He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 120 Tool Bird Training Cheats

"Ah ho ho!!"

Firestorm Monkey's whole body was glowing red, and he struck out with a heavy punch, knocking out Abo Snake and Gas Bomb at the front with one punch, and then rushed towards Kojiro and the others non-stop.




The strength surged, and every fist and kick was surrounded by a layer of terrifying red light of dragon aura, with an extremely domineering aura.

Inverse scale.

Although the general fire monkey's skills when it is in a rage are more to make a scene, but this fire monkey uniquely used the dragon attribute big move, Ni Lin.

It's not a skill of this attribute, but it's even more powerful!

This skill can launch a series of terrifying attacks for several rounds, after which it will fall into a state of confusion.

But at this moment, the state of chaos is definitely a great tonic for the Fire Monkey. Now it only needs to wave its iron fist indiscriminately in the crowd.

"Papa papa!"

After a few rounds, the Rockets trio had been beaten so blue that they didn't even recognize their own mother, their bones were crackling, their feet were trembling and they couldn't close their legs.

"What should we do? Shall we save it?"

Xiaoxia couldn't bear to look directly at her eyes and covered her eyes with her palms, but the melon-eating light revealed in the gap was particularly dazzling.

Xiao Zhi waved his hands, and said to himself:

"It's okay, these people have thicker skins than me."

If he had followed the instructions in the illustration book just now, the consequences would have been unimaginable.

But now that someone else is the victim, the mood immediately becomes more comfortable.



Pyromonkey swung his iron fist again, made a bang, and knocked the entire Rocket team down with a beautiful uppercut.

Then there was another blow and kick in the air, kicking everyone into the sky.

It is avenging its previous kick!


Like a rocket rising into the sky, the trio of the Rockets began to howl fiercely in traditional arts.

Today is not being electrified into the sky by Pikachu, it is not enough! !

“We will definitely be back!!”

The trio raised their middle fingers and made a final pose in the sky, before quickly turning into meteors and disappearing into the sky.


"Ah ho ho!!"

The shooting stars dispersed, and the fire monkey beat its chest on the spot, and let out a victorious roar again.

At this moment, several rounds have passed, and it has come out of the chaotic state, and then it looked at the remaining idlers on the field with sharp and fierce eyes.

Three people: "!"


Xiaoxia Xiaogang backhanded Xiaozhi who was in the front.

Xiaozhi: "?"

But he quickly came back to his senses and focused all his attention on his eyes.

The latter's powerful iron fist just now made him very jealous, and it happened that none of the team could punch, and the fire monkey in front of him was definitely the best monkey choice.

Although his own Geng Gui also knew how to punch the farmer three times, but he was always trembling with anger, and his punches were completely out of order.

Thinking of this Xiaozhi pressed his hat, his expression was full of vigor!

Although his hat has been robbed now, it's just that Void made a movement of pressing the hat, but the posture still needs to be done.

"Pikachu, it's definitely you!"

With a wave of Xiaozhi's thumb, he immediately dispatched his ace general!

"Pika pickup..."

Pikachu's lazy voice interrupted his fighting spirit, and he turned his head to see that the latter was half-lying against a stone wall, holding a cup of teacup engraved with the lightning logo in his little paws, with green smoke curling up and the fragrance of tea permeating the air.

Roughly speaking, I just finished my meal and it's time for a tea break.

It is not advisable to exercise vigorously, which is easy to appendicitis.

Xiaozhi: "..."

Seeing the fire monkey on the opposite side, he couldn't restrain its prehistoric power and rushed towards him directly. Xiaozhi no longer counted on the electric mouse, and took out a poke ball with his backhand.

Although it is true that he will not necessarily lose if he plays in person, there is one thing to say, he is a Pokémon trainer, not a fighter.

Respect for this world.

Still have to give.

"It's up to you, Gong Bibi Bird!" Xiao Zhi shouted loudly.

Attribute restraint is the eternal god! !

"By calling!!"

Bibi bird fluttered its wings from the red light, and gave a high-pitched cry. Its sharp eagle eyes scanned the fire monkey in front of it without fear.

As for why Xiaozhi didn't just call it the tool bird by its nickname, there is actually a question in it.

According to Brother Chi's tool man training cheats, a perfect training process is divided into stages, and now Bibi Bird is in a situation where you can steal a chicken to call a tool bird in a crisis, but you still can't call it casually in normal times.

On reflection, the dire consequences of Pokémon killing the master may occur.

So now he has to steal the chicken a few more times, about 100 times, before Bibi Bird can really adapt to this title.

However, according to the ultimate meaning of Brother Chi, the ultimate stage of perfection of a tool man is that it will even be proud of this title because you call it a tool man, from the inside out, from the depths of the soul.

The successful case is the green eagle, which has been trained to perfection by Chi.

"Bibi Bird, this guy is quite strong, be careful."

Xiaozhi reminded cautiously.

Although the fire monkey has just evolved, its strength is not like it just evolved, it is very strong.

Seeing that the opponent didn't take the initiative to attack, Xiaozhi shouted suddenly:

"Quick attack, Bibi Bird, use Galestorm!"

"By calling!!"

The Bibi bird flapped its wings, blowing out a hurricane, but the power was not strong, and the fire monkey stood still in the wind, staring closely at the Bibi bird, allowing its fur to be blown by the violent wind.

"Then use flying sand feet to cover your sight!"

Xiaozhi quickly changed his strategy.

Hearing that the Bibi bird landed, it began to throw flying sand continuously by taking advantage of the sand on the ground.

"Ah ho ho!!"

The flying sand kick has just started, and the fire monkey swung its fist violently, and the strong wind blows away the flying sand.

Immediately, it put its fists on its waist and roared loudly, a faint golden light appeared on its body, and its aura suddenly became extremely aggressive.

"Xiaozhi, this trick is called Qi Gathering, and its next skill is easy to hit the vitals! Don't get hit!"

Xiao Gang at the back hastily reminded.

Before the words were finished, Firestorm Monkey made a sudden move, jumped into the air, and kicked Bibi Bird away.

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he seized the opportunity when the other party jumped into the air, and shouted:

"Bibi Bird, just use Yan Fan like this!"

Firestorm Monkey kicked Bibi Bird head-on.


This is just a phantom!

At this moment, the real Bibi bird has flown to the crotch of the fire monkey, and the bird's beak is shining with an extremely penetrating white light.

"By calling!!"

Bibi Bird, covered in white light, shot out suddenly, attacking the lower body of Huo Baohou.

At this moment, the latter was in an awkward state of floating, kicking the air to reveal a gap, and was hit head-on by Bibi Bird's blow!

The effect is outstanding! !

Firestorm Monkey backed up again and again, turning several somersaults in mid-air before stabilizing itself.


When it landed, it raised its arms and roared, and a fierce golden light appeared from its body again! !

Xiaozhi's face was blurred by the aura of Qi gathering, and he couldn't help but let him shed a few drops of sweat.

"Damn it, didn't this trick decide the outcome!?"

The most tenacious thing about fighting-type Pokémon is their fighting spirit. With this unyielding will, no one knows how far they can go!

"Bibi Bird, let's do Yanhui again!!"

Xiaozhi could only attack again.

Bibi's figure was as fast as lightning, and his nimble body turned into a phantom white light in the air, with a dangerous edge shining at the tip.

"By calling!!"

Yan Fan took the monkey's head directly from the fire storm monkey! !

Seeing this, the latter calmed down instead. Facing the oncoming white light, he slightly bent his knees, shifted his body's center of gravity down, and assumed a misty posture.


A roar came out suddenly, and the fire monkey made a lightning move, clasped his palms together, and made a gesture of exploding stars in front of his forehead.

And it was Bibi's sharp beak that got stuck in his palm.

The extremely swift Yan Fan was stuck in front of the forehead by the fire monkey just a few inches away, unable to move forward.

"Ah ho ho!!"

Immediately, the Fiery Monkey punched out suddenly! !

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