He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1276 Snorkelling!

"How about Xiaozhi, have you selected the lineup, do you want to change it temporarily?"

After setting up the off-road vehicle, Yashida took out the camera again and pointed the screen at Xiaozhi.

"Cucumber Xiang's fighting style is very fierce~!"

"No need, attribute restraint or something, you can forcefully ignore it with perseverance!"

Xiaozhi took the lead and walked in the front.

"Haha... As expected, I still don't understand at all~!"

Ahida laughed and said.

After getting along for a day, he almost understood the character of Xiaozhi and his party.

Xiaozhi, in particular, is completely different from the painting style of "a young master who becomes famous at a young age" that he imagined before.

Purely a hot-blooded kid.

When several people walked into the wooden house and stepped on the floor, they saw a woman kneeling in the hall.

She has short yellow hair curled up slightly, wearing a purple and black short robe, blue tights inside, and a pair of sneakers under her feet.

Kneeling on the ground, it seems that he is meditating with his eyes closed, looking very calm.

"Cucumber Xiang, I have brought a powerful trainer~ He is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town~!"

Yashida said with a smile, seeing that the former did not respond at all, so she added another sentence.

"He is a powerful trainer who defeated the battle factory with overwhelming strength, don't be careless~!"


Hearing this, Cucumber Xiang, who was still very calm, suddenly jumped up like a rabbit.

Da da da!

Immediately, he sprinted even more violently, and his feet stepped on the wooden floor, making a creaking sound.

"Oh oh oh~! Did you actually defeat Dala?! Then we will fight with all our strength!!"

Cucumber Xiang's tone was very excited, her flexible body was bouncing left and right, she was looking at Xiaozhi closely, and she couldn't stop at all.


Such a fiery aura made Xiaozhi unable to speak.

It seems that she is also a hot-blooded woman.

"Hurry up, hurry up!"

Without waiting for Xiaozhi to say anything, Cucumber Xiang directly dragged Xiaozhi into the dojo.

The few people behind could only follow quickly.


Soon, several people arrived at a spacious dojo room, with a battle arena in the center.

The ceiling is about seven or eight meters high, barely able to move around.

"Then the rule of the battle arena is 3v3, if one side loses completely, the battle is over!"

A man in karate uniform came up and said loudly.

In the previous battle arena, the challenge will also be assessed in the battle, the mastery of "attribute restraint", "number of attacks", and "movement damage".

Some are similar to gorgeous contests. Even if there is no battle, it is possible to lose early because the score is cleared.

However, Cucumber Xiang felt that these were too much of a hindrance, so she simply changed back to the original version.

"Then my first battle Pokémon... Let's attack with all our strength!!"

Cucumber Xiang flipped her palm and threw a poke ball loudly.


This is a fighting kangaroo, with mushrooms growing on its green and yellow body... bamboo hat mushrooms!

"Grass attribute and fighting attribute, then it's up to you!!"

Xiaozhi directly ignored the attribute restraint and sent the Pokémon he had prepared early in the morning.


A huge object appeared in front of Xiaozhi, and as soon as it stepped on the dojo floor, it made a heavy sound.

What I saw was a big black and blue bear with a big belly and slit eyes looking lazy.

It was the Snorlax he tamed on the Orange Islands!

This time in the battle against the frontier zone, Xiaozhi has many former partners on him.

"Snappy, it completely ignores attribute restraint...but it looks very strong."

Yashida holds the camera up all the time, looking forward.

The battle begins!

"Bamboo hat mushroom, use Sonic Punch!!"

At the beginning of the battle, the bamboo hat mushroom's figure turned into a white light and rushed out, and the raised fist unceremoniously smashed on the big belly of the Snorby beast.


However, with the thick fat of the Snorlax, the fist hit it, and it sank in directly... the strength was also greatly reduced.


With a low growl from the Snorlax, it pushed its stomach forward suddenly.

Bang bang! !

Instead, the bamboo hat mushroom that was punching with all its strength bounced back and flew out.

"The defense is high...in that case, use mushroom spores!!"

The bamboo hat mushroom repositioned itself, shook its head, and the mushroom organs on its body suddenly emitted a cloud of yellow gas, floating towards the Snorby.

"Snorby, use Blizzard directly!!"


Kirbymon understood, took a deep breath, and opened his mouth to his mouth, and the icy energy condensed around his mouth instantly.

Hurrah! !

The next moment, as the Snorby let out a sharp breath, countless icy mist blows out with the strong wind from the spout!

The icy breath instantly covered the entire dojo room.

The beautiful snowflakes have the meaning of killing the cold, and they completely freeze the mushroom spores of the bamboo hat mushroom and fall to the ground.

Hurrah! !

The castration continued, and all the moves that were completely AOE fell on the bamboo hat mushroom.


Even though the latter was covering his chest with his hands in front of him, he still let out a muffled groan.

The effect is outstanding!

Cucumber Xiang couldn't help but frowned, why is the blizzard so powerful for a Snorkel with normal attributes... Even some places on the dojo ground were frozen into ice.

"Bamboo hat mushroom, prepare to use the suction punch!!"

Cucumber Xiang also wanted to try to recover blood with the suction punch.

Boom boom boom! !

However, in the wind and snow all over the sky, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps.

The next moment, a fat brown bear broke through the wind and snow suddenly, and came directly in front of the bamboo hat mushroom.

Lifting the chubby bear's paw, it has already condensed and covered a layer of ice and snow energy.

"So fast...?!"

Yashida, who held up the camera, exclaimed.

With such a thick and bloated body, this Snorlax runs like an unstoppable tank, with terrifying momentum.

"Snorby, use the freezing fist that decides the outcome!!"

Xiaozhi swung his fist and said loudly, obviously enjoying the cooperation with the Snorby beast again.


Naturally, Snorlax glared slightly, and blasted out its frozen fist.

"Bamboo hat mushroom, use the suction fist to block it!!"

In a hurry, Cucumber Xiang could only command like this.

The bamboo hat mushroom forcibly shook off the ice shards on its body, and a fist was also covered with dangerous white light energy, and it blasted towards the opponent's attack.

Boom! !

The two boxing moves collided head-on, and there was a burst of explosion.

It's just that the strength of the bamboo hat mushroom and the snorkel is completely one in the sky and the other in the ground.

Boom...! !

The stalemate was less than a wave, and the bamboo hat mushroom felt an overwhelming force, and the next moment, the whole body was thrown backwards under the punch of the opponent, and hit the wall of the dojo.

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