He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1282 It's all hard goods!

"The rules of the dome are 2v2 doubles...!"

A ring referee had already walked between the two of them and said loudly.

In the battle against the dome, the trainer's tactics are tested... In terms of tactical skills, the difficulty of a doubles match is much higher than that of a singles match.

"Then these are my two superstars, come out~!"

Hills directly threw two poke balls.

boom! boom!

There are also special stickers on the surface of these two pokemon balls, which allow the two Pokémon to have unique special effect patterns when they come out.

The next moment, there was a red and black lion-headed dog in front of Hills, with a very wild brown mane fluttering on his body.

On the other side, there was a large cyan flying dragon with a ferocious head and a pair of blood-colored wings on its back.

Wind Speed ​​Dog, Blood Wing Wyvern!

Just in appearance, they are two very hardcore and powerful Pokémon.

"Not to be underestimated..."

Xiaozhi's Pokémon were naturally prepared early in the morning, and he threw two Poké Balls in the same way.

boom! boom!

On one side is a flat metal crab, suspended in mid-air, with a platinum noble body with sharp edges and corners, and pure golden spikes growing in some places.

It was the shiny metal monster that Dawu gave him!

As for the other one!


As soon as he appeared on the stage, there was a very high-pitched and violent low roar, which instantly overwhelmed the cheers of the entire arena.

Sasha! !

Not only that, the entire ring arena was also blown by a faint yellow sandstorm in an instant, and the strong wind and waves swept over the sand and gravel, making the field of vision extremely poor.

And in the sandstorm, a green upright fierce beast also appeared in front of everyone.

The face is also fierce and fierce, the whole body is covered with green hard armor, and there are stabs on the back...

It was Ash's Bankiras! !

At this moment, in the arena, there were the same four very hardcore Pokémon.

"It's still a little bit worse..."

Holding up the camera, Ahida couldn't help sighing.

If Hills' wind speed dog can be replaced with a fast dragon, then Ash's metal monster can evolve...

This is a massive melee of quasi-gods!

Just looking at this scene is enough to detonate the audience!

"Then, the battle begins!!"

With the fall of the referee, the momentum of the four Pokémon on the ring climbed to the peak at the same time.

"Wind speed dog, use hot air!!"


As soon as the battle started, the wind speed dog raised its head and roared, and released a strong hot air flow from its body.

Hurrah! !

The hot wind blows away, immediately blowing away all the troublesome sandstorms, making the visibility of the entire arena clear again.

"Mie Dang~!!"

It's just that as the sandstorm disappeared, a shining platinum figure instantly appeared directly in front of the wind speed dog.

The steel arm shaped like an iron dumbbell, with white light, punched heavily!

Bullet Punch! !

Boom! !

The preemptive move directly smashed the wind speed dog backwards at an extremely fast speed.

But now it's a doubles match, Hills said loudly:

"Blood Wing Wyvern, use Shadow Claw!!"

I saw that the Blood Wing Wyvern had already flown up into the sky, and then charged obliquely. The surface of the sharp dragon claws was covered with dangerous and sinister power, and it was about to attack the metal monster.

"Banjilas, use the wave of evil!!"

However, Bankiras in the rear suddenly raised his head, and between opening and closing his mouth, he already spit out an energy shock composed of countless black light circles, and attacked the position of the Blood Wing Wyvern predicted in advance.

Bankiras is also Xiaozhi's veteran, and now he is very experienced in fighting.

"Blood Winged Dragon, split the wave of evil!!"

Sears commanded calmly, and there was a little more expression in his eyes.

Well done!

Sizzling...! !

The blood-winged dragon inserted its shadow claws horizontally into the wave of evil, and the sharp claws instantly split the menacing wave of evil into two smaller energy shocks, which were shot in two directions.

"Get out of the way!!"

Xiaozhi quickly commanded that the blood-winged dragon's moves were perfectly grasped, leading one of them to the metal monster.

Although the power of the wave of evil restrained by the effect has been weakened, if it hits, it will still deal a lot of damage.

"Mie Dang~!"

The metal monster was naturally the first to dodge.

But the other wave of the wave of evil that was split shot straight at the position of the hair-raising dog.

And this wind speed dog doesn't dodge at all.

boom...! !

The wave of evil hit the wind speed dog head-on.

However, the general power...

rub! !

But in the next moment, a red light flashed on Wind Speed ​​Dog's body, representing the improvement of his ability!

Trait, Heart of Justice!

Wind Speed ​​Dog's attack power has increased!

"Didi. Trait·Heart of Justice: When you encounter a move with evil attributes, because of your sense of justice, your own attack power will increase!"

The illustrated book automatically reminded.

Hills was worrying that he didn't have any moves to trigger. His Blood Wing Wyvern's bite power was incredible, and using it to trigger the Heart of Justice would not be worth the candle.

The opponent's weakened version of the wave of evil is the best tool!

"As expected of you to open your mind, you have completely used my moves..."

Xiao Zhi secretly marveled, this man who looks flashy, but has extremely delicate tactical skills... No wonder this battle facility, the assessment is the trainer's use of tactics!

"In this case, metal monster, use high-speed moving cover!!"

Xiaozhi attacked again.

This time, the metal monster's body was suspended in mid-air, moving with high-speed magnetic levitation.

Whoosh whoosh!

On the arena, countless metal monster bodies suddenly appeared, making people confused...

Platinum's gorgeous eye-catching color scheme makes Bankiras unremarkable.

However, Hills just smiled lightly, snapped his fingers and said:

"Want to compare speed with me... Wind Speed ​​Dog, use God Speed!"

I saw the wind speed dog's lower limbs slamming on the ground.

call out...!

The next moment, the figure of the wind speed dog had completely disappeared from the ring.

The ghostly figure is constantly flashing in every corner of the arena, and its speed is much higher than that of the metal monster.


This also completely interrupted the trajectory of the metal monster, and the high-speed movement seemed a bit stiff.

"It's now, use frolic!!"

But seeing the wind speed dog in the super speed appear in front of the metal monster in an instant, which made the latter subconsciously swing the heavy metal fist.

call out...!

But the fist directly fell through.

The wind speed dog had already penetrated the metal monster, and jumped towards Bankiras behind.

The whole body is covered with pink energy luster...

Fairy-type frolic moves are extremely effective against Bankiras!

"Blood Wing Wyvern, use Shadow Claw!!"

And while all the metal monster's attention was on the wind speed dog, the other Blood Wing Wyvern was already ready to go, waved its shadow claws again, and rushed down from mid-air, aiming at the metal monster!

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