He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 124: I'm going to hit the road with my head! !


The Fire Dinosaur roared up to the sky, blazing flames towards the sky, with the proud appearance of a winner.

In stark contrast, Pyras fell from the tree pit, his whole body was scorched black, his condition was extremely miserable, and the smell of burnt crab shells was overflowing.


Qingmei hurried over to check the injury, and stuffed 4 or 5 resurrection grass in a row to restore Pylas' life.


However, because the taste of the resurrection grass was too bitter, the latter, who recovered his physical strength, also dropped to the lowest favorability with the trainer, so he threw away Qingmei's palm and ran towards the depths of the forest.

It may also be that they simply feel that they are useless and run away in shame.

"Pylas, don't go in, wait for me!"

Qingmei was a few seconds behind, ignoring the crowd and hurriedly chased after her.

If you encounter some small Lada green caterpillar or something on the way, Pylas will be finished!


"Hey, fire dinosaur, I obviously told you to release the water!"

Xiaozhi complained angrily.

As soon as the words fell, the Fire Dinosaur turned its head and aimed the flame at him!

The fiery flames hit, Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, and quickly dodged to one side with his flexible body, only then did he avoid the flame riding on his face very dangerously.

However, Pikachu, who was gnawing on a piece of resurrection grass at his feet, was in bad luck, and his face was directly covered in jet flames.

After the flames, Pikachu's face was scorched black, and the resurrection grass in his hand was also charred.

Seeing that the target of the fire dinosaur was still facing Xiaozhi and directly ignored himself, Pikachu's veins burst out suddenly, and he was very sullen!

In this family, I am the biggest! !


With a low shout, a burst of sparks and electric snakes shot out from Pikachu's cheeks. It was extremely fast, and directly hit the waist of the undefended Fire Dinosaur.

All of a sudden, there was lightning and thunder, and a terrible thunder exploded on the spot.


When the lightning and black mist dissipated, the fire dinosaur staggered on the spot, and fell to the ground so simply after shaking a few times.


Only then did Pikachu nodded in satisfaction, picked up a resurrection grass from the ground again, and swallowed it without thinking.

Fight with me, it's still too tender!

Is Pikachu so old that I can't lift a knife anymore? !


After eating the resurrection grass, Pikachu's face turned livid, and he was about to spit out all the leaves in his mouth, and his affection for Xiaozhi -1.

Xiaozhi: "?"

With a helpless face, he put the fire dinosaur into the elf ball.

Obviously Charmander is so docile at the stage of evolution, so it's fine to be disobedient in the upcoming evolution stage, but is it still disobedient because it has evolved for several days now?

Could it be that it will soon evolve into a fire-breathing dragon?

"Jie Jie...Young man, don't think too much, it's simply that your trainer level is too low..."

A dry old man's voice came, with a little yin and yang strangeness, and everyone quickly focused their eyes away.

I saw an old woman walking out of the tent of Qingmei's pharmacy, wearing a gray cloak, with a stooped figure.

Standing next to her was a Pokémon whose appearance was the same as that of Pylas, a giant crab half the height of a human being. The small mushrooms on its back had turned into a bunch of giant mushrooms this time, like a giant crab. Cover the body completely like a big umbrella.

"Didi. Pyraste, the evolution of Pyras, the crab's body has been squeezed dry by the mushrooms on its back, and it's actually just a parasitic walking dead, a tool man."

The illustrated book automatically broadcasts the report.

Hearing this, the three of Xiaozhi looked at Palaster with a look of horror, only to see that the latter's big eyes that were still active in the Pylas stage had now turned into blank white eyes, looking like a walking dead so-so.

The old lady next to it smiled noncommittally, and introduced herself:

"I am Qingmei's grandma, and I am also the manager of this pharmacy...Guests, do you want to buy some green caterpillar sashimi without the head? The nutritional value is 6 times that of Kentaro~"

Everyone couldn't help but shuddered, the old woman looked a little creepy.

Xiaozhi plucked up the courage to ask:

"Grandma, what do you mean the trainer level is too low?"

Hearing that the old woman rolled her eyes, seeing that everyone was her granddaughter's friends, she didn't pretend to be mysterious, and explained softly:

"That little dragon of yours is disobedient, of course because your trainer level is too low, in other words, you're not very good at it."

This situation is most common in fire attributes, fighting attributes, and dragon attributes. Once the trainer is not strong enough, Pokémon will easily disobey orders.

"Am I not strong enough...?"

Xiaozhi read it again, then raised his head with bright eyes.

He is a man who wants to become a Pokémon master, so as a trainer, he must also be the strongest person!

"I see!"

Let the fire dinosaur know its strength!

Xiaozhi clenched his fists, secretly planning in his mind.



In the depths of the forest, Kiyomi squatted down and stroked her own Pallas, comforting it softly.

"It's okay, just get stronger slowly..."


Pallas also lowered his head with an aggrieved face, and let out a few whines of frustration.

It's really not Pengci, it wants to evolve more than anyone else.

"Miss Qingmei, I finally found you."

Soon, Xiaozhi and his team also came to one person and one crab. This time Xiaozhi looked full of confidence, and seemed to have found a solution.

"Fight me again, I figured out how to make Pylas win!" Xiaozhi said to himself.

Kiyomei was infected by the energetic expression of the young man in front of her. After a moment of hesitation, she stood up and regained her fighting spirit with Pallas.

"Pylas, we will never lose again this time!"


This time Xiaozhi didn't send out other Pokémon, but lowered his head to communicate with Pikachu in a whisper, and then waved his fingers.

"It's up to you, Pikachu!"


Pikachu waved his small fist, and now that he had just eaten the resurrection grass, his yang energy was soaring, and his whole body seemed to have inexhaustible energy.

"Miss Kiyomi, let your Paras use long-range skills!"

Xiaozhi raised the corner of his mouth suddenly, reminding him.

"That's right, you don't have to worry about Pylas touching porcelain with long-range skills."

Xiaoxia and the two nodded secretly, suddenly realizing.

Seeing this, Qingmei was also unambiguous, and waved her thumb:

"Long-range skills, Pallas, use the missile needle!!"


With one paw, Pallas threw out a transparent flying needle, which was only about 2 centimeters long, and it might be folded in his mouth when he picked his teeth.

The power is also extremely weak.


The missile needle landed lightly on Pikachu's stomach, and the latter understood it. After a half-second delay, his whole body trembled, and he let out a tragic whine. His body flew upside down like a cannonball for several meters, and even dragged a long path on the ground. Mark of.

It was like being hit head-on by a powerful destructive death light.

By the time it stopped, Pikachu was already sweating profusely and out of breath, as if he was already a candle in the wind.

"Hey, I really can't tell if it's real or fake!?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, for a moment he really thought it was a terrifying missile needle.

Does your own Pikachu know how to act like this?

"What is an international superstar?"

"Just this acting skill is enough for young people to learn for several years."

Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia, who were watching from behind, couldn't help but leaned back tactically, and blurted out admiration.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's expression also changed, and he shouted hoarsely:

"Pikachu has no chance, use the last flash!!"


Pikachu burst out a burst of terrifying lightning sparks to boost his morale, his face showed a bit of indomitable and desperate fight, and then he kicked his calf and started to run, his body was covered with a layer of flickering white light, and his speed suddenly increased. As fast as a phantom, the water flows smoothly with flexible steps.

This is its last flash!


Pallas looked around in a panic, it couldn't even see the shadow of Pikachu.

I saw Xiaozhi suddenly flashed coldly, and shouted:

"It's now, a flash of lightning!!"


Pikachu caught a blind spot of Pyras's perspective, exerted the strength of his hind limbs to the extreme, and shot out with a "whoosh" sound, with an extremely terrifying aura.


The lightning flashed as fast as a phantom, flashing by! !


Pikachu bumped headfirst into Pallas.

in the trees behind.


The thick trunk of the three of them was abruptly broken by the terrifying impact force, and a large amount of dust was raised when it fell to the ground, and Pikachu was also forced back by the strong reaction force, and his head was dizzy for a while.


After staggering a few steps, it simply fainted and lost the ability to fight.


Pallas looked at the fainted electric mouse in front of him in a daze.

"Damn it, what a powerful psychological ability, to use the same to deal with Pikachu's prediction! We lost!!"

Xiaozhi quickly added a layer of understanding.

Hearing this, Pallas suddenly shook his body and waved his paw towards the sky!

It enlightened! !


In the next second, the exclusive white light of evolution lit up on it! !

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was secretly proud.

"On Pingci, Pikachu is the invincible existence!"

If you touch porcelain on the road, you have to find a car to touch it.

I hit Malu with my head directly! !

(Ask for tickets.)

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