He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 122: The Compassionate Sage

Xiao Zhi put the hat back on and put it back on, he was immediately relieved.

Like four eyes with spectacles.

Or the bald head who is used to wearing a wig, often feels uncomfortable because the wig is gone.

He pressed his hat and held the poke ball tightly in his palm.

Although I am a Fire Monkey who subdues it positively, it means that the other party will obey my command, and it is very troublesome if I don't take a bite before subduing it.

However, the powerful combat power of a fighting attribute also made his blood boil.

Then he bent down and rubbed the head of the frog seed:

"Your sunshine flame is still so strong!"

"Seed seeds!"

Miaowazi replied calmly, with a more restrained expression than before.

Xiaozhi took it back silently, secretly feeling troubled in his heart.

Now his Pokémon seem to have a big problem...

"Let's go to Yuhong City, there is a habitat of the Miao Frog Seed family, maybe it can solve its psychological barrier."

Chi in the soul suddenly opened his mouth to prompt.

Although he could see the symptoms of the Frog Seed at a glance, how to solve it is still the responsibility of Xiao Zhi, the trainer, just play with his mouth.

"Yuhong City..."

Hearing Brother Chi's suggestion, Xiao Zhi clenched his fists, and he had a direction.

In addition to a badge, Yuhong City now has another reason to go!



Route 7.5.

In front of the three of them was a small village, about a few hundred meters away.

"I seem to see a village, let's go over there and have a rest."

Xiaoxia raised her hand to look at it, and said cheerfully.

Xiaozhi couldn't help but asked back:

"Rest Hammer, wouldn't it be nice if we go directly to Yuhong City?"

He even hoped that the Yuhong gymnasium would be in front of his next breath.

"But according to this pace, we will probably have to walk for half a day to reach Yuhong City. Let's settle down in this small village tonight."

Xiaogang's every word is full of great truth.

It is already 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the sun will set after a while.

"And we don't have any medicines now, so if we encounter any battles, it will be troublesome."

Xiao Gang took out his two-dimensional medicine box, shook it, and only one pomelo fruit fell out.

The energy lost in normal battles can be recovered slowly with time, but the physical strength still needs to be recovered immediately with wound medicine, and Xiaozhi is a stupid young old militant, and the consumption of medicine is huge.

"I heard that this small village seems to sell top-quality wound medicine. We can go to Kangkang."

As Xiaogang said, a golden light appeared between his brows. He had long heard that there was a small village on the mysterious 7.5 road that was famous for its top-quality medicines.

Although he is a Pokémon breeder, he is also very interested in healing Pokémon.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi could only forcefully suppress the fluctuations in his heart, and walked slowly towards the village.


This village is indeed as small as rumored, so small that there are only a few tents stationed in the entire village.

Each tent carried a pharmacy sign.

There are scallion duck pharmacies, slow-witted animal pharmacies, Kentero restaurants... everywhere.

So Xiaozhi picked one of the biggest tents and walked over, just at this time a figure also walked out of the tent.

This is a 17 or 18-year-old woman, half a head taller than everyone else, with a pure and beautiful appearance. Her dark blue ball head looks cute and cute. She is wearing a traditional mandarin jacket with a bit of exotic style.

"Hey, are you a guest? Welcome."

When the woman saw the three of them, her eyes narrowed into crescents, and she greeted them with a smile.

"My name is Qingmei, and I'm the daughter of this secret pharmacy."

The three of Xiaozhi also hurriedly greeted and replied.

"My name is Xiaozhi, and I am practicing with my Pikachu to become a Pokémon master."

"My name is Xiaoxia, I paddle."

When the order came to Xiaogang's side, the style of painting changed suddenly. The latter suddenly pushed away the two of them, his eyes wrinkled slightly, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a dazzling white tooth.

"Xiaosheng's name is Xiaogang, and he is a man who was inspired by the idea of ​​rebooting in the Eastern Kingdom."

Xiaogang gave a gentleman's salute, held Qingmei's slender hands with his backhand, and couldn't help but licked his lips with muscle memory.

The two people behind: "?"

Doesn't it mean that the soul has been redeemed?

Why are you sick again?

Sensing the doubts of the two people behind him, Xiao Gang turned his head and looked back. The dazzling light in his eyes made the two dare not look directly at him, so he lowered his head in guilt.

"I used to be young and frivolous, but now I look at the world with appreciation, without any evil thoughts!"

Xiaogang stroked Qingmei's arm lightly, and his style of painting was a bit like that of a beautiful man.

Since the few days when Nazi was turned into a puppet in the Golden Gym, Xiao Gang has realized everything.

Everyone couldn't help rubbing their eyes, as if they really saw a phantom of a golden Buddha around Xiao Gang's body, which made people dare not show any blasphemy.

Even Qingmei, who was closest to her, just blushed, unable to think of any resistance, and let Xiaogang stroke and consecrate her palm.

"This is a merciful sage."

Qingmei thought secretly.


The mope is over.

Qingmei couldn't help trembling all over, her face was flushed, and her whole body was a little soft.

But she finally remembered the topic, and asked eagerly:

"Are you trainers? Can you fight me?"

Hearing that Xiaozhi's body was shaken, his boiling blood just needed a fight to vent, so he quickly kicked Xiaogang away who was so sour, and moved towards Qingmei.

"I, the future Pokémon master, accept your challenge!"

Are there any warlike trainers in this small village now?

And after the physical contact just now, Xiao Gang faintly sensed that something was wrong, kicked Xiao Zhi away with his backhand, and then gently asked:

"Miss Qingmei, may I ask why you are fighting?"

Qingmei nodded, her gentle expression did not look like a militant.

"Actually, I just want it to accumulate experience and complete evolution..."

As she said that, she threw the elf ball, and the red light flashed. It was a small crab with a red shell, a pair of big pincers in front of it, and a pair of cute big eyes on its small head. The most surprising thing was its There are also a pair of small pink-spotted mushrooms growing on its back.

"Didi. Pallas, crab Pokémon, half meat and half vegetarian, with its own ingredients, no marinade for barbecue, and mushrooms and crabs are grilled on the fire, ranking sixth in the list of top ten delicacies."

The illustrated book automatically broadcasts the report.

Xiaozhi frowned, the last half-meat and half-vegetarian Pokémon was his own Frogseed.

Soon, under everyone's puzzled eyes, Qingmei also explained why she was looking for a fight.

"We, Plaster, are well-known in the Kanto area. I'm a pure passer-by. Except for the Pokémon Secret Pharmacy in Zhanlan City in the Chengdu area, there is absolutely no one that can surpass us!"

As soon as her own shop was mentioned, Qingmei's expression changed, and she spoke arrogantly and confidently.

"Their store relies on a Pokémon called Pot Pot, while our store relies on a Pokémon named Parast, which is the evolution of this Pokémon."

Kiyomi pointed to her Paras.

Unlike what the illustrated book says, the medicinal value of Paras is actually much higher than the food value.

It is precisely because of the strange materials produced by this kind of Pokémon that their secret medicine effect can beat other people.

But the effect of the materials that Pyras can provide is too poor. If you really want to make medicine, you have to rely on the evolution type, Pyraste.

As the heir of the pharmacy, her Paras has not evolved for a long time, which makes her very distressed.

It can be said that it is the most normal way to complete evolution through fighting and accumulating experience levels.

"I understand..."

Everyone turned their attention to the little red-shelled crab.

(Ask for tickets.)

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