He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1201 Crystallization of Spiritual Power

Boom! !

The finishing touch hit the Dragon God Pillar head-on.

The strong impact instantly sent the latter flying like a cannonball, making it impossible to stop.


It wasn't until the Dragon God Pillar hit a building that it stopped its backward trajectory.

"Dragon God Pillar...!"

Xiaozhi's expression was anxious, this wouldn't just blow him up right after he came out, right?

"Hmph, this is a lesson for those who dare to challenge Longwei..."

Likongzuo let out a cold snort, and soared into the air again, revealing his peerless figure.

It's not a big problem, he finally collected 7 layers of strength, just to teach this junior a lesson, but it won't completely blow up the latter.

After some venting, Likongzao recovered his composure.

The body of this little ball contains incomparable dragon energy.

This energy is not the dragon's wave that I launched earlier, it is completely its own power...

His Dragon Wave only serves as a key to unlock the lock.


Realizing that Li Kongzao had kept his hand away, Xiaozhi's face immediately relaxed.

I can only hope that Dragon God Pillar is okay...

Right now, persuasion is the priority.

Xiaozhi quickly stood between the two groups of people who became tense again.

"Wait a minute, Boss Dragon God, your purpose is to let them leave this planet, right? You don't have to kill them!"

These words made Likongzao stop.

But there is no answer, which is regarded as the default.

If he rolls away by himself, he really doesn't need to do it.

"Then leave it to me, I will communicate!"

Xiaozhi quickly gave the latter a calm motion, turned around and looked at the three Deoxys.

It seems that after a fun fight, Likongzao's mood improved a lot.

call out...!

Under the influence of thought power, the three Deoxys and Xiao Zhi gradually floated to the ground.

Xiaozhi also quickly told the reason why the three of them were so hostile by Likongzao.

The three Deoxys have extraordinary intelligence, so they can naturally understand.


There was only a moment of silence, and they looked a little hesitant.

After entering this planet, the three of them more or less fell in love with this world.

Nobody likes living a life adrift in a lonely space universe all the time.

But the empty seat in front of them made them extremely afraid...


Xiaozhi's low curse made the three Deoxys stunned.

"The three of you go out now... When you come back next time, remember to stop when you are outside the atmosphere, and then use teleportation to bypass the atmosphere and come in."

Xiaozhi said in a low voice.

What Rikkakuza has been emphasizing is foreign objects that pass through the atmosphere...

Wouldn't it be fine if you don't travel through time?

Teleportation can be charged. With the abilities of the three of them, if they charge for a period of time, they can instantly teleport to the other side of the atmosphere without anyone noticing.

"!" "!" "!"

The three Deoxys were stunned again, and at the same time retreated tactically.

With the expressionless facial features, it looks a little funny.

It seems... indeed.

And the Rifting Seat in the sky seemed to have heard Xiao Zhi's words, but there was no change.

It was the golden energy dragon beard on the head, but it trembled.

Dude, play word games with me, huh...? !

If it were any other human beings, he would have already dressed himself as a candied haws together with the three alien monkeys behind him!

"Wu~~!" "Wu~~!" "Wu~~!"

Seeing that it was indeed a solution, the three Deoxys immediately danced around Xiaozhi to express their gratitude.

"But now you three, let's leave here for now... At least, don't appear in front of that guy above."

Well, Likkakuza and Deoxys are completely in conflict with each other.

It's like when Miaomiao sees an electric mouse, she naturally salivates and pounces on it, there is no other possibility.

"Wu~!" Among them, the purple-core Deoxys seemed to be the big brother, and nodded solemnly, preparing to leave the planet first.

Next time, sneak in without anyone noticing!

"Uh, although I'm a little embarrassed...but before you leave, can you give me a token of God?"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly thought of something and asked.

He hasn't forgotten Brother Chi's body, and he still needs tokens of God one by one.

The power of the three Deoxys in front of them killed all the local cracked empty seats, and they should have reached this level.

I don't know when the next goodbye will be. If you can collect it now, collect it as soon as possible.


After explaining for a long time, the three Deoxys understood what a "God's Token" was.

Looking at each other, the three finally nodded.

If the fight continues, the three of them will definitely die, this time maybe even the energy core will be completely crushed by this evil dragon...

The human in front of them is their savior!

"Wu~" "Wu~" "Wu~"

Immediately, the three Deoxys flew around, their tentacles connected together, and then moved to the center together.

Buzz! !

Mental power began to be highly compressed...

But this time, instead of the destructive aura of spiritual supercharging, there was a warm aura of life echoing.

Over the entire city of Larousse, the beautiful polar aurora flickered again.

call out...!

The next moment, the thought power took shape and turned into a crystalline core the size of a pigeon egg.

Purple meets green, and finally turns into... blue!

A blue crystal core fell into Xiaozhi's hands.

This also made the three Deoxys weaker in an instant.

"This is...?"

Starting with the small crystal ball, Xiaozhi can feel the majestic spiritual power and vitality coming from the small ball in the palm of his hand, just like...

A fairy egg? !

It was obviously only the size of a small ball, but it gave Xiaozhi a weird feeling like an elf egg.

Wait, have you three misunderstood me? !


But after the three Deoxys took a last look at the empty seat, they formed a triangular formation and flew into the sky together, and disappeared after a while.


Surprisingly, this time, Likongzao didn't make a sound to stop him, but just watched silently.

It wasn't until the three alien monkeys were sensed that they had completely left the atmosphere that they snorted coldly, and the majestic dragon eyes fell below.

Temporarily putting away this inexplicable spiritual crystal, Xiao Zhi quickly sent a polite greeting upwards.

"As expected of the boss of the Dragon God, his strength is also unmatched by dragons!"

He said flatteringly.


Likongzao just snorted coldly again, without answering.

Before he knew it, he seemed to have accepted this inexplicable title.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho!!"

However, at the next moment, there was another roar of a roaring dragon, carrying an incomparably overbearing dragon's power.

Xiaozhi's face changed, and it was the local cracked empty seat that fell on the streets of Larousse City before, and it woke up again!

It's just that before it roared for half a minute, the roar of the dragon above seemed even more explosive.


Following that, there was also a beam of purple-black energy, shooting obliquely from the air!

Before this local cracking seat could react, the extremely powerful destructive death light had already completely exploded on his body!

Boom boom boom! !

The huge explosion sound directly blasted a huge deep pit and crack in this street.

This also made the consciousness of this local cracked empty seat become blurred and dim again, and it crashed to the ground...

Xiaozhi: "..."

As expected of the boss of the Dragon God, he is always so good at beating his own kind...

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