He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 125: Angry Pills

The light of evolution dissipated, and Paras became several times larger in size, and successfully evolved into the Paraste that everyone had seen before.


Pilast brandished the big sting pincers, obviously much stronger.

No matter what the actual strength is, at least it doesn't look like a gust of wind can blow you out.

"Great, you finally evolved!!"

With a happy face, Qingmei bent down and hugged it dancing, and Plaster hugged her back with a happy face.

As the heir of the Pilast Pharmacy, she has already reached the standard in terms of pharmacological knowledge and craftsmanship, and all she lacks is a mature Pilast.

"Did you really become a tool man...?"

The other three carefully looked at Palaster, the pupils of the latter lost all their color, leaving only empty white.

But the aura it exudes is similar to that of the previous Paras. It is alive and well, and it is a bit of nonsense to say that it was squeezed dry by mushrooms.

Or is it actually the mushrooms that have come alive?


Soon, everyone returned to the area where the tents were stationed, and Qingmei brought her Plaster to her grandma, and said with a smile as if asking for credit:

"Grandma, I made it!"

The old lady was noncommittal, she smiled at Xiaozhi and his group, and then turned to look at her granddaughter:

"Hehe, it seems that you have made a group of very good friends..."

There is one thing to say, if the evolution is not completed in a few months, she plans to hand over her secret weapon to Qingmei.

Back then, her Pallas was ridiculously weak, but at that time she didn't meet a kind-hearted stunned young man like Xiaozhi, and she relied entirely on her own strength.

And a useless learning device.

Qingmei stuck out her tongue mischievously.

Then she took a deep breath and signaled everyone to keep a distance from her. Suddenly, her eyes changed, and she instructed:

"Palast, use mushroom spores!!"


Plaster raised two big paws, and spit out a cloud of powdery air between faint yellow and blue from the mouthparts under the mushroom.

Mushroom spores can be regarded as a traditional craft of the Palast family, and they can make enemies sleep during battle.

But in production and life, it is a high-quality material for pharmaceuticals.

Coupled with the secret preparation technology of their pharmacy, you can make special medicines that are famous in the Kanto region!

"Grandma, I made it!"

Qingmei collected mushroom spore powder, which is a quality material.

"Well, then I can rest assured that I will give you this shop."

The old lady nodded slightly, showing a satisfied smile.

Xiaozhi and his party also paid a delicious dinner and a lot of top-quality medicines for nothing because of their great meritorious service.


In the early morning of the next day, Xiaozhi and his party bid farewell to Qingmei's family.

"Xiaozhi, this is the latest secret drug developed by my family, I will give it to you as a souvenir."

Before leaving, Qingmei suddenly threw a small medicine bottle to Xiaozhi, shaking it slightly, it looked like about twenty pills.

"This is...?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"Hee hee, this kind of pill is not very useful, it is nothing special, it can only improve the attack power and defense ability of Pokémon, and it will make its mental power more hit, ten knives per second, a knife crit , reaction power, and dodge rate will also increase, and it is more likely to enter a berserk form that I call "red eyes"."

Qingmei explained as if nothing had happened:

"I named this pill..."


Xiaozhi answered.

Isn't this a stimulant?

Too insidious, right?

"Hehe, this is not a stimulant. The materials I use are all natural materials from Pokémon, such as anger powder, trouble seeds, and pollen balls. Don't worry, you will be addicted to it when you play games, Bao The Pokémon League can't detect it either."

Doping is a chemical, and if you catch it, you will be banned.

But this pill is indeed pure and natural, and it is a legal prop like attack boost, speed boost, and the like.

Although they have not officially notified the medicine to the Pokémon League yet.

Qingmei said in detail like a demon cultist:

"I named it the Angry Pill!"

There are many advantages, but there is only one disadvantage, that is, the eater will become very angry.

How angry, in short, very angry!

Xiaozhi: "..."

He just wanted to refuse, no matter how much he disdains doping in a game, he strongly condemned it.

But Qingmei stuffed it into his backpack and left without any further explanation, never giving him a chance to refuse.

"Forget it, then take it."

It looks very much like a child who takes New Year's money, wanting to refuse and welcome.

Xiaozhi sighed, and just let it go, since he doesn't need it anyway.

When fighting, one should be aboveboard!

Suddenly, a ray of sunlight shone on his face, warm...



On the outskirts of a small town.

This is probably Road 7.8, and it is still a day's walk from Yuhong City.

As dusk approached, the three of them planned to enter the town to rest.

Xiaozhi also wants to take this opportunity to communicate with his Fire Dinosaur. After all, the Yuhong Gym is a grass-type gym, and he intends to use the Fire Dinosaur as the final trump card.

"Swipe! Swipe!"

There was a sound of fast punching, and the fist was very exciting.

The three of them hurriedly looked towards the source of the sound, and saw a brown-gray humanoid Pokémon punching on the spot, its calves hopping lightly, its whole body maintained in an extremely mysterious state, and it looked very flexible.

Every punch is vigorous and powerful.

"Didi. Kuaiquan Lang, Boxing Pokémon, his fists are as fast as lightning, he is familiar with every boxing method, but he can show a boxing style without rules, so that the enemy can't figure it out at all, weird and weird."

The illustrated book automatically broadcasts the report.

"Fighting Pokémon, are they still wild?"

Xiaozhi looked around, but didn't see any trainers.

Kuaiquan Lang just glanced at the crowd, quickly ignored them, and continued to practice boxing on his own.

"Good job, wild Pokémon can still exercise themselves so actively!?" Xiaozhi said in surprise.

"Reverse View"

Xiaozhi glanced at his Pikachu.

Pikachu: "?"

"Okay, I've decided to subdue you!"

Saying that, Xiaozhi didn't hesitate, and directly threw out his Fiery Monkey!

Only fighting can overcome the fighting attribute!

"Ah ho ho!!"

As soon as Firestorm Monkey appeared on the stage, regardless of Xiaozhi's instructions, he was very irritable and hit Heihu out of his heart at Kuaiquanlang.


Kuaiquan Lang's eyes flashed, facing the fire monkey's attack, he just turned his head to one side, just avoiding the blow.

"Very strong fighting qualities."

"It's a bit similar to a skill called seeing..."

Xiao Gang's eyes were deep, and he spit out a new term.

See cut, to dodge the attack with the least cost, and take the opportunity to launch the attack, which is often seen in the battle of fighters or swordsmen.

As the owner of the will of the rock, he has heard of this technique before.

And the fire monkey who hit the ground with one punch showed a gap, Kuaiquan Lang still jumped on the spot, and the next moment, his right fist smashed out along with the strength of the whole body, and the fire monkey flew several meters away with just one punch .

"So strong..."

Xiaozhi was shocked, and when he looked at Kuaiquan Lang again, the latter was still practicing boxing on his own, jumping on the spot.

It's just that watching the latter's action this time, Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling his eyes dazed for a while, as if he saw Kuai Quan Lang making a predictive action towards 10 places at the same time, and dozens of phantom movements of punching and dodging were floating in the air like this. Behind Kuaiquan Lang.

"Ah ho ho!!"

Firestorm Monkey didn't care about so much, and once again exerted strength on his thigh, hitting the Mantis God Fist!

In the world of martial arts, the only thing that can't be broken is speed, no matter what your skills are!

The fierce monkey's violent attack worked, and this time it managed to leave a scratch on Kuaiquan Lang's dodging face.

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