He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1166 Cracked Empty Seat, Arrival!

The double disaster caused by the meteorite and the war between the two gods will draw the legendary Rift Seat living in the atmosphere.

"Master Dragon God, he would have protected our Fangyuan Continent... As for the legends of the laggard Dragon God messengers in Meteor, it's just a coincidence!"

Sigana swears by it.

What about unplugging the scroll, summoning the dragon god with the same mind... are just feudal and ignorant legends in the Meteor Land, and there is no such connection at all!

"Um, I have no other meaning..."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help interjecting:

"Is that a possibility? For example, someone thinks that this position is fake because he has not become the envoy of the Dragon God... Well, I am not talking about you."

Seeing that Hijana's brows were raised instantly, as if she was about to jump over in the next second, Xiao Zhi quickly interrupted his words.

But one thing to say, what the latter said... seems to be a little possible.

After all, the ancestors of the Meteor People only "summoned" once. Who knows if it was a coincidence that time, and then took advantage of the situation to put money on their faces?


At this time, the illustration book in the pocket trembled again.

Xiaozhi subconsciously took a look, but saw that the previous live broadcast room had a picture again.

"This is...?!"

Only this time, both Xiaozhi and Sijana's expressions were completely moved by the screen.

Because at this moment on the screen, there are not only two ancient gods, one red and one blue, but an emerald green figure is winding down in the vast high-altitude clouds.

Break through the clouds and appear in the eyes of everyone!


128 Waterway.

The battle between Gulardo and Kyoka is still going on.

The diametrically opposite force constantly bombarded the opponent, which caused the surrounding weather to change at a high frequency.

The surface of the sea kept rolling and rising, and the size and scale of the seabed cracks continued to expand.



The natural energy leaked wantonly made Gulardo and Kyoka feel like they had been drugged. The rune cracks on the surface of their bodies flickered wildly, and their own strength was constantly increasing...

Suddenly, both the downpour and the dry weather stopped.

There is only a piece of gray and white in the sky, neither rain nor sunshine, in a chaotic and blank weather.

The air in the entire sea space seemed to be frozen. no longer flow.

Even the originally rough sea current has become extremely calm.

An extremely strong sense of oppression, from top to bottom, covered the entire No. 128 waterway, making this world seem extremely silent for a while.



Gulardo and Kyoka also stopped fighting at the same time, raised their heads, and let out a demonstration-like roar towards the sky.

They all felt that the existence of that...

It's coming!

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

The deafening roar of the dragon fell from the high-altitude clouds in an instant, carrying an incomparably domineering power!

Just this dragon roar made Gulardo and Gaioka shut up at the same time, and could only watch in a daze.

Then, a slender green dragon broke through the clouds and rushed down obliquely!

The body of the emerald green flying dragon has two sharp clawed arms on the front of the abdomen, and two pairs of dragon horns on both sides of the slender head.

In the dark eye sockets are amber dragon eyes.

The dragon's mouth that opened was a bloody red color.

The surface of the entire slender body, with strange golden lines and black cracks, looks quite mysterious...

Dragon God, crack empty seat! !

At this moment, the three most famous ancient gods in the Fangyuan area appeared on the No. 128 waterway at the same time.

This also made countless viewers in front of the live broadcast screen completely excited!

The most powerful scene in the legend actually appeared before their eyes! ?

As if even the camera couldn't bear such coercion, the screen kept shaking, as if it would be disconnected at any time.

The ghost knows what kind of mood the war reporters are broadcasting this scene with at this moment.

"I was right!! Haha, Lord Dragon God has come!!"

Seeing this scene also made Sijana, who was far away on the sky pillar, look ecstatic.

Looking at the lofty posture of the green dragon god on the screen, she almost fell to her knees.

Then, the next step is for Lord Dragon God to suppress the other two gods, and then turn his head to completely destroy the huge meteorite falling from the sky!

"Is this the Cracked Seat..."

Seeing the real appearance of Likongzao for the first time, the palm of Xiaozhi holding the illustrated book trembled slightly.

This look is too domineering...

This is an aura that no dragon-type Pokémon he has ever seen has ever had!

In addition to being shocked, it also made Xiaozhi fall into doubts.

The other hand took out the scroll of the dragon god, which felt somewhat redundant...


It's just that other people will be intimidated by the appearance of the Rift Seat, but Gulardo and Kyoka will not.



The two gods, Fangyuan growled, and looked at each other.

The will of each other's gods was also conveyed into each other's minds.

"First work together to kill this green-skinned dragon, and then share the natural energy!"

The next moment, the extremely dangerous oppressive feeling of the two fell on Li Kongzao who suddenly appeared in midair at the same time.

"Ho ho ho ho...!!!"

Seeing two of Zeng Jin's defeated generals dare to show off their power in front of him now, this made the already extremely arrogant Li Kongzuo full of anger in an instant.

The dragon's mouth opened, and the colorful rays of light condensed and expanded around the mouth.

Boom boom! !

Finally, it turned into a dragon-shaped energy pulse, which suddenly shot down!

Dragon Wave!

Seeing this, Gaioka didn't dare to be careless, and quickly opened his wide mouth.


A bunch of blue and white electric snakes also shot out, freezing all the water and air along the way, and shooting towards the air.

Freezing light! !

boom boom!!

The ancient god level moves collided fiercely in midair, as if even the space was torn apart.

It's just that after a stalemate for a while, the giant dragon phantom of the dragon's wave, as if it really turned into a living dragon, suddenly broke through the ice light!

It even pushed back, with an unstoppable impact, and finally exploded heavily in Kaioka's chest!

Boom! !

The violent explosion caused the entire sea to tumbling violently.

And during this time, the flame energy in Gulardo's mouth was fully charged, and then he opened his mouth suddenly.

Boom...! !

A huge and incomparably large character of flames bombarded out with a strong hot wind! !

The big characters burst into flames! !

However, in the face of the oncoming flames, Rikakuza also flew up in mid-air.

The winding and slender body is swimming quickly in the air, like some kind of magical dance.


This allowed Likongzao to easily dodge all the big-character explosions and pass by the gap in his slender body.

At the same time, Likongzuo had already raised its mouth.

The second wave of Dragon Wave is also ready to go!

Whoosh boom boom! !

The dragon-shaped energy pulse with teeth and claws pierced through the air again, shooting obliquely from the air.

Standing on the lava reef, Groudon could not move at all.

Boom! !

The terrifying dragon wave completely exploded on it again! !

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