He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1291 Loud sound, echo, echo

"It's you, little brat... Didn't you get killed!?"

At this moment, Xiaozhi has also taken off the disguise of the pirate soldier, but Venton still recognized the monster boy who was underneath, blocking his power booster.

Well, it's not suitable for close combat.

But from the looks of it, this brat seems to be good at elves fighting...

"Want to be a hero, then I will play with you... Lotte Kappa, use the energy ball!!"

Venton took the initiative to attack.

Lotte Kappa's body was still wet, and his speed was quite fast, and he had already thrown a powerful energy bomb with his backhand.

"Iron Tail!!"

However, Pikachu came out instantly, and the metal iron tail slashed down like a sharp-edged iron knife.

Boom! !

The energy ball exploded violently, creating a puff of smoke.

"Lotte Kappa, use the frozen light!!"

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

The next moment, similar pulsating electric snakes roared out, lasing towards each other.

The trajectories are the same, but the colors and attributes are different.


When they collided together, the power of 100,000 volts was even more powerful, breaking the frozen light abruptly, and exploding on the Lotte Kappa at the end!

"What the hell, why is this electric mouse so powerful?!"

Fenton was astonished.

Isn't this a bad street electric mouse for viewing?

Is it because he hasn't been ashore for so long that all the electric mice on land have mutated?

Looking at Pikachu's flexible movements, and my Lotte Kappa also lost the leisurely bonus effect... After all, it was just being splashed by the water, which lasted for one or two rounds.

"In this case, use the straw knot!!"

Fenton commanded suddenly.

But I saw Lotte Kappa suddenly raised his fat hand, emitting a strange green light energy.

Shhhhhh...! !

The ground under Pikachu's feet instantly grew tough vines, which were about to trip him.

"Grass knots... Well done, we use straw knots too!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he also commanded.

I saw that Pikachu also followed suit, raising his short hand, and his small eyes glowed with a strange green light.


The same tough green leafy vines stretched out from the feet of Lotte Kappa, displaying overwhelming power.

Long...! !


The next moment, Pikachu and Lotte Kappa stumbled on the spot at the same time.

It’s just that the trick of making straw knots is calculated based on the weight of the Pokémon. With Pikachu’s small size, even ten rounds of straw knotting can have the same effect as scraping.

But Lotte Kappa was different, his heavy body fell down suddenly, and he let out a whine...

The damage is not low.

"Damn rat...in that case, use the loud noise!!"

Fenton was completely moved, and said angrily.

I saw Lotte Kappa waving his arms, swaying as if dancing, and a strong sound wave burst out from his open mouth.

Boom boom boom...! !

The loud sound of the whole range spread to the audience, and naturally attacked Pikachu.


But the damage was dispersed, and Pikachu could barely hold on.

Seeing that the opponent's loud noise was about to end, Xiao Zhi didn't intend to delay, so he quickly directed:

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt to kill it at once!!"

However, just as Pikachu was still accumulating power, Lotte Kappa's loud noise had just ended, and this was undoubtedly the best time to attack.

Fan Dun suddenly stomped his cane and shouted loudly:

"It's now, Noisy Bird, use the Echo!!"

I saw the parrot that had been chattering meaninglessly nearby suddenly flew up with its beak open.

Completely follow the loud voice of Lotte Kappa, and then continue to speak!

Boom boom boom! !

The violent and berserk sound wave once again diffused and covered the entire field, and its power was even higher than the loud sound of Lotte Kappa!


Even Pikachu backed up again and again amidst the violent sonic boom, with a distressed expression on his face.

Even the lightning current that was ready to go on his cheek dissipated in an instant.

The sonic boom was so powerful that it even shattered the surrounding wooden boxes... It's hard to imagine that it was a move made by this seemingly harmless parrot.

"Hey! How despicable, suddenly playing two against one!!"

Xiaozhi immediately cursed angrily.

The move of echo is a move that catches the previous sound and continues to superimpose the explosion.

If you simply send it out, the power is very average...

But if the previous sound move was already powerful, the power of the next echo will also be multiplied.

"Haha kid! Do you think I'm a good person?! I'm a big pirate who does all kinds of evil!!"

Fenton obviously wasn't ashamed at all, on the contrary he was very proud of his status and laughed wildly.



Even the pirate soldiers next to them showed dangerous grins.

And as the parrot bird's echo move is about to end, the Lotte kappa next to him is already ready to go, taking a deep breath, and is about to burst out with a deafening sound.

It also masters the Echo move.

The parrot bird and the Lotte kappa catch each other's last round of sound, so that the power of this move is continuously superimposed, and the perpetual motion is realized...


"Pichu, follow it's voice...we use echoes too!!"

However, Xia Ye, who had been watching the play from behind, suddenly commanded.

Cold knowledge, his Pichu also knows the move of echo.


Seeing that little Pichu had landed beside Pikachu, he grabbed his ukulele, seized the right moment, and started playing.

It is one step faster than Lotte Kappa.

Clang clang! !

The next moment, the third violent sound wave exploded from Pichu's ukulele and spread to the audience.

The power of this time was higher than the previous two times, and the faces of Parrot Bird and Lotte Kappa, who were the first to bear the brunt, sank and almost fainted on the spot.

Zizizi! !

Not only that, with Pichu's changing fingerings, the violent sound waves turned into colorful electric currents scattered in an instant!

Breaking sound! !

"Pikachu, and us...use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Xiaozhi also commanded not to be outdone.

Boom! !

Tortured by several consecutive voices, Pikachu also endured to the extreme, his expression became angry, and the lightning on his cheek turned into a bunch of violent electric snake pulses and flew out.

Accompanied by Pichu's sound-breaking current, they merged into one and bombarded all the existences in front of them!

Boom boom boom! !

The lightning soared into the sky, devouring all the targets, and then turned into a violent explosion, stirring up on the deck of the cruise ship!

The electric current completely exploded, not only the battle between Letian Kappa and Noisy Bird was blown up on the spot, but also several pirate soldiers around were blown out.

Even Fenton, who was wearing a strange force booster, had a terribly dark face, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

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