He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1275 Battle Arena

"So now, are we going to attack those pirates?!"

Xiaozhi can't wait anymore, he wants to meet the Pokémon egg of the fantasy Pokémon.

Is it like Kiraqi, whose body has turned into a rock egg cocoon?

"Don't worry...the location of the group of pirates is still uncertain, and you suddenly joined in, I need to contact the superior first..."

Xia also gave Xiaozhi a look of calmness, and then operated the device on the back of his hand.

At a close distance, Xiaozhi could fully see this peculiar armguard-like mechanical device.

Near the front of the palm, there is something like a white spinning top inlaid, as if it is about to be launched, I don't know what it is used for.

The back of the protective gear is the function of the communicator, and a screen window pops up.


The screen flashed, and a woman with long blue hair appeared on the screen.

He looked a few years older than them, with a heroic and capable face, blue hair draped to both sides of his forehead, tied high into a ponytail at the back, and a red headband tied on his forehead.


There is also a signature electric mouse in the Fangyuan area lying on the shoulder - Zhengdian Pat.

From the way he looks dressed, he is also a ranger.

"Yo, Miss Hinata, I found a helper..."

Xia also said hello.

"Xia Ye... I was just about to contact you, this time the task is a bit too high..."

The big sister named Hinata spoke with a worried expression on her face.

She knew Xia Ye's strength. In terms of the level of performing outdoor tasks, she could reach the level of the chief patrolman.

You can freely control the advanced cursor, and temporarily partner with wild elves to deal with various situations.

But his temper is too impatient, and his knowledge reserve is a bit short...

At this moment, it is somewhat difficult to complete this task of Manafei alone.

Hinata was about to come over and help.

"Have you found help...?"

Before Hinata could finish speaking, Xiao Zhi had already moved his head and greeted him through the screen:

"Hello Miss Hyuga, I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town! I also want to meet the legendary Neptune!"

"Oh, Xiao Zhijun... Wait a minute, you said you are Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town?!"

Hinata seemed to recognize Xiaozhi, his voice suddenly became high and high-pitched, and his head was even closer to the screen, as if he was examining it carefully.

There was an obvious look of amazement in his eyes.

"Hey, hello, sister Hinata, is he some kind of big shot...?!"

Xia also asked with a puzzled look on his face.

Hinata is a senior in the ranger school, three years older than him, and the two have a good relationship.

He had never seen the latter look like this before... not even the top rangers before, had he?

"Haha, you are such a big shot~ Since Xiao Zhijun is helping you with this task, then this time you can do your best by yourself~!"

After confirming that the person on the other side of the screen is really Xiaozhi, Hinata directly dismissed the idea of ​​coming to help.

With the help of such a powerful thug who can defeat the league champion head-on, if this is not enough to complete the task...then she came for nothing.

Unexpectedly, how did Xia Ye and Xiaozhi get to know each other?

Hinata felt somewhat magical.

Two days ago, she was still watching the video of the Caiyou Conference, and she was dumbfounded by Xiaozhi's operation...but now it suddenly appeared on the other side of the screen.

"Then Xia Ye, please continue to keep in touch... At present, the group of pirates has not yet reached the waters near the frontier area."


After speaking, Hinata hung up the phone.


The former's inexplicable behavior made Xia Ye turn his head and look at Xiaozhi curiously.

He obviously looks like someone of the same age as himself, how can he surprise Hinata-san so much?

Could it be that he is actually 20 years old and just looks young?

"Xiaozhi, how old are you this year...?"

Xia couldn't help but ask.

"How old is it? Uh... it's going to be 12 soon, right?"

Xiaozhi rested his chin and thought for a while, then replied.

He set off from Zhenxin Town at the age of 10, crossed the Kanto region for half a year, and crossed the Orange Islands for half a year.

Then he crossed the Chengdu area for half a year, and finally the Fangyuan area... In less than half a month, he will officially turn 12 years old.

"That's the same age as me..."

Hearing this, Xia also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling confident.

He was a prodigy at their ranger school, just turned 12, and was on his way to the top job of chief ranger.

Even in their ranger alliance, the number of chief rangers does not exceed 15!

Xiaozhi should be a genius like me!

Noticing Xiaozhi's curious gaze, Xia also raised his arm.

"This is a hunting cursor that only rangers can use~"

As he spoke, he pointed to the flying saucer gyro at the front.

"This is a hunting disc, shoot this thing out, and then circle around the wild Pokémon, you can achieve a temporary connection with the latter, form a temporary partnership, and team up to fight!"

"It's incredible..."

Xiaozhi was very surprised when he heard that, it sounded much simpler than subduing the Poké Ball.

There are no other wild Pokémon around, and it seems that they were dispersed by Pikachu's violent thunder earlier.

Xia also wanted to demonstrate, but he had no choice but to give up without a goal.

"Xiaozhi, anyway, you have been fighting against the frontier these days, right? Let's keep in touch, and when I find out about the pirates' movements, I will notify you as soon as possible!"


The two clapped their hands as farewell.

Immediately after, Xia Ye took her own Ukulele Pichu into the grass in a hurry and ran to the distance.

This mission is related to his success or failure to be promoted to chief ranger, but he can't be careless.

"I really met a strange person..."

Watching the disappearing back of the former, Xiaozhi shook his head, as if he accidentally inserted some trouble.

Without thinking too much about it, I took Pikachu back to the hotel...



the next day.

Xiaozhi's journey of controlling hegemony and fighting against the frontier is still going on.

chug chug! !

The three of Xiaozhi took Ahida's off-road vehicle again and drove on the outskirts of the battle frontier.

There are about ten kilometers between each battle facility, and in the middle is a vast wild plain, inhabited by many wild Pokémon.

This time, they came to a rather traditional wooden dojo.

This can't help but remind Xiaozhi of the Zhanlan gymnasium in the Chengdu area, which is good at fighting.

"Hey~! This is the battle arena, and the head of the battle is a woman named Cucumber Xiang. The test is the perseverance of the challenger~!"

Arriving in front of the dojo, Yashida stopped the car and introduced:

"Well, although Cucumber Xiang can also use other attributes to fight...but once she gets serious, she will mostly use fighting-type Pokémon~!"

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