He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1199 Just Trust Xiaozhi

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The black cracked seat naturally opened its mouth suddenly, and the huge dragon wave also slanted out, turning into a huge dragon-shaped pulse.

Boom boom boom...!!

The two moves collided and frantically stalemate in mid-air.

The coercion of the airflow raged towards the surroundings, and a violent storm airflow blew up the entire city of Larousse.

And the three Deoxys kept exerting their strength, and when the three were united, they were even stronger in terms of strength. They began to suppress the destructive death light, and kept pushing back.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

This scene also made Likongzao very angry.

The next moment, the whole body burst into bright colorful light, turning the body into a huge energy cocoon egg.


With the complete rupture of the energy cocoon, the cracked empty seat also took on a brand new appearance.

A wider dragon-shaped body, red rune orbs flashing, a sharp and thorny head with dragon horns, and that incomparably cool golden energy beard...

Mega empty seats! !

Boom boom boom! !

Entering the mega-evolved black crack seat, the power instantly soared by a level, and the dragon energy pulse gushing out of the mouth also soared several times in an instant, crushing three spiritual superchargers all the way, and pushing away!

"We can't let them fight any longer!"

Xiao Zhi, who was above Latias, had a tense expression.

At this moment, the strength of both sides has reached a new level.

This also made Larus City below the biggest victim.

"Please, Brother Chaomeng, help me!"

Xiaozhi quickly opened his mouth and said silently in his heart.


Chaomeng's voice was concise and concise, and the blue light of Nianli immediately covered Xiaozhi's body.


The next moment, Xiaozhi's figure instantly disappeared in place.


This time, Pikachu learned how to behave, and directly used super speed, forcibly broke through the shackles of Mewtwo's mind power, and landed on Latias' back.

Well, this time it chooses to watch rationally.


He even yelled, directing Latias to keep a safe distance.

What they have to do, just trust Xiaozhi.



On the other side, Xiaozhi appeared out of nowhere above the Rifting Seat, and stepped on top of his head again.

Both hands are also familiarly held on the wide dragon horns of the cracked seat.

"It's you again...!!"

Mega Rikuza naturally also noticed Xiaozhi's appearance.

For thousands of years, there was only such a human being who dared to step on his head several times, even if he didn't see Xiaozhi, he could react.

"Boss Dragon God, let's not talk about the past, that..."

Before he finished speaking, the will of Likongzao's god had come to him, making Xiaozhi's head buzzing.

"Little devil, don't think that you can really step on my head recklessly...!!"

And do I know you well? !

"Wait a minute, boss, don't fight these three Deoxys, the city below will be completely blown up by you!!"

Xiaozhi quickly opened his mouth and said.

"What does the city where humans live have anything to do with me?"

However, Rikakuza had nothing to do with it.

In Rikuza's mind, there is no concept of a human city at all.

"Boss, and these three Deoxys are just looking for companions, not evil people."

Xiaozhi continued talking, trying to persuade the fight.

Looking at the battle in this way, although Deoxys is an "alien virus", it actually did not cause any damage to the planet.

Exactly like normal Pokémon...

Just the birth point, turned into a space universe.

"Looking for a companion, what does it have to do with me?"

However, this reason is even more ignored by Li Kongzao.

As long as it breaks through the atmosphere, it is its deadly enemy!

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

The roar of the dragon exploded again, and a wave of dragon waves that destroyed the world roared away. The nearly 90-degree strafing shot not only swept out a vacuum trace in the sky.

Even the surface of the entire city was swept out into a huge straight gully, and the cracked cross-section seeped into people.


The three Deoxys quickly set up a defensive barrier, and the wave of the dragon bombarded the three of them at the same time, sputtering out terrifying fire fragments.

The war broke out again!

This time, Likongzao doesn't care about Xiaozhi on his head...

Riding and riding, he seemed to have instinctively accepted that there was a person standing on his head.

The dragon's claws and the waves of the dragon came alternately, crushing the three Deoxys thoroughly.

Once it enters the state of mega evolution, even the joint attack of the three Deoxys will be firmly suppressed, and it will only be a matter of time before they lose.

And the black crack seat is also more inclined to use the final "finishing touch" to finish when the target is about to fail.

Like a string of candied haws, it penetrates and breaks in an instant!

Then he sprints into the high-altitude clouds, leaving an indelible and peerless back view of himself high above everything on the ground!


"I can't let him fight anymore..."

Standing on the dragon's head, Xiaozhi's expression gradually became serious.

It's not just that the three Deoxys are about to fail, the whole city is about to collapse... There are still many humans below who have no time to take refuge.

It's just that at this moment, Likongzao is completely in high spirits, and his words can't reach his ears at all.

Watching the wave of the dragon gushing out from the Rift Seat, it continuously bombarded the three Deoxys.

Xiaozhi's heart was pounding, and a bold idea rose in his mind.

"No matter, take a gamble...!"

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he pulled out an elf ball in his hand.

Immediately, his eyes were fixed on the bottom, he held his breath, and kept an eye on the battle situation.

"It's now!!"

When Likongzao was about to spray out the wave of the second magic dragon, Xiao Zhi held the poke ball tightly and jumped down from Likongzuo's body.

Under the action of gravity, the body fell rapidly, and soon landed in front of Deoxys' body.

"Little devil, are you courting death?!"

Unexpectedly, Xiaozhi suddenly blocked the attack trajectory, and Mega Likongzao looked anxious.

It's just that the dragon energy in his mouth can't hold back any longer, so he can only shoot out almost obliquely!

Dragon Wave! !

Boom! !

The wave of the dragon released by the mega evolution state, the energy of the dragon attribute is at its peak.

The sudden appearance of humans also stunned the three Deoxys.

The phantom impact that seemed to be able to crush all dragons had already arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye, and it was too late to resist.

But Xiaozhi kept his face tense, and quickly pressed the poke ball.


There was a crisp sound, and amidst the flashing red light, a phantom of a gray-black dragon head statue was held in front of him.

Dragon Pillar!

About 1.8 meters long, Xiaozhi directly grasped the two horns of the fire-breathing dragon, and propped it up in front of him like a shield.

Boom boom boom! !

In the next moment, Nuo Da's dragon waves bombarded the Dragon God Pillar.

A very different scene appeared.

The Dragon God Pillar, which seemed to be collapsed in an instant, was filled with mysterious power at this moment, and it completely devoured and absorbed the thick dragon-shaped shock wave!

Zizizi...! !

Like a sponge, there is no end, constantly sucking the waves of the dragon!

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