He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 123: What a ruthless dragon!

This Pyras is not big in size, and his expression is not aggressive. He even looks very shy. Seeing the crowd watching, he couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"It looks so weak..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.

Qingmei also nodded embarrassingly.

It is indeed very weak, so weak that even the wild little Lada and the green caterpillar can't beat it.

Otherwise, she would have piled up her experience by beating little Lada.

"So you mean to put water...?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, and his morale immediately dropped.

He knows how to fight, but it's the first time to play a counterfeit match.

"It's okay, Xiaozhi."

"Your Pikachu is an old drama."

Xiaogang and the two patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder, and the latter's eyes lit up immediately, and he threw Pikachu out who was still watching the play.

"Pikachu, it seems that your title of "Road to Movie King" hasn't been upgraded for a long time, so I just took this opportunity to gain experience."

Xiaozhi encouraged.


Hearing that, Pikachu didn't pretend to refuse, and walked to the front of Pallas with heavy steps.


Pallas couldn't help taking a few steps back, carefully looking at the fat electric mouse in front of him.

"Pikachu, use your best ten volts!"

Xiaozhi waved his thumb and shouted.


A powerful electric current burst out around Pikachu's body, and then the tiniest small electric current shunted from it, and shot towards Pylas miserably, it seemed that it might go out in the middle at any time.

Say ten volts, maybe even less than a volt.

The pain is much lower than the current of a lighter.


Ten volts of electricity fell on the red shell of Pyras, and the latter's body trembled suddenly, and a burst of terrifying black smoke burst out, and then his eyes rolled around. After rolling a few times on the ground, he completely lost his fighting ability. The ground wailed.

Pikachu: "?"

It scratched its head, thinking to himself, can this also make you dizzy?

Old touch porcelain.

There is one thing to say, in terms of drama, Pikachu is ashamed today.

Even the three of Xiaozhi looked at this parasit who couldn't fight with numbness. Isn't this too weak?

Just stepping on the grass will probably be cut to death by the grass, right?

Qingmei rubbed her head in embarrassment, her Pyras was so weak, she hurried over to feed the latter a resurrection grass, and Pylas revived instantly on the spot.

But because the taste is too bitter, the favorability with the trainer is -1.

"Pikachu, can you use 0.1 volts this time?"

Xiaozhi asked tentatively.

Pikachu shook his head, you are embarrassing me, Pikachu!

"It seems that Pikachu, your practice is not enough."

Xiaozhi shook his head and replaced it with another general.

"It's up to you, Kami Kami!"

The Kami Turtle is on the stage, and this is the first show after its evolution. The Kami Turtle puffed up its chest, looked enraged, and scanned the surroundings covetously.

Let the turtle see who the opponent is this time?

Fearing that the Kami turtle would directly spray water to stun Pallas, Xiaozhi quickly reminded:

"Cami Turtle, let the water out this time, let the opponent win!"


Kami Turtle scratched his head, this was the first time he had heard such a request.

It really makes the glans bigger.

It glanced at Pallas in front of it, and tentatively spewed out a small fountain, even less than 2 cm in diameter, the kind that would be too small to water flowers.


A small stream of water fell on Pylas' back, and the latter's body trembled suddenly, and his body rolled and fell to the side.


Kami Turtle scratched his head again, this is really not a water gun, it spit out a mouthful of saliva!

"Hey, are you sure it wasn't intentional??"

Xiaozhi was also dumbfounded, why is this also double the resistance, and fainted again?


Qingmei let out a haha, and fed a piece of resurrection grass again, which revived Pyras on the spot.

Too bitter, favorability -1 again.

This operation also made Xiaozhi angry. He has always been the only one who played a fake match, when will it be someone else's turn to play a fake match in front of him!

Then he threw out his third general.

Wonderful Frog Seed! !

"The seeds of the wonderful frog are vegetable-based, and the paras is four times resistant."

"It won't be a second move this time, will it?"

The two had great expectations for Miao Frog Seed.

"Miao Frog Seed, the power of the skill has been reduced to the minimum, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"


Although he didn't understand what happened, Miao Frog Seed nodded calmly. This time, he only shook out a green leaf and shot it lightly.

In terms of power, it is roughly equal to the dead leaves falling from trees.


Pallas ate the flying blade sharply and retreated a few meters. This time, he finally managed to hold on, but his body was also severely injured and trembling, as if he had already looked like a candle in the wind.

Qingmei's eyes brightened, she was determined, and said:

"Good chance, Pallas, use ram!"


Being alive with one blow gave Pylas great courage, and several little claws started to flop, rushing towards the frog seed, and struck with all his strength! !


As if he had hit the steel with his head, Pallas immediately backed up a few meters, his eyes rolled, and he immediately lost his fighting ability.

Wonderful Frog Seed: "?"

Xiaozhi was also shocked, he didn't expect to have the magical skill of touching porcelain! ?


Qingmei fed a piece of resurrection grass in the same way, and Pallas' favorability degree was -1 again, and she saw that Qingmei's expression had begun to show a bit of disgust.

But this time, great progress has been made, and the future can be expected!

"By the way, things like resurrection grass are very rare, and one plant costs several thousand dollars...?" Xiao Gang said with some distress.

"It doesn't matter, to us this is a weed."

Qingmei said with a smile, and then looked at Xiaozhi with Pallas again.

This operation also made Xiaozhi completely angry, and a little bit more, he directly took back the Miao Frog Seed, and threw out the third general.

How can there be such a thing as touching porcelain! ?


The red light of the poke ball has not disappeared, only a strong roar was heard, and a dark red dragon-type Pokémon appeared in front of Pylas, with a terrifying expression, and the temperature rose suddenly, accompanied by bursts of red light , like a purgatory demon god.

It is the Fire Dinosaur! !

Pallas: "?"

Just this breath alone would make it faint! ?

Xiaogang Xiaoxia: "?"

What kind of devil's operation is this?

Xiaozhi was thinking in his mind that he was using poison to overcome poison, but he couldn't resist attribute resistance, so he used attribute restraint!

And it has to be four times restraint! !

"Fire dinosaur, remember to release the water." Xiaozhi quickly reminded.

Hearing this, the fire dinosaur was shocked, and looked at Xiaozhi angrily.

It is a fire-attribute Pokémon, and it wants to make it spray water?

Let me use the water gun?

What a shame to the dragon! !

Seeing this, the fire dinosaur was furious immediately, and spit out a ball of extremely hot flames from the mouth of the dragon and blasted at Pylas!

"Hoo hoo!!"

The terrifying flames instantly scorched Pylas' whole body, and he lost his ability to fight.

Pallas: "Whoa..."

There was even a faint scent of mushroom and crab.


The Fire Dinosaur strode forward, roared and made another move with a sweeping tail move, which sent Pylas, who was unable to fight, flying out, and hit a tree heavily before stopping his retreating figure.

Even the tree trunk was dented with a small hole!

Everyone: "..."

What a ruthless dragon!

(Update 2, a large number of tickets are needed recently, so vote for monthly ticket recommendation tickets.)

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