He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1200 Dragon God Pillar vs. Crack Kongza!


Xiaozhi only felt that the dragon head statue in his hand began to tremble crazily.

This gave him a feeling as if he was about to split apart... and there was an astonishing aura spreading outward, a high-ranking, incomparably domineering aura.

This is the domineering coercion exclusive to dragon-type Pokémon!

Seeing that Xiaozhi would not be able to die for a while, the black cracked seat above was relieved.

"This is...?"

It's just that the dragon head statue that Xiaozhi is holding in his hand looks very strange.

He has never heard of anything that can directly absorb his dragon wave...

Embittered, Lie Kongzao began to crazily mobilize the dragon energy in his body, and the dragon wave continuously spewed out from his mouth.


But like a meat bun beating a dog, it was absorbed into the dragon head statue without the slightest stagnation.


And Xiaozhi is still suspended in mid-air with the help of his thoughts.

This was the power of the Deoxys behind them, and they all felt that this human was here to help.

It's just that dragon attribute energy can be absorbed, but the dragon wave still has an extremely strong impact, a huge momentum, which makes Xiao Zhi's face become messy and flushed.


This process lasted for nearly five minutes.

"Cough cough cough...!!"

Until the end, even the Mega Rift Seat reached the limit of his lung capacity, interrupted the dragon's wave, and coughed in the air.

And Xiaozhi also felt that the Dragon God Pillar he was holding tightly in his hand had been completely activated!


There was a sound of broken eggshells, which made Xiao Zhi quickly let go of his hands.

Even without the support of thoughts, the Dragon God Pillar is still suspended in mid-air.

This made the upper and lower groups of people pay attention to the latter for a while.

Click, click...! !

The sound of splitting became more and more intense, and I saw that this dragon-shaped statue was completely separated from the middle!

On one side is the upper jaw with dragon horns and eyes, and on the other is the lower jaw.

It's like a fire-breathing dragon opened its mouth to the limit, and then the amplitude has not stopped, and even the throat part is split into two from top to bottom...

The next moment, in the dragon head statue, a brand new Pokémon appeared in everyone's sight.

It was a huge dark red ball with faint cracks all over its body, and strange dot marks were carved on its surface.

The lower part of the ball protrudes two short lower limbs.

The gray-black dragon-shaped statues that were split before were now floating on both sides of the red ball, shaped like two arms.

Looking from a distance, it is a fire-breathing dragon with its head vertically down, its mouth open, and a big red ball in its mouth.

Dragon Pillar!

"Is this what the Dragon God Pillar really looks like?!"

Xiaozhi looked excited, and finally woke up!

It is this curious shape, which is even less like the Three Gods Pillar series than the Dian Shen Pillar!

The illustration book in the pocket also automatically made a broadcast sound.

"Didi. Dragon God Pillar - Reggie Drago, the whole body is composed of dragon energy crystallization, a Pokémon created by the ancients, but because the latter's power is too terrifying, only a head was created in the end Ministry, then give up and seal it up."

"Reggie Drago..."

Xiaozhi read the lengthy name again, and then...he chose Dragon God Pillar.

Simple and easy to understand without being a mouthful.


After waking up, the Dragon God Pillar uttered a strange frequency cry similar to that of the Electric God Pillar, and dots flickered on its face.

However, it is not like the Dian Shen Pillar, which can extend its energy and limbs to jump around... Instead, it is tightly suspended in midair, quite calm.

His eyes turned to the black flying dragon in the sky.


"Hmph, with your big ball, do you dare to challenge my Longwei...?!"

Likongza immediately let out an angry roar. Although he didn't recognize it, he could feel that the Pokémon in front of him was of dragon type.

But the latter didn't have the slightest admiration for him...

He is the strongest dragon! !

Boom whoosh! !

Opening his mouth, another wave of merciless and terrifying dragon waves bombarded down! !


Suspended in mid-air, sensing the danger coming, the ball of the Dragon God Pillar did not move, but the arms of the statues on both sides were raised.

Between the slightly closed teeth, aim at the target.

Boom boom whoosh! !

The next moment, a beam of the same thick dragon wave bombarded out from the Dragon God Pillar! !

The two beams of dragon waves collided head-on in the air, and they all turned into phantoms of giant dragons with teeth and claws, tearing at each other frantically!

Boom boom boom! !

In the end, it exploded violently, but no one overwhelmed anyone.

"Hiss, so strong..."

Standing behind, Xiaozhi opened his mouth wide.

Being able to split 50-50 with the mega split empty seat, the power of this Dragon God Pillar is exaggerated to the extreme.

However, his electric god column has the characteristic that can greatly increase his own power-transistor.

The Dragon God Pillar should have similar characteristics.

"Dragon...dragon jaw?"

A word popped up in his mind, and Xiao Zhi also named this feature that can greatly enhance the power of dragon energy on the spot.


Seeing that his moves didn't work, the Dragon God Pillar started to attack actively.

Waving the arms of the dragon head on both sides, countless small fragments were immediately shaken out, and they broke through the air one after another, shining brightly along the way.


Sensing the danger of the move, Lie Kongzao subconsciously launched the swift move, and his snake-like body moved and swam in the air, dodging countless scales and broken stars.

"Didi. Move - Scale Shot: Flying out dense dragon scales, while causing damage, its own speed increases and its defense power decreases."

The illustrated book automatically reminded.

Seeing a little guy, he dared to take the initiative to attack himself...

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

The figure of Likongzao, who roared like thunder, flowed rapidly in the air, and his jet-black body was covered with a layer of turquoise light.

The whole body stretched even more straight, turning into a bunch of cyan arrows that could pierce through everything, and finally shot obliquely.

The finishing touch! ! !

In an instant, a beam of cyan laser light suddenly fell from the sky! !


The Dragon God Pillar did not panic, and soon made strange movements.

Its body was turned sideways, and the dragon head statues on both sides were in a bite shape, holding the main body in its mouth.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, a pink-purple laser beam of dragon energy also shot out! !

Looking at it from a distance, it really looks like a gray fire-breathing dragon spouting moves!

The power of the dragon! !

Like the lightning cage of the Lightning God Pillar, the mighty dragon power is the exclusive move of the Dragon God Pillar.

Combined with the characteristic dragon jaw, the power of this move has reached the extreme!

The pink-purple energy laser shot straight into the sky, and a turquoise laser beam fell from the sky!

Zizizi! !

The head-on collision of the two beams of laser moves produced an extremely ear-piercing electric crackling sound, forcing everyone to plug their ears and look uncomfortable.

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

Just accompanied by the deafening roar of the dragon, the power of mega cracking the empty seat exploded for the second time!

In the end, the cyan laser beam falling obliquely completely broke through the power of the giant dragon, and its stamina was endless, and its power was overwhelming! !

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