits, so there is no problem even if humans eat it.

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