He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 127 The Royal Masked Man and the Flaming Roaring Tiger! (first update)

(Since it's a holiday, let's make an update, three updates today.)

Xiaozhi and his party entered the town.

The town is not too big, and there are no large shops and streets. It is obviously just a small town with Yuhong City as its back.

But there is still a Pokémon Center that should be there, and the group temporarily handed over their elves to Ms. Joey, and began to replenish the magic.

The p1 fighting competition will start at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, and Xiaozhi has decided to participate.

Although he does have the idea of ​​sniping fan fights, he also has the ambition of winning the championship and then taking off all the way to the world finals.

He is still hesitating as to who will appear on the stage.

This is a fighting competition, but it's not that only Pokémon with fighting attributes can participate, it just restricts the use of special skills that are not allowed to be used.

Of course, it is still stipulated that some skills with colored flowers can be used.

Like Farmer Three Punches.

Therefore, in his lineup, Fire Monkey, Fire Dinosaur, and even Fire Geng Ghost can participate, and they can punch unambiguously.

"Teacher Gang, do you want to participate?"

Xiaozhi turned his head and asked doubtfully.

The Pokémon with fists on his body has a small fist stone and a big tongue, all of which can punch.

Xiao Gang immediately shook his head.

One is a rock attribute, the other is an ordinary attribute, and then go to the fighting competition with a smile?

As expected of you.

His attribute restraint table can be memorized thoroughly.

Drink tea and watch a play.

This is his positioning for himself tomorrow.

While the Pokémon was still recuperating and recovering its strength, the three of them sat in the public hall like old men, drinking tea and chatting.

This Pokémon Center posted a lot of promotional posters for tomorrow's P1 fighting match, and even the public TV is full of relevant content.


"Next, please enjoy the highlights of the fifth P1 World Fighting Championship, the finals."

The TV changed a program, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, even many passers-by who were paddling in the Pokémon Center joined together.

"The fifth, that's the last competition."

Xiaogang explained to the two people about science.

Hearing this, the two immediately took out several boxes of popcorn and began to watch.

Even Chi in Xiaozhi's soul became interested, and set up a grand master's chair in the soul space, holding popcorn, half lying on it and began to watch the show.

The screen flashed and switched to a real-time game screen. I couldn't tell where the specific game location was, but I could only see that it was a huge arena, and the surrounding area was boiling to the extreme. There were crowds of onlookers holding big fists What a cheer with the light stick.

"Next, please defeat the king of the Kanto League in the semi-finals and successfully advance to the finals. The biggest favorite, Mr. Ma! Let me add that he was also the champion of the last P1 World Fighting Championship!"

Following the host's introduction, the entire arena suddenly erupted, and the cheers almost exploded the speakers of the TV.

Just as Xiaozhi was staring at him to see which fairy character it was, he saw an old man slowly walking out from the screen surrounded by the crowd, with a stooped figure and two hands in a warm coat , the appearance of a healthy old man.

He looks so weak, he is the kind of martial arts master who can only play with his mouth.

"That's it?"

Xiaozhi was a little disdainful.

But when he saw behind the old man there was a shirtless and rough man, resting his eyes with his eyes closed, and beside him was a humanoid Pokémon with four arms and a big gold medal belt around his waist, he still couldn't help it. In the scene of closing his eyes and resting his mind, Xiaozhi took back the word "just here".

Because this big man is the pride of their Kanto region, King Xiba.

The person who can defeat the king of heaven, this teacher Ma, is incredible.

Xiaozhi couldn't help short of breath, and looked at the old man with fiery eyes.

I saw a humanoid Pokémon with black and white patterns standing next to the old man, or more like a brown bear standing upright. It is about a head taller than an adult, and the fur on its body is in the shape of a swing. It looks like he is wearing a martial arts uniform, and there is an imposing shawl tied on his head and forehead.

"What kind of Pokémon is this?" Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"Didi. There is no data... There is a 50% chance of being a mutant circle bear, a 50% chance of being a mutant tundra bear, and a 1% chance of being a mutant wearing bear."

The illustration book automatically broadcast a piece of nonsense.

But one thing to say, Dr. Oki's ability to expand the scope of the illustrated book data to the Alola region is indeed remarkable.

No information = NB, this is the idea in Xiaozhi's mind, secretly raising this old man to another level.

"Another piece of news, Mr. Ma has been re-elected as the champion of the Galar region for 18 years this year, and officially resigned at the end of this year. The candidate for the champion of the Galar league will also be held at the end of this year. It was officially established in the league competition, and everyone is welcome to continue to follow up!"

The host's news was all dry stuff, and there was no trace of shocking the party with any appetizing headlines.

This news once again exploded among the crowd, who did not expect that this unremarkable old man was actually a league champion.

"Turtle Turtle..."

Xiaozhi was dumbfounded, the league champion was the strongest he had ever heard of.

Even Chi in his soul raised the corners of his mouth, looking curiously at this old man called "Teacher Ma".

After introducing this point, the host began to introduce another dark horse player who made it all the way to the finals.

There was only an exciting bgm, and two black shadows jumped out from the other side of the ring at the same time, and finally stood coquettishly on one of the tall pillars of the ring, in the shape of a golden phoenix king.

On one side is a muscular man wearing a colorful mask. You can't see the front, only a strong chin with a sparse beard exposed under the mask, strong chest muscles naked, and a professional wrestler's attire.

On the other side is a tiger-shaped Pokémon, with burning red skin covering the upper layer with layers of black stripes, walking upright, with a sound of strong and bursting muscles, it looks domineering and imposing.

"Hey! What a handsome Pokémon!"

Xiaozhi was completely attracted by the handsome and cool appearance of this Pokémon just at the first sight.

"Didi. Blazing Roaring Tiger, Pokémon in the Alola region, other information is unknown..."

This time, the illustration book reported its name, but it couldn't say a single word of other redundant information.

"Blazing Roaring Tiger..."

Xiaozhi suddenly clenched his fist violently, shouted with shining eyes:

"It's decided, I will definitely tame a blazing roaring tiger in the future!"

After seeing the heroic appearance of the number one Pokémon in the universe, Xiao Zhi turned his gaze to the masked wrestler.

The host raised the microphone and introduced again:

"The Royal Masked Man, a strong native from the Alola region, has a mysterious origin and is the perennial champion of the local Royal Dome competition!"

Since the Alola region doesn't even have an alliance yet, its overall strength is obviously behind other regions, so the introduction is also quite barren.

Of course, despite so few introductions, being able to reach the finals shows that the strength of this royal masked man is by no means paddling!


In fact, it is quite a stroke to say that it is not paddling.

After all, the masked man's opponent in the semifinals was an old man named "Old Cucumber" from the Carlos area, who was a gym owner.

Although the owner of the gymnasium seems to be very powerful, compared with Shiba, who is also the semi-final opponent, it is really a world of difference.

If the order is changed, the masked man will face Shiba in the semi-finals, and the opponents in this final may change.

But the royal masked man and its flaming roaring tiger in front of the screen did not feel timid because of the strong enemy, but stared at Mr. Ma and the humanoid brown bear beside him with scorching eyes.

war! !

This incomparably strong and firm will made Xiaozhi in front of the screen throbbing suddenly, his heart was surging, and he stared at him in a daze.

"this person..."

Xiaozhi suddenly had a strange premonition, he always felt that he would meet this masked man one day in the future...


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