He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1285 Comet Fist, Metagross!


Although the handsome mega evolution has been completed, Hills' Blood Winged Wyvern is still in a state of exhaustion visible to the naked eye.

Although the wind speed dog has crossed the water in the four evolutions...but under the effect of the morning light, his physical strength has returned to a healthy state.

"The battle is not over yet, Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Hot Wind! Mega Blood Wing Wyvern, use Rock Avalanche!!"

Hills once again used the previous combo moves.

Boom boom boom...!

The rocks constantly falling from the sky turned into meteors and flints in the hot wind, and this time the number was even much higher than before.

The avalanche power of the Mega Blood Wing Wyvern has become even stronger!

"Metal monster... no, giant metal monster, use mental force!!"

Xiaozhi adopted the same coping strategy.

I saw blue light flashing in the platinum and noble golden monster's eyes, and the terrifying thought power spread to the audience in an instant, appearing on the surface of every meteor and flint.

The Metagross that has completed evolution at this moment obviously has a better control over its own superpowers, completely freezing countless meteors and flints.

The improvement of defense also made it not too strange in the aftermath of the hot wind.

"Mie Dang~!!"

With a low growl, the power of thought exploded, crushing countless dangerous rockslides and flints in the sky into powder in an instant, and disappeared without a trace. The power is extremely tyrannical!

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, Big Character Explosive Flames!!"

When the audience was amazed by the powerful thought power of the giant golden monster, Hills took the opportunity to attack and said:

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use big characters to explode!!"

Right now, he is at a complete disadvantage. Put aside all battle-headedness first, winning is everything!


The wind speed dog opened its mouth, and a big flame character was formed instantly, and it was thrown directly in the direction of the giant golden monster.

"Bangiras, use the sharp rock to attack!!"

However, Bankiras on the other side has already condensed countless sharp-edged gravels in front of him. With a wave of his arm, countless sharp stones rushed towards the big character explosion.

After completing the mega evolution, Bankiras' power is extremely powerful at this moment, and it is not a move at the same level of strength at all.


At the moment of contact, the sharp stone attack has completely dissipated the big character explosive flames, and even has more stamina, continuing to shoot at the wind speed dog behind.

"Mega Bloodwing Wyvern, use Sacrificial Charge!!"

Hills stared, and suddenly said loudly.

The next moment, the whole body of the Mega Blood Wing Wyvern was covered with golden-white energy light, and the whole straight body suddenly rushed up!


Like a laser pulse, it also completely dispersed the sharp stone attack with an overwhelming advantage.

The quasi-god Pokémon and the mega evolution, at this moment Bankiras and the Blood Winged Wyvern have incomparably powerful power when they raise their hands, even looking at them from a distance makes people's blood boil!

Boom boom boom! !

Not only that, during the sprinting process, the golden light energy on the surface of the Blood Wing Wyvern even turned into blue shock wave energy.

In the unstoppable power, there is a little more elegance and agility...

This is the characteristic of the mega Bloodwing Wyvern, the flying skin!

A move with a general attribute will be transformed into a flight attribute, and the power of this move will be increased!

However, facing this almost incomparable impact, Xiao Zhi's expression was frantic, and he actually chose to fight head-on.

"Metal monster, use the iron wall to block it!!"

Obviously, he has great confidence in the evolved giant golden monster at this moment!

"Mie Dang~!!"

The flashing golden monster let out a low growl, and immediately landed in the center of the collision trajectory, and even landed on the ground of the ring from the air. The steel limbs were firmly inserted into the ground to maintain stability.

The platinum-gold body once again had a silver-white metallic luster, which was extremely hard!

The next moment, the Sacrificial Charge hit the golden monster head-on!

Boom boom boom! !

The power is extremely tyrannical, even the giant golden monster is retreating rapidly.

Keng Keng Keng...!

The four steel arms inserted into the ground even made four exaggerated gaps and cracks on the ring, and the entire stage was almost about to burst.

All the way back, until the whole body of the giant golden monster was about to fly out of the ring, and then at the limit edge of the ring, it barely resisted the blow.

"How can it be?!"

Hills looked surprised, the opponent couldn't resist this move!

"Hmph, no matter if it's a general attribute or a flying attribute, my Metagros have good resistance!"

Xiaozhi moved out the attribute restraint list at this time.

Not only that, but at this moment the giant golden monster has raised its fist, and there are various special effects of shooting stars floating on it...

"Have you finally mastered this trick..."

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, Kiraqi had also used this trick before.

Taking advantage of the blood-winged wyvern's body being temporarily stiffened after using the blood-winged dash, Xiao Zhi immediately commanded loudly:

"It's now, Comet Fist!!"

The next moment, the flashing golden monster exerted all its strength and punched out with a punch!

Whoosh! !

Like a bright meteor across the sky, it leaves a beautiful trajectory in the air, but it contains a terrifying force that can break through a huge rock!

Comet Fist hit the Blood Wing Wyvern head-on!

Boom! !

The body of the latter flew upside down like a cannonball under the terrifying comet fist.

Not only in the arena, but the Blood Wing Wyvern flew directly out of the arena, jumped over the heads of countless spectators below, and finally fell on the wall of the facility farther away.

boom boom...!

Smoke and dust billowed everywhere, looking tragic.

Just as everyone's eyes were on the Tyrannosaurus flying out, Hills' face changed drastically, and he suddenly commanded loudly:

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Flame Charge!!"

His Blood Winged Dragon was already in the wind, and it was impossible to block this move.

And the giant golden monster who forcibly endured the flying skin and sacrificed his life is definitely not comfortable, it is an excellent opportunity to attack!

"Now it's a doubles match...!"

Xiaozhi's expression was extremely cautious, and he was not complacent because of his previous success.

Boom boom whoosh! !

The whole body of the wind speed dog on the opposite side has been covered with blazing flames. The body of the lion beast is running and rushing towards it, turning into a huge blue fireball along the way, with astonishing power, aiming at the giant golden monster!

Flash Charge! !

"Bangiras, carry it head-on!!"

Xiaozhi still repeated his old tricks, and the flame move also didn't have a very good effect on Bankiras.


Before receiving the opponent's full-strength blow, and then hitting his own full-strength blow, although his own giant golden monster did not lose its fighting ability, it was almost impossible to move.

The arena at this moment has turned into a head-to-head confrontation between Wind Speed ​​Dog and Mega Bankiras!

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