He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1283: A Psychological Critical Strike That Can't Fly

The wind speed dog and the blood wing dragon attack the target at the same time, and the moves are all dangerous restraint moves. The scene is extremely dangerous for a while...

"Bangiras, use Loud Roar!!"

But Xiaozhi commanded suddenly.

Bankiras understood, opened his mouth to his mouth, and roared like thunder, bursting in an instant.

The passionate sound waves even turned into a real storm, spreading to the audience, making the faces of the Wind Speed ​​Dog and the Blood Wing Wyvern turn black, and they froze in place at the same time.

Roaring louder can always be trusted.

"Now, use metal claws!!"

The metal monster immediately waved its steel arms, and smashed its heavy metal fists straight at the attacking target.

But the level of the Blood Wing Wyvern is definitely not low, and it quickly broke free from the discomfort of roaring loudly, and the shadow claws continued, and then tore it out.

Boom! !

The moves collided and exploded, and the metal monster couldn't help but retreat several meters.

Although Mr. Dawu has bred this metal monster to perfection, it has not fully evolved after all, and its strength is still a bit behind the full version of the quasi-sacred blood-winged dragon.


The wind speed dog on the other side is covered with pink light all over, and the playful impact rushed out again!

"Bangiras, use the sharp rock to attack!!"

Countless sharp stones appeared out of nowhere on Bankiras' body, and with a wave of its arm, they shot out in unison.

Whoosh whoosh! !

Wind Speed ​​Dog could only forcibly stop his playful moves and dodge in haste around the dangerous sharp-edged rocks flying towards him.

"Sure enough, you can't be careless..."

Hills said with a serious expression.

The level of this metal monster is slightly lower, which is a good breakthrough.

But this Bankylas is very powerful, so it cannot be easily attacked by this guy...

"Blood Wing Wyvern, use Rock Crash!!"

Hills thought in his heart, and attacked again.

Following the blood-winged dragon's low growl, countless rocks condensed in the air on the other side of the arena in an instant, and then they all smashed down towards the two beasts below!

"Metal monster, use mental force!!"

Xiaozhi quickly commanded.

It was not long ago that his own metal monster evolved into a higher-level mental power move... That's why Xiaozhi sent it out to fight this time.

"Mie Dang~!!"

The eyes of the flashing metal monster glowed with light, and the blue light power spread to the audience.

The countless rocks that were about to fall were completely frozen in mid-air, unable to continue falling.

"Hmph... Wind Speed ​​Dog, use hot air!!"

Hills just smiled and snapped his fingers.

Wind Speed ​​Dog raised its head, its brown mane danced wildly, and countless strong winds of sparks flew out of its fur, turning into high-heat waves and blowing towards the sky.

Hoo hoo hoo...!!

Combined with the rocks in the sky, the latter burned up one after another, turning into meteors, flames and meteorites.


And as the hot wind raged, the temperature of the entire arena rose sharply, which made the metal monster somewhat uncomfortable, and the restraint of thought power was also loosened.


The next moment, countless flints fell down!

Hot wind rock avalanche! !

This is Sears' classic combo move!

"Banjilas, metal monster, use the iron wall at the same time!!"

Xiaozhi quickly used double defense.

However, the two beasts blocked their arms in front of them at the same time, and the surface of their bodies had a metallic luster at the same time, and their defensive power was greatly improved.


The flaming meteors kept bombarding the two of them, but it basically had no effect on Bankiras, which was equivalent to scraping.


However, the metal monster's noble platinum body was covered with many scars.


"Damn it, does this move also have the attribute of fire..."

Xiaozhi frowned.

Fortunately, the metal monster didn't have a burn condition. It seems that the next time it won't be beaten in vain.

"Prepare to fight back, Bankiras, use the wave of evil!!"

Make up your mind, this time it's Xiaozhi's turn to take the initiative to attack.

Bankiras roared, and the laser beam composed of countless dark circles bombarded out, directly bombarding the center of the arena.

Boom boom boom! !

There was an explosion and smoke billowed everywhere, covering the entire arena.

"Bloodwing Flying Dragon, fly high... Wind Speed ​​Dog, be careful around you!"

Hills is also a veteran of battles, so he responded immediately.

He naturally knew that Xiaozhi was going to do something under the cover of the smoke... The Blood Wing Wyvern was already flying high, so he only needed to focus on the Wind Speed ​​Dog below.


However, at this moment, not only the blood-winged dragon flew high out of the range of the smoke, but another huge figure flew high and chased after the blood-winged dragon.

But this figure is neither Bankiras nor Metal Monster...

As the smoke dissipated, Bankiras was seen riding directly on the metal monster. The latter was like an alien flying saucer, carrying Bankiras up into the sky.

Although the former is very heavy, the flight of the metal monster does not rely on its own "strength" to fly, but relies on magnetic force, so it is not a big problem.

"Now, use shoot down!!"

Xiaozhi's fingers pointed high towards the sky.

This also allowed Bankiras to seize the opportunity, suddenly jumped high, one arm was already stained with the power of the rock, and bombarded straight towards the blood wing dragon!

In haste, the Blood Wing Wyvern could only hit a dragon claw backhand, barely contending with it.

Boom...! !

The power of the moves of the two is comparable, although the strength cancels each other out, the additional effect of Bankiras's shooting down move is still retained.

boom boom...!!

The next moment, the Blood Wing Wyvern suddenly lost control of his body, and immediately fell from the air, hitting the ground heavily.

"Aww, whoa...?!"

Moreover, no matter how much he flapped his blood-red wings, it was difficult to fly again, which made the blood-winged dragon suddenly confused.

It seems that I have returned to the stage of the baby dragon...

Losing the power of flying, switching to other Pokémon may adapt quickly.

Not being able to fly was definitely a huge psychological blow to the Blood Wing Wyvern, completely deadlocked.

"Bloodwing Flying Dragon, hurry up and use the dragon claws!!"

It was already a step late when Sears reminded, another metal monster had already flown in, and one fist and arm was covered with thick ice and snow energy...

Frozen Punch! !

Boom! !

Caught off guard, the Blood Wing Wyvern was thrown several meters away by the Frozen Fist, drawing a long mark on the ground.

The quadruple effect is outstanding, and the damage of this blow is excellent!

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, now, use big characters to explode!!"

It was too late for Hills to take care of his Blood Wing Wyvern, so he quickly seized the opportunity to attack.

He didn't expect Xiaozhi's battle to be so unconstrained, what kind of tactic is it to fly with Bankiras!

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