He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1184 White stone, the way home

"Would you like to meet a relative..."

Xiaozhi was still standing in the background hesitating, but when the game ended below, several people went up to meet him, and soon dragged the local Xiaozhi away.

It seems that he is going to Xiaoqinggong.

Now the local Xiaozhi has won 18 consecutive victories, and is likely to become the no.1 in this week's ranking.

"You can't take it lightly..."

Xiao Gang, a local, touched his chin and said seriously with his eyes beside him.

This also means that the next opponent is probably not easy.

Having said that, how do you feel that Xiaozhi's strength has improved by leaps and bounds these days?

He is the man who knows Xiaozhi best, and he can clearly feel that when they entered Larus City, the fighting power between Xiaozhi and Pikachu soared.

Before the outsider Xiaozhi approached, a group of people laughed and left... Today's singles match against the battle tower also came to an end.

"So this world, is he traveling with this group of people?"

Xiaozhi watched the few people leave.

In addition to the same Xiaogang, there are more siblings Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng on this side.

Teacher Gang here seems to be more reliable. He will never get sick when he sees a beautiful big sister.

"I don't know what Xiao Lan is like in this world?"

Xiaozhi was not in a hurry to meet up, anyway, he had been here for the past few days, so he couldn't run away.

Without thinking too much, he followed the crowd and slowly walked out of the battle tower.

The most urgent task now is to find the way home.

Just came to this city for a day and nothing happened.

"By the way... why do I always feel as if I can think of something when I think of the word 'the way home'?"

Xiaozhi thought carefully, but couldn't recall anything.

At this time, there was a calm voice in my mind.

"White stone."

From the memory of the red brother.


Xiaozhi immediately shook his body and stopped in the middle of the road.

A special off-white Pikachu on the shoulder.

In addition, the beautiful maid who followed seemed to be only available to feudal nobles, which attracted many people's attention.

"What landlord young master..."

"Bring another vase, and another beautiful woman..."

But Xiaozhi ignored the surrounding discussions and remembered everything in his mind.

That's right, there was such a sentence in Ms. Ge Jihua's prophecy when she was still in Luling City.

"White stones will guide you on your way home."

At that time, I was still in a daze for a long time, why did he need anything to go home.

But now this situation can be completely matched...

It means that the prophecy has even predicted that he will be transported to other worlds? !

"The power of metaphysics is really great..."

I seem to have been emotional several times today.

So that white stone is the key to his return home?

At that time, he went to Luling City and touched the white stone growing in the suburbs, but there was no reaction.

It's useless now...

"Could it be that white stone, which is only useful in other worlds, and my own world is just a stone?"

There was light in Xiaozhi's eyes.

I don't know why, but my brain is spinning very fast today.

In short, go to the Green Ridge City in this world and you will know!

But don't worry, the qualifying match here will be finished in two days, let's beat the local Liuli gymnasium master first, Ye Bu can't...



In the city of Larousse, in a certain high-tech research institute.

A middle-aged doctor wearing gold-rimmed glasses was staring straight at the petri dish in front of him.

In the vessel, in addition to various nutrient solutions, there is also a green fluorite floating.

Crystal clear, about the size of an elf egg.


The middle-aged doctor held his breath, and slowly turned on the switch in front, and strange shots shot out from both sides, aiming at the fluorite in the petri dish.

In the calm flow of nutrient solution, this fluorite unexpectedly showed a faint phantom of energy.

call out...!

With the gem as the center, it continues to spread and solidify towards the surroundings, and gradually expands into a human shape.

And the solid part closest to the center is the orange-red stump body...

"Sure enough, nutrient solution alone is useless for Deoxys' restoration, and special electromagnetic light is also needed...!"

The middle-aged doctor's eyes showed joy, and he spoke.

He is Deoxys, who witnessed the falling meteor on the polar ice sheet a few years ago, and Dr. Rondo, who fought against the Rift.

And the news didn't write it all.

At that time, Deoxys actually came down with a green fluorite in his hand.

Afterwards, the body was completely crushed by the Rift Seat and fell into the sea of ​​ice.

And Rikkakuza returned to the ozone layer and went away.

Except for the green fluorite left behind... Dr. Rendo brought this fluorite back to Larousse City.

According to his research, Deoxys is a Pokémon that can regenerate...

As long as his source of life - the gem on his chest is not destroyed, his body can still recover.

And this fluorite is probably the heart of another Deoxys.

"It seems that Deoxys entered this planet from the universe forcibly in order to find a way to restore his companion, but was intercepted by the Rift Seat..."

Dr. Rendo looked at Deoxys, who was in the middle of training, recovering his body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After several years of research, he finally found an electromagnetic wave with a frequency similar to that of Deoxys.

As for Rikakuza... This is a god with a strong sense of territory. He doesn't distinguish between indiscriminate and indiscriminate. As long as the living things pass through the ozone layer from the outside, they are his endless enemies.

"Doctor... got it again, another Deoxys!"

At this time, a female assistant came up behind her, and the screen of the tablet computer in her hand was still an afterimage of Deoxys.

The gem on the chest of Deoxys is purple, but it is different from the green fluorite in the petri dish.

"It's been three years, and he has finally recovered from the attack of the Rift Seat..."

Dr. Rondo nodded.

From the looks of it, are you here to find your companion?

"This Deoxys can fully recover in two days at most... I hope that one will not do anything in these two days."

Dr. Londo said with emotion, turning his hands behind his back.

He's one of those rare... theatrical decent Doctors.

It's really just a simple thought, to help Deoxys recover and heal his wounds.

It's just that the other one is sneaky and can't communicate normally at all.

"One more thing, doctor...we also got a picture."

The female assistant looked carefully and handed over the tablet again.

In the picture, there is a green giant dragon with golden and black cracks on its slender body, carrying a mighty might.

Flying over the city of Larousse... but did nothing.

"Sure enough, the Rift Seat is here too..."

Dr. Rendo's expression suddenly turned worried.

Without completely crushing these two Deoxyses, the king of the sky will not give up...

At that time, there won't be a fight in Larousse City, right?

Now is the tourist season, the flow of people here is outrageous!

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