He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1167 Three gods melee!

"Master Dragon God, it's too powerful, it's too powerful!!"

Seeing the Rikuza who had just appeared on the stage, he easily suppressed the two gods below, which made Sijana look ecstatic, and her dark complexion was as rosy as a cock.

Feeling the incomparable strength of Likongzuo, Xiaozhi also widened his eyes, and didn't dare to take a breath.

It seems that the battle on the screen has not yet entered the second round.

After thinking for a while, Xiaozhi finally went straight to the top of the Sky Pillar, the giant meteorite placed on the innermost side.

"Hmph, feudal and ignorant ideas don't make any sense..."

Seeing this, Sigana didn't stop her, she just watched from the sidelines.

Now that the Lord Dragon God has arrived, what is the meaning of the ceremony in Meteor Land?

But her expression also became expectant.

Because this is the last step to prove her point is correct, slap everyone in the face!


Xiaozhi ignored the latter's expression, and just walked straight in front of this giant meteorite.

The surface of the meteorite with pits and hollows exudes a faint colorful light.


Xiaozhi stuck one hand on the surface of the meteorite, and the other hand was holding the scroll of Dragon God, and then tried to close his eyes.

There were no formulas and movements, he just recited the sentence "Dragon God splits the empty seat, hurry up and smash the meteorite in the sky" in his heart.

If you can't summon the Dragon God, let's establish a little contact.

After all, the disaster meteorite hanging over their heads has not been completely resolved yet!


North of Waterway 128.

Green Ridge City.

The rocket control room at the Green Ridge Space Center.

At this moment, in this huge room, there are various electronic devices and screens, and all kinds of incomprehensible data patterns are being calculated rapidly.

Dozens of researchers were scattered around the room, busy operating the machine in front of them.

The director of the universe center stood on a high platform at the back, with his hands behind his back, staring straight at the largest electronic screen hanging in the room.

On the screen is a huge rocket!

"Boss, how's the time?"

Dawu stood behind the director and asked.

He didn't know anything about rocket launch, and he was completely blind to the various instrument data in front of him.

Next to him, Xiaogang and Xiangta also stood beside Dawu, ready to help.

"Well... there are less than 3 hours before the meteorite falls to the ground!"

The director said in a deep voice, with an extremely serious expression.

Compared to the people in the entire Fangyuan area who are paying attention to the Great Chaos War of the Three Gods...

Now the meteorite above the head is the most dangerous disaster!

Hearing that there were less than three hours left, Dawu and the others also became extremely nervous.

So... what about Ash? !

In the command room, on another large screen, there is a real-time live broadcast on Route 128.

The movie-like scene of the monster battle seemed a bit out of place with the serious rocket command room.

"Look, it's the Rift Seat that appeared?!"

On the screen, a green flying dragon that suddenly landed from a high altitude, bathed in golden light, immediately attracted the attention of many researchers, and the operations in their hands stopped.

In the picture, the god of Liekongzuo descends to earth, and hits two with one.

One person, one dragon wave, aroused a huge explosion on Gulardo and Kyoka.

Terrible destructive power, even the center of the universe in Green Ridge City can feel a slight shaking.

But the battle on the screen is changing rapidly.



I saw Gaioka jumping out of the water again, and from the gaping mouth, the ice-blue electric snake shot out again!

According to legend, the blood of Pokémon is so high that one hit cannot tell the winner.

The four times restrained frozen light, even if Li Kongzao ate it, it would be uncomfortable, so he quickly performed the dragon dancing posture again, avoiding the frozen light completely.


But the next moment, an angry roar came from another direction.

Seeing that Gulardo raised his head again, his eyes burst into a strange light.

Buzz buzz! !

In an instant, a strange force field covered the entire sea, land and air, exerting a huge downward force on all the existences within.

Gravity field! !

Gulardo hated this kind of guy flying around his head the most, and he just had a taste of his combination of gravity + cliff sword.

Specially hit the birds in the sky!

The figure of Likongzuo was forcibly dropped off suddenly, dropping dozens of meters.

But soon, Likongzao's body burst into a green light, and soon broke free from the gravity, and took off again.

After all, Gulardo is not a god with superpower attributes, and the strength of gravity is average, so it cannot completely drag existences of the same level into the sea level.


It's just that now it's completely a sophomore and a freshman, and this time it's Kioka's turn to jump out of the sea.

Several dangerous blue light spots condensed in front of him again.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! !

Immediately, it turned into a series of blue laser pulses, crazily pouring out!

The roots fluctuate! !

Liekongzuo didn't dare to be careless, and quickly moved around.

It's just that the movement is somewhat affected by Gulardo's gravity, and this time it keeps shuttling through the dense root wave laser.

Boom...! !

In the end, he was hit by a cannonball, and the explosion aroused, causing Likongzao to let out a muffled groan.


It was only when the smoke and dust dispersed that the figure of the fiery red lava monster had disappeared on the reef and lava.

Before Likongzao could fully react, he suddenly felt a heavy breathing sound coming from behind him.

Out of the corner of my eye. But seeing that Gulardo had already jumped behind him at some point... jumped out of the sea tens of meters? !

The huge giant lava claw slammed at his body.

Boom! !

shoot down! !

The effect of shooting down the rock attribute is outstanding!

Not only the intense pain, but also the additional effect of the shooting down, which also made Rikakuza seem to have lost the ability to fly for a while, and his whole body suddenly fell from the sky.

thump! !

thump! !

On the surface of the sea, there are spurs of lava rising out of thin air, each of which is more than ten meters high, with the power to penetrate everything!

The Sword of the Cliff! !

Unable to defend, the sword of the cliff stabbed, and bombarded the lower back of the fallen Likongzao head-on.

Boom! !

In an instant, the lava spike completely exploded, triggering an extremely terrifying explosion, completely engulfing the empty seat!

This is Gulardo's classic move. The one who was defeated by his move last time was still the earth turtle sea god from some rural place.


Seeing the successful combination of the two, Kioka next to him also let out a high-pitched cry, as if laughing at the broken back of Rikakuza.

thump! !

thump! !

It's just that the next moment, the spreading sword of the cliff didn't disappear completely, but spread again, stabbing all the way in the direction of Gaioka.

Kyoka: "?!"

Boom! !

Another shot of the Cliff Sword was thrusting out from under Gaioka's belly, flying the former's large body into mid-air.

Boom! !

The terrifying explosion also engulfed Kyoka!

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