He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1284 Four evolutions, but one bastard

Boom chi chi! !

I saw the wind speed dog opened its mouth, and a huge flaming character flew out, attacking the metal monster punching with all its strength.

The metal monster's movement span is too large, it can't dodge this move at all.

"Don't forget that I have another Pokémon... Bankiras, use Fire Fist!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly said loudly, his tone extremely confident.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

A roar came from the air, and a gray-green figure jumped down suddenly.

On one side of the fist, a hot flame of the same source was ignited, and it fell straight down!

Flame fist! !

Boom! !

The powerful flaming boxing fell from the sky, not only directly punched a big hole in the ring, but even the big characters that flew out were blasted into sparks by Bankiras' punch on the spot, with a very fierce posture.

Attacking from the front, the Big Character Blast Flame has unparalleled destructive power.

But as if attacking from the side, the power of the Big Character Explosive Flame has weakened a lot.

The sudden acceleration of the battle rhythm made many viewers dumbfounded and completely immersed in the fierce battle scene.

And when this round eased up a little, the pros and cons of the arena had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The two on Xiaozhi's side are fairly healthy, but the metal monster's physical strength is about half full.


But on the other side, the Blood Wing Wyvern ate a frozen fist with four times restraint, and entered the state of a candle in the wind on the spot, panting heavily.

However, the wings fluttered and flew up, regaining the ability to fly, which actually restored the mental state of the Blood Wing Wyvern.

The wind speed dog on the other side has also reached half health, which is not very healthy.

It can be said that the battle has become a disadvantageous situation for Sears.

"Looks like we're at an impasse..."

However, Hills suddenly opened his arms completely, and the surrounding audience also followed his movement, and suddenly burst into cheers like a torrent and tsunami, and Xiao Zhi was stunned for a while.

"Then it's time for mega evolution... Evolve, Bloodwing Wyvern!!"

Hills suddenly said loudly.

His bracelet, which looked like a golden ornament, was actually inlaid with a round bead on the back.

Zizi...! !

Hills tapped lightly, and the light suddenly increased instantly. The energy light completely surrounded the Blood Wing Wyvern, and its body shape was constantly deformed in the colorful energy.

"There is even a mega evolution..."

Xiaozhi was secretly surprised.

That's right, the Fangyuan area already has the excavation of mega stones, so it's not surprising that the masters here have mastered the evolution of mega.

"In that case, let's come too... Bankiras, mega evolution!!"

Xiaozhi also pressed the keystone of his bracelet, and the light instantly connected him with Bankiras.

As for Bankira's exclusive mega stones... Xiaolan's bag of mega stones happened to also have Bankira's type, and Xiaozhi borrowed them.

In an instant, a colorful light rose from both ends of the arena, which looked extremely mysterious.

However, the next moment, the third ray of light also appeared.


Only the low reverberation sound of the metal monster sounded, and this guy's platinum body was covered with dazzling white light!

The whole body is constantly expanding and deforming in the white light, and the breath is also constantly rising and improving.

"This is...evolution?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened, the metal monster suddenly evolved on this occasion, which he did not expect.

But soon Xiaozhi was overjoyed, this is a good thing!

Originally, Dawu had bred this metal monster to perfection, and he had almost trained his potential. Now the time for evolution is just right!

All of a sudden, on the ring arena, three dazzling lights flashed at the same time...

This instead made the fourth person on the ring—the Wind Speed ​​Dog who stood there quietly and unchanged.

Wind Speed ​​Dog: "..."

Generally, if evolution or mega evolution occurs somewhere, everyone's eyes will naturally fall on the former.

But if everyone is evolving... Then the eyes naturally fall on the only one who has not evolved.

The wind speed dog, which is not special, has become the most special one.


However, as proud as a wind speed dog, he couldn't stand this kind of sight, so he suddenly raised his head and let out a high-pitched growl.

The next moment, a dazzling and strange white light also appeared on the wind speed dog!

"What the hell, can the wind speed dog also mega evolve?"

"No, a trainer can only evolve one mega at a time, is the wind speed dog evolving?!"

"My God, the wind speed dog can still evolve?!"

On the arena, four white lights rose simultaneously, which made countless audiences enjoy themselves and discuss a lot.

This scene is rare!

Yashida even held the camera firmly, the muscles at the corners of his mouth trembled, and now his material exploded again!

Every battle of Xiaozhi is worthy of being promoted as a big hit!

Hills: "..."

Among the crowd, only Hills looked a little stiff.

Well, somewhat of a disappointment to everyone's expectations.

His wind speed dog, if he read correctly, should have suddenly mastered a new move - morning light.

Don't look at the bells and whistles, it's probably a recovery move similar to photosynthesis.

Four evolutions, but there is a bastard inside.

But as far as the current momentum is concerned, it is not much weaker than the other three.


Wait until the four rays of light dissipate at the same time.

The body shape of the Blood Wing Wyvern has undergone great changes, its body has become straighter, and even its tail has become taut.

The two blood-colored wings on the back turned into sharp arcs and stretched out towards the head. The momentum was extremely sharp, as if it could penetrate everything.

Mega Blood Wing Wyvern! !

And Bankiras' back was split due to the amazing energy of mega evolution, and slender green spikes extended all over his body, and even the end of his tail was covered with a circle of peripheral spikes.

The body of the abdomen turned from gray blue to bright red, and the black crack on the chest was like a grimace.

There is also an extra stand on the head, and the aura of the sandstorm king has climbed to the extreme!

Mega Bankiras! !

As for the metal monster... It has also completely completed its evolution at this moment,

Originally there were only two arms, but now there are four metal arms extending from the front and back. The noble platinum body is suspended in mid-air, and there is a huge golden cross inlaid on the head.

Flash · Metagro!

At this moment, three complete quasi-gods really appeared on the ring!

As for the only exception, the wind speed dog, as the morning light completely dissipated... there was no change.

The sun is shining, and Hunzi appears.

Wind Speed ​​Dog: "..."

Hills: "..."

This time, his momentum was greatly weakened.

"The battle has just begun...mega Bloodwing Wyvern, Wind Speed ​​Dog!!"

Hills hurriedly cheered, the battle is not over yet!

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