He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 128 Alola's First Champion

"Is there no league champion in the Alola region yet?"

Chi in his soul suddenly spit out a sentence, his eyes shone with a strange light, and he secretly sorted out the difference between the electronic world and this world's timeline in his heart.

Looking at the battle that had already started on the screen, Chi's thoughts changed, and he couldn't help falling into memories...


In his world, once he was still practicing asceticism in Silver Mountain, and when he went to the Pokémon Center halfway up the mountain to find Miss Joey to replenish medicines and food, Qinglu and Bilan suddenly called him and called him down.

"It really made me laugh. I heard that there is a newly established Pokémon Alliance in a place next door. What is it called... Alola, the name is really funny enough."

Qinglu patted Chi on the shoulder and said arrogantly:

"I heard that there is also the first champion who can beat other regions? Hey, I have a bad temper. As seniors, it's not too much to educate them, right?"

At that time, Qinglu was still in a young and frivolous state, which was 70% similar to Xiaomao's personality now.

Perhaps it was because the first champion had just appeared. To boost the regional economy, air tickets to the Alola region from various regions were very cheap. Poor Chi also agreed to follow his two bad friends on the road to the Alola region to showcase the region. A journey of friendship and mutual assistance.

Senior love.

In the end, I was told that the first champion did not guard the alliance all the time, and there was no way to challenge the champion unless he first went to a facility called the battle tree.

It is said that after reaching 20 consecutive victories, Alola's first champion will appear on the stage and accept the challenger's challenge.

So Chi and Qinglu took two breaths, and immediately killed 20 ants.

I have to say that the level of the trainers in the Alola region is indeed a little hip, the level is pitiful, they are like a child.

As a result, in less than 10 minutes, the two easily reached 20 consecutive victories.

It's just that the situation changed again after the fight.

"I'm sorry, our first champion is very busy now, and we will have to wait 3 days before accepting your challenge."

A staff member said apologetically, and handed over an ipad with a real-time video on it.

The video was just shot this morning, and it's still hot.

It is said that somewhere, a trainer who was behaving strangely attracted the attention of passers-by.

When passers-by discovered that this strange trainer was actually their strongest first champion, they quickly took this unknown but very rare video.

Chi and Qinglu curiously clicked on the play button on the ipad to start playing the video.

In the video is a Kentello wearing a riding saddle, and on top of the Kentello is a sunny boy wearing a protective sports helmet.

Although his temperament is very sunny, his face is expressionless, even a little dull, and his eyes are wide open.

like a fool.

I saw the first champion moving fast on Kentaro, with a fiery red falcon hovering over his head, landing on his shoulder from time to time.

The body of this fiery red hawk was still pumping out heat, and its belly was glowing red.

There is one thing to say, there is nothing weird about riding a Kentaro, and it is not weird to have a bird on your head.

But the problem is that this boy never left his place at all!

That's right.

Kentaro was like a spinning top spinning crazily on the spot, with the bull's horns clinging to a strong notice board, constantly spinning and jumping with his eyes closed, and the violent hoofs immediately raised countless dust.

The first champion above stared wide-eyed, letting Kentaro gallop under him with a blank expression.

From a distance, you can still see the text on the sign and a small wooden house behind the background.

"The feeding house."

Red, green: "?"

Is this the first champion of the Alola region?

What a headache...

Seeing that it turned out to be a foolish champion, Chi and Qinglu lost interest immediately, and soon left the battle tree, no longer interested in educating the younger generation.

Afterwards, it was normal travel, drinking tea, sightseeing and playing, nothing serious.

For example, I beat a Pokémon who followed and peeped at them all day long, and it seemed to be called Kapu Mingming.

For example, Bilan accidentally discovered a gap in the ultimate hole.

So the three people who had nothing to do went in, walked around the ultimate space, grabbed a few super beasts that looked amazing but were actually ordinary, and then returned to the Kanto area...

It is worth mentioning that before leaving, Qinglu went to fight Zhanshu secretly again, and stepped on Chi's name...


Returning to reality, Chi realized that the Alola region of this world has not yet started to establish an alliance?

"It seems that they will start to build an alliance soon, right?"

Suddenly the corners of Chi's mouth rose, revealing a sly smile, and secretly thought.

"It's time for Xiaozhi to go shopping in the Alola area, and snatch the first champion by the way."

It can't be that the world's first champion is still a fool circling wildly at the door of the breeding house, right?

Chi began to use a little force, shaking the old man on the chair...


The battle on TV has officially kicked off.

I saw the Red Flame Roaring Tiger in front of the royal masked man took the lead in attacking. First he roared on the spot, and a burst of fierce red light burst out from his body on the spot, making his muscles burst and become strong.

Then it lifted its claws, its whole body was in the shape of a cross, and it started to spin wildly, and its body suddenly ignited like a flame.

Prestige is mighty!

"This move is the Red Flame Roaring Tiger's DD Golden Hook Arm!!"

The host read out the name of this move.

Although it is a fighting competition, many skills can still be used, such as "bodybuilding", such as "DD Golden Hook Arm", which is obviously related to fighting martial arts.

Of course, things like "Flashing Charge", "Swift Turnback", "Loud Roar", and "High Five Attack" cannot be used.

So strictly speaking, the current Roaring Tiger cannot be regarded as the No. 1 Pokémon in the universe, but can barely be regarded as the top ten Pokémon in the universe.

On the other side, the brown bear Pokémon was as immobile as a master martial artist, and made this gesture of taking over.

When the Roaring Tiger was a few meters in front of it, it suddenly burst into action, moving as fast as a lightning phantom, sharply broke the Roaring Tiger's attacking pace, and just a side thrust pierced the latter's menacing DD golden hook arm .

"Hmph, Martial Dao Bear Master, let the younger generations see our true power!"

Teacher Ma named the brown bear Pokémon.

Martial Arts Bear Master!

I saw Mr. Ma suddenly opened his eyes, and then swung his fists to the sides of his body suddenly, and took a horse stance.

Then the body jumped like a spring earthworm, and a burst of terrifying white air burst out, as if transformed.


Teacher Ma threw out the green hat on his head, and then the jacket and clothes on his body were shattered in an instant, revealing the bright yellow training clothes inside!

Immediately, the whole person became extremely lean and aggressive, with a row of strong and well-proportioned muscles, posing a fist movement of luck.

He didn't look like the old thin old man at all!

(For fear that some people will not understand, please tell me.)

(The protagonist of Alola will encounter red, green and red after 20 consecutive victories after finishing the alliance and playing the battle tree)

(Ms. Ma is the newest character of Sword and Shield, a former Galar champion, Dandi's teacher, who specializes in boxing.)

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