He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1183: Local Xiaozhi!

The elevator opened, and Xiaozhi stepped into the public hall on the tenth floor.

The duration of the daily singles battle in the battle tower is later than that of doubles...the popularity is also higher for singles.

The number of spectators on this floor is also much larger than his previous seventh floor!

"This Xiaozhi is still playing singles..."

In this way, he still can't touch the opponent in the doubles match.

So Xiaozhi looked for a direction and saw Xiaozhi's name on the electronic screen on the wall at the door of the big room on one side.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town - singles, 17 consecutive victories."

"Have you won 17 consecutive victories? It's pretty impressive!"

With 17 consecutive victories, there will already be many masters.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was even more curious, and stepped into the room at a faster pace.

There is nothing more interesting than seeing yourself in another world!

This battle room is almost the same as the one he stayed in before, but there are more seats for spectators.



The audience was even more crowded, and there were endless discussions.

In this world, singles matches are more attractive to watch.

And he finally officially saw the local Xiaozhi!

At one end of the arena below, a boy with black and blue short hair was standing there, watching his opponent closely.

He wears a red-brimmed hat with black stripes and a green poke ball in the middle.

A blue short-sleeved sweater with a hood, light blue denim trousers, and an electric mouse on his shoulder.

"It's really me..."

This time, it was Xiaozhi's turn to be stunned.

The faces are exactly the same!

The clothes are also close to the same, with only a few different patterns.

This gave Xiaozhi a weird feeling as if he was looking in a mirror.

But the spirit of his Pikachu is much better than his own.



Even Pikachu and Latias looked left and right with small heads, their faces were full of confusion, and it was difficult to tell the difference.

Is this Shining Ash?


On the field, the singles battle has already begun.

The one sent by Xiaozhi, a local, was naturally his number one general, Pikachu.


And the opponent is a thick and huge water arrow turtle, which seems to be of a high level!

Seeing that there were no vacant seats around, Xiaozhi simply stood at the back, crossing his chest and carefully watching.

Just look at the strength of this local Xiaozhi!

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

This Pikachu tensed its body, a strong golden electric current came out of its body, bending and lasing, the power visible to the naked eye is powerful!

"Water arrow turtle, use the water cannon!!"

Behind the water arrow turtle is a trainer named Jiang Tai, whose figure is somewhat similar to that of the water arrow turtle.

Whoosh! !

Whoosh! !

Immediately, two thick streams of water roared out from the barrel of Blastoise's shoulders!

Boom...! !

The high-pressure water cannon collided with the 100,000 volts in mid-air, and immediately exploded completely, with violent tremors echoing around.

Evenly matched!

"Blazka, use a megaton punch!!"

After successfully blocking the opponent's dangerous electric shock, Jiang Tai even threw a punch and took the initiative to attack.

Blastoise immediately took heavy steps, the muscles of its right arm swelled, and the fist part even flashed a dangerous white light.

The hill-shaped body swooped up, punching the petite Pikachu into a patty!

"Pikachu, use the electric light to dodge!!"

Xiaozhi naturally has countermeasures.

Immediately, Pikachu quickly ran around the arena, and with his flexible movements, he easily avoided Blastoise's heavy punch.

Seizing the opportunity, the local Xiaozhi suddenly shouted:

"Now, use Iron Tail!!"

This Pikachu had a tacit understanding with him, and immediately lowered its figure, facing Blastoise with a sliding shovel.

When approaching the target, the body twitched and reversed, and the steel tail at the end whipped out!

Whoosh! !

A blunt metal explosion exploded, and the metal tail hit Blastoise's lower limbs heavily!


This also made the Water Arrow Turtle's face darken, and it let out a whine.

The thick body even half-kneeled on the ground.

The steel tail on the lower plate directly played the effect of kicking down!

This is not friendly to fat house Pokémon with a high weight.

And Pikachu has also come under the water arrow turtle.


The thief's small head showed a sly smile upwards.

"Now, use the most powerful thunder trick!!"

In the next moment, an extremely powerful electric spark burst out from Pikachu's tiny body.

Boom boom! !

The golden electric current soared into the sky, turning into a majestic beam of thunder and lightning, and even completely covered and engulfed the almost zero-distance water arrow turtle!

The current burst! !

The body of the Blastoise seemed to melt under the dazzling electric light, its eyes turned white, and it let out a continuous whining sound.


When the lightning dissipated, the body crashed down, losing the ability to fight on the spot!

"The Blastoise loses its ability to fight, so in this match, Pikachu and Xiaozhi will win!"

The intelligent robot issued a verdict immediately!


The exciting and exciting battle, and the fact that such a violent electric current can be seen from a Pokémon like an electric mouse, made the audience applaud and applaud loudly!


"This guy, it's not easy..."

Standing at the end of the stands, Xiao Zhi couldn't help being surprised after watching the entire game.

The level of this local Xiaozhi is much higher than he expected.

Adaptive tactics, calm performance, and decisive attack without hesitation... This is a seasoned senior trainer!

To challenge the League Conference at this level, it is not surprising that the first four will be the top four, and the runner-up will not be surprising.

No matter how lucky you are, you may even be a champion...

The battle was too short, and he couldn't see the latter's true strength.


It seemed that he had noticed a strange line of sight, which made Xiao Zhi, who was below the arena, subconsciously turn his head to look at the spectator seats.

His little friends, Xiaoyao, Xiaogang, Xiaosheng, and the others were all on one side of the stand...but he looked towards the end of the auditorium.

Standing at the back, a trainer who also carried Pikachu on his shoulders attracted the attention of the local Xiaozhi.

"Snowman Pikachu? It's incredible..."

Seeing the off-white Pikachu on Xiaozhi's shoulder for the first time, the local Xiaozhi was slightly taken aback.

In his hometown, there is a legend of Snowman Kirby...

Then there should be a snowman Pikachu, right?

It's this person's face, why is it a mess?

Obviously it was the first time I saw this person, but it gave him a very strange feeling, like...

Looking in the mirror?

The thinking failed, and the local Xiaozhi no longer paid attention to the former, but celebrated the achievement of 18 consecutive victories with his own Pikachu.

To be honest, even he himself was a little surprised... The winning streak against the battle tower is no ordinary trainer on the side of the road.

But it was still easily won by him.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Every time he jumps out of the gym alliance challenge trip and goes to a certain city for vacation and relaxation, both his own and Pikachu's abilities will become much stronger...?

This gave Xiaozhi a strong self-confidence.

Even the king of the alliance, who is usually difficult to defeat, is now confident that he can win on the spot!

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