He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1289 Natural Divine Power

Fenton slapped the mirror surface of the training cabin violently, as if he didn't worry about the latter bursting open.

"Mana Fei, hatch it quickly!! Then take me to the legendary Sea Temple!!"

"The Temple of the Sea~! The Temple of the Sea~!"

The noisy bird next to him also jumped up and repeated.

The Temple of the Sea will not appear in one fixed place, but may appear in any location of the ocean with the flow of the sea.

Only Manafei has a special connection with it and can find the target.


At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly noticed that Xia Ye, who looked like a soldier next to him, gave him a look.

The next moment, the latter jumped out and came to the back of the cultivation chamber device.

Immediately, he directly pressed a button on the back of the device...Xia also found the button for the device to come out safely.


After a while of operation, the liquid in the cultivation chamber was poured out, and a portable container filled with elf eggs flew out from below, and Mana Fei's eggs were just loaded.

As the surface of the cultivation chamber opened, Xia Ye grabbed the portable device and the elf egg with his backhand.

"Enemy invasion~! Enemy invasion~!"

The Noisy Bird was the first to react, and hurriedly flew in the cabin, singing and repeating warning sounds, and scattered colorful feathers in the air.

Immediately, many pirate soldiers rushed in, crowding the not-so-spacious room.

"Little brat... dare to steal my things...!!"

Fan Dun's expression also instantly became furious. His figure was not tall, but his body under the captain's uniform looked very rough, and he was approaching step by step.


Xia Ye let out a low cry, and the Pichu at the collar jumped out directly, and the small palm had already landed on his ukulele.

Clang clang~! !

As the ukulele is played, the sound wave turns into a dense electric current and spreads out.

Electromagnetic waves! !

For a moment, the nearest pirate soldiers were directly hit by the electromagnetic wave, and their whole bodies fell limply on the spot.

Slap...! !

However, this ferocious pirate leader slapped the electromagnetic wave violently.

"What the hell...?! Pichu, use one hundred thousand volts!!!"

The operation of this physical body defeating skill surprised Xia, how could it be possible for a human being to do this operation, and quickly directed Pichu to use a more powerful electric shock.

"What an unlucky electric mouse!!"

However, Venton took the first step, and before Pichu played the first note, he was already slapped heavily.

Whoosh! !

Pichu's petite figure immediately flew backwards, and Xia Ye could only hold Mana Fei's egg in one hand, and the other hand could barely touch his own Pichu.

The latter looked pitiful, obviously the force of this slap was extremely strong.

"Haha!! Brat, I am invincible!!!"

Fan Dun laughed triumphantly, and walked towards Xia Ye again, this time he even raised his fist, and punched him mercilessly! !

Boom! !

It's just human boxing, but it has a dangerous and fierce style of boxing!

Xia Ye also activated his adrenaline in an instant, rolling and dodging hastily, his movements were quite embarrassing.


But Fenton's missed punch hit the metal wall, and even directly punched out a sunken punch hole, the power was extremely terrifying!

If this punch lands on a human body...

Xia couldn't help swallowing, with a panicked expression.

This person is not human at all, he is stronger than a monster!

There is no mention in the information that Venton has such a natural power!


"Xia Ye, you go out first, leave this place to me!"

However, just when Fan Dun was about to punch again, Xiao Zhi had already blocked Xia Ye.

"So there's a second damn mouse... If you want to die, I'll give you a ride!!"

Fenton didn't hold back the slightest bit, and once again blasted a powerful punch, hitting Xiaozhi's face straight.

"Little Zhi, get out of the way!!"

Xia Ye's expression turned anxious, and he quickly shouted.

After this punch, the human head will be split like a watermelon!

However, at the next moment, Xiao Zhi's waist sank, he raised his fist, and spread his palm completely, as if he was going to directly receive the opponent's heavy punch.

"Arrogant brat, go to hell! Haha!!"

This scene made Fan Dun laugh out of anger.

Even fighting Pokémon can't stop his punch, and a human being posing this way at him is nothing short of a joke!

Just as he punched Xiaozhi's palm.

Boom...! !

In an instant, it was as if it hit a heavy iron block, and the scene where the opponent's arm was split in an instant did not happen.

A roar gradually weakened, although Xiaozhi's body was forced to retreat one meter under the punch, his arms were also trembling.

But Fan Dun's fist was so firmly fixed in Xiaozhi's palm, without cracking or crushing the palm.

"How can it be?!"

Fan Dun's expression was shocked instantly, he obviously punched this punch solidly!


Especially Xia Ye who was the closest, his expression also became shocked.

Damn, so both are monsters? !

"Xia Ye, hurry up, I'll block you here!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's words, Xia didn't miss it this time, and rushed towards the door with Pichu and the elf egg in his arms.

If I stay here by myself, it becomes a burden instead.

But I don't know if it's an illusion, how come I seem to hear the sound of gears turning and steam running on Fanton's body?

"Little devil! Keep Manafei!!"

Fan Dun was about to turn his head and stop Xia Ye immediately.

It's just that his fist seemed to be clamped by some steel pliers, and he couldn't withdraw his arm from Xiaozhi's palm for a while.

"What the hell is this kid?!"

Fan Dun's expression was even more shocked than Xia Ye.

Naturally, this is not some kind of natural supernatural power, but wearing a strange power booster in the uniform.

Relying on this device, he can gain power comparable to Pokémon, smashing a boulder with one punch.

But with the flimsy clothes of the brat in front of him, it is obviously impossible to wear some kind of device inside.

Have you really encountered a natural supernatural power?

"You are the most powerful human being I have ever seen...but this time I will punch you!!"

Xiaozhi was unceremonious, and pulled forward the palm holding the opponent's fist, and forcibly dragged Fan Dun over.

Immediately, the other palm had already clenched a fist, and also punched with all its strength!

There is no boxing method, just the pure Zhenxin Zhenwang Baquan! !

Boom! ! !

Venton could only activate the strange power booster again, and also punched Xiaozhi with such force that both of them were forced to retreat by the reaction force.

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