He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 126 Thank you, I have been filial

"Kaiquan Lang, have you forgotten what I taught you?!"

A rough low voice came from the side, and the three of them took a closer look and found that it was a dark-skinned middle-aged uncle with a horse face and skin like molten steel, wearing a simple fitness vest and clothes Strong muscles exposed through the gap.

"So there is a trainer...?"

Xiaozhi was not disappointed, and became more excited anyway, because it seemed that this senior trainer also wanted to fight him.

Then fight!

Hearing this, Kuai Quanlang wiped the scar on his cheek, took a deep breath and opened his eyes, his breath had changed drastically at this moment.


Kuaiquanlang began to jump on the spot, his whole body became extremely light, and his two gloved fists were raised under his chin, as if he was about to launch an attack.

"Fire Monkey, be careful!"

However, Xiaozhi's reminder was useless at all, and the fire monkey was the first to lose his temper, and hit the shark with a straight punch.


Kuaiquanlang's expression remained unchanged, he easily avoided the blow by turning his body slightly, then Xiaotiao's direction changed, and his body suddenly moved forward.

Taking advantage of this inertia, Kuaiquan Lang's aura suddenly changed again, becoming aggressive, and his two fists swung out suddenly, constantly bombarding Huobahouhou.

"Crack, crack, crack [Apex Novels www.xbooktxt.info] crack!!"

The fist wind turned into a big net all over the place, and there was no way to dodge it. Even the movement that was about to counterattack just now was interrupted by Kuaiquan Lang one step ahead of time, and Firestorm Monkey could only cross in front of him and was forced to defend.

"Crack, clap, clap!!"

Kuaiquanlang's fist power exploded, and the last closing fist directly sent the Firestorm Monkey flying several meters away!


The stunned Firestorm Monkey lost the ability to fight so directly.

"So strong..."

"How many cts did you win..."

Xiaogang Xiaoxia behind was shocked.

But Xiaozhi was very unconvinced and took the fire monkey who was unable to fight back into the poke ball, and then threw another poke ball.

"It's up to you, Fire Dinosaur!!"

His fire dinosaur limbs and flesh are also vigorous and powerful, and can be used as a fighting Pokémon to enter the battle.


The fire dinosaur appeared on the stage, and the traditional art spit out a fiery flame to the sky, which was exciting.

Then its gaze changed suddenly, and it turned to aim at Xiaozhi behind.

Xiaozhi: "?"

In the next second, the Fire Dinosaur with its fangs and sharp teeth rushed towards him. Its fists and claws were spiked, and it was filled with a layer of terrifying black energy.

Hell thrust!

Xiaozhi: "!"

Kuaiquan Lang: "?"

"Cultivation is not enough, boy..."

Seeing a man and a dragon scuffling together funny, the middle-aged man smiled with disdain, hooked his hands, and led Kuaiquan Lang towards the town.

"Our goal is to win this p1 fighting competition!!"


They roared loudly, the sound gradually dissipated in the distance.


The middle-aged man and Kuaiquanlang left, and the battle between Xiaozhi and the fire dinosaur was coming to an end.

As the smoke and dust fell, I saw that Xiaozhi had already pressed the Fire Dinosaur under his body, and his arms and thighs exerted force at the same time to form the most stable triangle, firmly blocking its movements.

"Come back, Fire Dinosaur..."

Xiaozhi quickly took the fire dinosaur back into the ball, and then he was relieved.

Looking at the elf ball in his hand, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Before the group could say anything, a woman ran out of the small town, about seventeen or eighteen years old, with a delicate and pretty appearance. Her long, smooth brown hair was tied into a ponytail on one side and hung down beside her face.

"Everyone is okay, I apologize for my father!"

She directly bowed to Xiaozhi.

"It's okay, and I did it first, beautiful lady, you don't need to apologize."

Although he didn't know it was serious, Xiao Gang pushed Xiao Zhi away like a meow smelling fishy, ​​his eyes were deep, and the corners of his mouth raised, revealing a handsome and elegant smile.

"Your palms seem to lack moisture...do you need me to massage you?"

He gently lifted the woman's arm and began to wipe.

"Miss, your hairstyle is also a bit dangerous~"

Amy: "?"


After a short operation, Amy's face turned red, she withdrew her palm without a trace, and then began to introduce herself.

"Hi everyone, my name is Amy, and I'm the daughter of the Soul Fighting Gym in this town, and my father is that person just now, and also the owner of the Soul Fighting Gym, Fan Dou."

"Fighting Soul Gym...?"

Xiaozhi was secretly surprised, he arrived at Yuhong City in a few steps, and there could be another gymnasium in the middle?

Soul fighting?

What a domineering name!

"Hehe...Actually, our gym has not passed the qualification approval of the alliance, so it is not officially open yet..."

Speaking of this beauty, I feel a little embarrassed.

Don't look at the domineering name, after all, it's just a miscellaneous gymnasium, its status is not even as good as Hualan gymnasium.

Xiaoxia: "..."

Although she didn't know what happened, she always felt offended.

"Because my father is obsessed with the P1 fighting competition, he has never paid attention to the affairs of the Soul Fighting Gym. Otherwise, it should have officially become a legal gym a year ago."

Amy explained helplessly.

Gymnasiums need to be reviewed and inspected by the Pokémon Alliance. Once passed, they can be granted official badges and the power to issue badges.

Xiaogang and Xiaoxia nodded at this point. As gym trainers, they knew that this review was indeed very difficult.

"By the way, what is the P1 Fighting Competition?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"It's a competition that focuses on fighting skills and skills. Although the influence of status is not as high as that of the alliance competition, its status among fighting fans is not lower than that of the alliance competition."

As a man with a rock will, Xiao Gang still needs to know more about it, slowly popularizing science.

The p1 fighting competition is divided into town level, regional level, and the highest world level.

A world-class competition is held every three years.

According to this year's competition process, it should only be carried out at the town and city level, and the competition will be held in a specific city.

Only those who finish in the top three in this kind of competition will be eligible to participate in the regional competition half a year later, which is the P1 fighting competition in the Kanto region.

Then, if you achieve the top 8 results in the Kanto regional competition, you will be eligible to participate in the World P1 Fighting Finals to be held one year later.

It is said that this year's P1 World Championship will choose either the Yoshien area or the Sinnoh area as the final battleground.

Xiaogang can be regarded as a man who has half the will to fight. In the finals of the World P1 Fighting Competition two years ago, he watched the live broadcast of the 4K high-definition TV.

He still remembered the contestants in the finals. On one side was a masked fighter from a rural area called Alola, whose name was not disclosed.

On the other side is a mysterious old man from the Galar region. It is said that they can be regarded as a boss-level existence on their side.

"World Championship?!"

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's eyes brightened, hearing this competition made people's blood boil.

So he blurted out and asked:

"Speaking of which, can trainers participate in this competition?"

Amy: "?"

Although she didn't understand why this boy would ask such a question, she still replied seriously after hesitating for a while:

"Probably not..."

Hearing that Xiaozhi secretly punched the void, this is to smear and discriminate against human beings.

Negroes, not so good.

"In short, can I ask you to defeat my father in the upcoming P1 fighting match in this town tomorrow?"

Amy blinked her watery eyes and begged.

Hearing that Xiaozhi and his party were all shocked, some couldn't understand Aimi's operation.

Asking outsiders to snipe his father's promotion match?

Thank you, I have really been filial.

"No, oops..."

Amy sighed, and began to explain what had happened.

His father has now been stunned by the p1 fighting game, ignoring anything else, just like a gambler, the whole person is dazed.

Even her mother ran away with the uncle next door last year because she couldn't accept this kind of madness.

She still remembered that the uncle next door was a handsome and handsome man, completely different from her rough and dark father.

When I was young, many neighbors said that she was actually the daughter of the neighbor's uncle. After all, Fan Dou had such dark skin and a rough horse face, how could it be possible to give birth to her who was fair and gentle.

There is one thing to say, Amy really does look like the handsome uncle next door.

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

Getting back to the topic, the p1 fighting game has become Fan Dou's inner demon, not his ideal.

Aimi just wants her father to wake up, stop temporarily, and recognize her true self again.

"Then you are really a filial son."

The three couldn't help giving Amy a thumbs up.

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