He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 121 Subdue the Firestorm Monkey!

Firestorm Monkey blasted out with a punch, hitting Bibi Bird's side body, and the latter dropped a few feathers immediately, and retreated like a cannonball.

"Better called..."

When Bibi Bird got up again, it was a little unsteady, trembling all over, like a candle in the wind.

"Is that possible!?"

Xiaozhi was shocked. As a bird-type Pokémon, how could Bibi Bird be smashed into such a miserable state by an iron fist.

"Xiaozhi, it may be a hit!"

The two behind quickly reminded.

Hit the key, sometimes the damage is not much weaker than the attribute restraint.

And looking at the position where Bibi Bird was hit just now, there is a high probability that it is...

The kidney was blown off!

As a male Pokémon, this hits the nail on the head more than it hits the nail on the head.

At this moment, it supported its waist with its wings, and looked miserable, just like Xiao Mao who had climbed three flights of stairs, holding his waist and panting for kidney deficiency.

"Can you still hold on, Bibi Bird?"

Xiaozhi asked worriedly.

But it's not a big problem. Humans have two kidneys, and birds naturally have two kidneys. If you blow one, you're still a man!

"By calling!!"

Bibi Bird raised his spirit and fluttered his wings, his expression became extremely angry, and his fighting spirit reached its peak!

"What we need is this momentum, and we will be invincible!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was also infected by Bibi Bird's blood. He punched hard and issued the ultimate instruction:

"Take advantage of this momentum, let's use Tailwind!!"

"By calling!!"

Although this order was somewhat inexplicable, Bibi still flapped its wings, blowing a tailwind like a soldier who had been appraised.

In the next second, a strange airflow began to occupy the field.

The skill of Tailwind is not an attack skill, but it can allow allies on the field to be blessed by the wind, making them one step faster.

In other words, it is a tool skill.

It was too late for Bibi Bird to realize that something was wrong. It was still in the buffer period of its skills just after playing Tailwind, but a brown light suddenly flashed in front of its eyes, and a chubby figure appeared not far in front of it.

"Ah ho ho!!"

I saw the fire monkey kicked and kicked Bibi bird head-on again.

This time, the kick was on the left kidney which was symmetrical to the right kidney, and Bibi Bird was kicked down from mid-air with one kick. The situation was quite tragic.

Another shot hit the nail on the head!

"By calling..."

When the smoke cleared, Bibi Bird lying in the ruins had rolled his eyes and lost the ability to fight.

Both of its kidneys were blown out.

But compared to the physical body, what makes it even more perplexing is that it is obviously an attacking round, why suddenly use the skill of Tailwind?

Is it not good to use swallow return or wing flapping?

The skill Shunfeng is generally used by tool talents like Lightning Bird!

"Haoou's Fire Monkey, actually fired two CTs in a row."

"Xiaozhi is also ruthless, and even sold Bibi Bird as a tool."

"But then the situation will be very favorable. Every Pokémon of Xiaozhi can attack first."

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia clinked glasses briefly, drank tea, and discussed leisurely.


Pikachu next to him raised the Lightning teacup and motioned for him to pour another cup.


To tame wild Pokémon, the former has only one life, but the trainer has more than one life.

Xiao[biquge520 www.biquge520.vip] Zhizhi threw out its second general.

"It's up to you, Brilliant Frog Seed!"

Frog Seed has various restrictions and abnormal status skills, which is undoubtedly very suitable for the current situation of subjugation.

Like Xiaolan's Frogweed, it seems that it has also learned the skill of chopping with the back of a knife, which the garlic kings cannot learn, and it is a supreme skill to subdue.


As soon as he appeared on the stage, a layer of relaxation wrapped around Miao Frog Seed's body, and his whole body became extremely relaxed.

This is the effect of tailwinds.

Xiaozhi instructed: "Miao Frog Seed, use the Flying Leaf Knife to test it out!"

"Seed seeds!"

Countless flying leaves pop out from the back of the Miao Frog Seed, which spins at high speed and turns into sharp blades, and shoots away.

Each piece is even covered with the buff of Tailwind, and the speed is as fast as lightning.


The flying leaf sharp knife landed on Huobahou's body, and it was not powerful enough to even cut through the latter's tough outer fur.

Firestorm Monkey gave a disdainful smile and hooked his hands to provoke.

"Seed seeds!"

The provocation was successful, and the Miao Frog Seed, who already had some mental problems, was directly provoked into anger, and immediately projected a brown seed regardless of Xiaozhi's instructions.


The seeds fell in front of the fire monkey, and the tough vines burst out of the ground in an instant, soaring, directly wrapping the latter into a meat dumpling.

Parasitic seeds!

"Ah ho ho!!"

I saw Huobaohou's fists were strong, and the muscles in both arms suddenly swelled, and then pulled horizontally suddenly, tearing all the parasitic seeds on its body.

"Ah ho ho!!"

Firestorm Monkey cast a disdainful look again, the meaning was obvious.

10% off water bottles?

"Seed seeds!!"

"Wonderful Frog Seed, calm down quickly!!"

Frog Seed was about to attack again, but Xiaozhi let it calm down again by roaring loudly.

"Is there really something wrong with your mentality?"

"The last evolution was also..."

The two later discussed.

The Frog Seed can be said to be the most stable Pokémon in Xiaozhi's hands. In the past, facing this kind of provocation, he would definitely watch it with a monkey-watching mentality.

Now you are angry because of a low-level provocation?


Xiao Gang's deep eyes wrinkled, and secretly understood the second meaning of why Xiao Zhi sent out the Miao Frog Seed.

Not only because the abnormal skills are suitable for subduing, but also because you want to test the mentality of the frog seed at the moment, right?

Why is he unwilling to evolve? This is a big question, and a qualified trainer must know it.

Immediately Xiaogang smiled, secretly thinking that Xiaozhi, who was standing on the second floor, already had the prototype of a powerful trainer.



Xiaozhi couldn't help shivering, always feeling that he was being watched by a black uncle.

Turning his head to look, it was Xiaogang staring at him with his deep eyes blinking, with a smile on his mouth and a gaze of appreciation.


Teacher Gang is not close to female sex now, so it must be already...

He shivered again, and forced his attention back to the monkey in front of him.

I will no longer bend down in front of Xiaogang!

But there is one thing that Xiao Gang did not guess wrong, Xiao Zhi really wanted to understand the Miao Frog Seed.

Seeing that the latter had calmed down, he instructed again:

"Wonderful Frog Seed, use sleep powder!"

The dark blue powder hit, and the fire monkey just stabbed in place and punched, and the strong wind of the fist blows away the sleeping powder.

Immediately afterwards, the fire monkey took a step forward and began to attack the frog seed.

"Use the rattan whip!"


The Miao Frog Seed whipped out two rattan whips, and it was a two-hit strong whip against the Firestorm Monkey.

"Crack!" "Crack!"

Firestorm Monkey raised his left hand, relying on his strong muscles to forcibly take down two cane whips, but his eyes were wrinkled, leaving two long braided red marks on his arms.

"Ah ho ho!!"

I saw it slammed its left hand away, pushed the rattan whip away, and approached the frog seed again. At this moment, its right fist was ready to go!

Xiaozhi also pressed the Void hat, and shouted:

"Beautiful Frog Seed, it's time to decide the outcome, use Sunshine Flame!!"

"Seed seeds!!"

At this moment, the surrounding area is open, and it is the noon when the sun is the most violent. The solar energy on the back of the frog seed has rushed to a limit and is ready to be released in an instant.

But the fire monkey has arrived!

"Ah ho ho!!"

The Fiery Monkey roared loudly, and kept throwing out its fists, each punch hitting the forehead of Miao Frog Seed.

"Da da da!!"

The strong force almost made the Frog Seed faint on the spot. It frowned, and its limbs and claws grabbed the ground firmly, dragging a long black mark on the ground.


It held up the opponent's last punch!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, and he roared loudly:

"It's now, launch!!"

Terrifying hot white light shot out suddenly, like an invincible laser beam, hitting the Firestorm Monkey who was suffocating in front of him head-on!

Sunshine and flames! ! !


The terrifying sunbeam was fleeting and disappeared into the distant sky.

And the fire monkey who had eaten a whole set of sunshine and flames was scorched black at the moment, his eyes were completely dazed, and he fell down after shaking in place twice.

"It's up to you, Poké Ball!!"

Xiaozhi quickly threw his elf ball.



The red light of the elf ball absorbed the Firestorm Monkey, without the support of the monkey, the peaked cap on its head fell off, just covering the elf ball.



Pyromonkey, subdued successfully! !

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