"Damn it, brat...!!"

It's just that Fan Dun's focus is entirely on Xia Ye at this moment.

The latter has also been a ranger for many years. Although he is a bit happy in terms of strength, his movements are still very flexible.

A few jumping parkours have already slipped past a few pirate soldiers, as difficult to catch as a loach.

After a while, he completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Idiot!! Hurry up and chase after him!!"

Fan Dun cursed angrily.

"Food bucket~! Rice bucket~!"

The Noisy Bird yelled and cursed over his head, and the group of pirate soldiers suddenly split into two groups.

One group went to hunt down Xia Ye, and the other group went to surround Xiao Zhi.

As for the pirate leader, he has no time to talk to Xiaozhi now, so he walked out of the room quickly.


Da da da...!

Soon, Xia Ye, who was holding the Manafei Elf Egg, had already climbed up the wall steps, pushed open the closed window at the top, and came to the top deck.

Surrounded by the endless sea.

In the dark night sky, only a bright moon provides illumination.

Because of Pikachu's destruction at the beginning, the pirate ship has resurfaced from the submarine mode, which gave Xia Ye a chance to escape.


It's just that Xia Ye just took a step, when the metal deck in front of him suddenly cracked a big hole.

Immediately afterwards, Fenton led a few pirate soldiers and rose up like an elevator, blocking Xia Ye's way.

"Little devil, you have nowhere to escape... Hehe, you dare to sneak into our pirate's chassis, who are you!?"

Venton's sullenness was completely written on his face, and he stamped his cane on the ground, and the noisy birds above all flew up and flapped their wings a few times to buffer the force.

Xia Ye suddenly became anxious, and suddenly saw three giant-winged flying fish flying out of the sea next to him...

"This is it!!"

Xia Ye's eyes brightened, and he took off his pirate costume abruptly, revealing his ranger's uniform.

Then press the device on the arm.

A white spinning top flew out suddenly at the front end, and there was a white light tail at the end, spinning all the way out.

Whoosh! !

With Xia Ye's finger movement, the spinning top also changed its trajectory, and it actually spun around the giant-winged flying fish that jumped out of the sea.

"Successful capture!"

The white energy aperture closed, and Xia Ye immediately shouted.

The next moment, this wild giant-winged flying fish looked at Xia Ye with a little more intimacy.

"So it's a Pokémon Ranger..."

Launching, controlling the hunting disc... This set of fancy operations made Fan Dun recognize Xia Ye's identity, and his expression became more dangerous and furious.

"Hey, hey! I haven't provoked you before, how dare you provoke me today?!"

With the giant-winged flying fish on standby to escape at any time, Xia Ye gradually became more courageous.

"Let's not talk about you forcibly occupying the Manafei egg... The things in the Temple of the Sea are by no means accessible to humans, especially the Crown of the Sea. If there is a slight difference, it will bring huge damage to the entire ocean. disaster!"

Xia Ye said in a deep voice with a serious face.

"Hmph, idiot! When I become the king of the sea, I won't let any disaster happen!"

Venton looked very confident.

Anyway, if some disaster really happened, he wouldn't be the king who died!

Seeing that language could not be communicated at all, Xia Ye rushed towards the edge immediately, about to jump out of the pirate ship and escape on the giant winged flying fish.

"Xiaozhi should be fine..."

The opportunity is rare, and Xia Ye can only choose to give priority to ensuring the safety of Manafei, and then return to rescue Xiaozhi later.

"Come out, Lotte Kappa! Use the energy ball!!"

However, Fenton flipped his palm and sent out a Happy Kappa, and with his backhand, a powerful green light energy bomb was thrown out.

Boom! !

The energy ball containing surging energy landed on the giant winged flying fish that had just jumped up and was about to catch someone, causing a massive explosion on the spot.


The next moment, the giant-winged flying fish had already fallen down in the wind, unable to help and cooperate any more.

"Hmph, you rangers are no good. Most of your temporary partners are not strong enough. They can't stop the attack of my Happy Kappa at all! Hahaha!!"

Seeing this scene, Fan Dun burst out laughing.

The temporary partner of the ranger is more useful for some special scenarios.

Fighting head-on is completely incomparable to other people's genuine partner elves.



Xia Ye's movements froze, and he could only bite the bullet and look at Fan Dun again.

It's just that the elf in his hand at the moment also has Pichu...

Generally, patrolmen will only carry one partner elf.


Pichu, who had been slapped with a strange force, landed in front of Lotte Kappa again, dragging his tired posture, as if he was about to play the tune.

Clang clang! !

This time, the ukulele's voice became explosive, like the crazy beating notes of an electric guitar.

Boom! !

The sound waves turned into extremely powerful colorful electric currents in mid-air, bombarding the Lotte Kappa in unison.

Breaking sound! !

"What a strange electric mouse...Lotte Kappa, use the water cannon!!"

Venton directed with a grinning grin.

But I saw Letian Kappa open his big duckbill, and a bunch of thick water cannons bombarded out, bombarding with Pichu's broken sound and electric shock.

Boom boom...! !

Don't look at this Pichu's petite size, but his strength is not weak. He blasted away the powerful water cannon abruptly.

However, this is what Fan Dun wanted, and let the water drops from the burst of the water cannon fall on the body of Lotte Kappa.

This is like a rainy scene, which also successfully triggered the leisurely and carefree characteristics of Lotte Kappa.

Double the speed!

"It's now, use the ultimate absorption!!"

The next moment, two long green energy whips shot out very fast, before Xia Ye and Piqiu could react, they were completely bound into meat dumplings by the energy whips, and could no longer break free.

Venton is obviously very adapted to fighting in the ocean.

Xia Ye could only keep his arms high at the same time to ensure that the moves he finally absorbed would not affect the elf eggs.

"Hey~! According to the rules of our pirates, an intruder like you is going to be thrown into the sea to feed the megalodon~!!"

After successfully subduing his opponent, Fenton came with a stern smile on his face.

"Hey Megalodon~! Hey Megalodon~!"

The Noisy Bird was still counting by the side.


But just when Fan Dun and the latter soldiers were about to get close, there was a sudden low voice from another position on the deck.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!!"

Pikachu jumped out from nowhere, and after spinning a few times in the air, the steel tail slammed down!


The powerful iron tail not only instantly cut off Lotte Kappa's ultimate absorption, but also cut a crack on the metal deck!

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