He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1292 Sea...Sea God? !

The baggy captain's uniform was ripped open, revealing the machinery within.

There are constantly rotating steam knobs at the joints of the body, providing Venton with powerful strange power.

Boom...! !

Only this time, the amplifier obviously couldn't withstand such an excessive voltage, and it exploded on the spot.

This also caused Venton, who was close to him, to be affected by the explosion, and his whole body was blown over by his own device.

For a moment, on the deck of Nuoda, the entire crew of the pirate ship fainted and fell to the spot, and no one could stop them.

Xiaozhi and the two looked at each other and high-fived each other.

Just in time to see a large-billed gull flying from the sky, Xia also flew out a hunting cursor with his backhand, drawing his fingers back and forth horizontally, successfully capturing the target.


Xiao Zhi stared at this fancy operation, and applauded again and again.

Is this the power of Pokémon Rangers... Isn't it too expensive? !

Xia Ye held Manafei's elf egg in one hand, and his Pichu in the other, and jumped onto the back of this wild gull very nimbly.

Then he looked left and right, ready to catch another one, and help Xiaozhi find a temporary partner.

"Oh~ no, I have flying Pokémon."

Xiaozhi casually opened a poke ball.


A red light flashed, and a dazzling platinum light suddenly appeared in the night, almost blinding Xia Ye's eyes.

When I took a closer look, I saw that it was a steel crab whose whole body was made of platinum metal. It had a hard body and a set of very cool golden crosses inlaid on its face.

Flashing golden monster? !

Xia also almost fell off the big-billed gull.

What the hell is this guy? !

He has already regretted it, and he has to check Xiaozhi's details immediately when he goes back... He can easily take out a shining quasi-god guy.

There is also the unreasonable, strange power of using human power to defeat black technology devices...

Xiaozhi seems to be a more terrifying monster, right? !

Without further delay, the two rode away on their own flying mounts, gradually disappearing above the dark sea.

"What should I do, Captain, do you want to chase...?"

On the deck, the skinny deputy captain struggled to support his body, and several currents were still glowing on the surface.


Fan Dun dragged his seriously injured body and slapped him hard.

Is it free to catch up? !

The ranger is okay, but the guy driving the golden monster is obviously not a simple guy...

"Two brats... Anyway, I already remember what you look like!!"

Venton let out the classic villain curse.



On the other side, after flying for about 20 minutes, Xiaozhi and Xia also returned to the pier land where they had just boarded.

"Thank you, Big-billed Gull~!"

Xia also released his partner status and sent away the wild Toucan, and Xiaozhi also took back his giant golden monster.

In the dark night, the dazzling body of the giant golden monster is somewhat bluffing.

"But you rangers are really convenient... Isn't it possible to subdue wild elves casually?"

Xiaozhi said in surprise.

"There is still a certain probability of failure..."

Xia Ye put away the spinning top-shaped hunting cursor and explained with a smile:

"And our rangers basically don't have any desire to capture Pokémon, and a person can only bring a partner elf at most."

He rubbed his own Pichu's little cheek.

Rangers are not specialized Pokémon battle trainers, so there is no special training battle.

"Then, it's the right angle."

After carefully placing Manafei's elf egg device on the ground, Xia also started to turn on her communication device, looking for the next action.

After a while, the screen opened, and it was still the blue-haired ranger named "Hinata".

"Oh~ not bad, Xia Ye, you actually finished the task so quickly!"

On the other end of the video, Hinata said in a little surprise.

"Haha Sister Hinata, Xiaozhi helped a lot this time."

Xia also smiled awkwardly.

Without Xiaozhi this time, he might have been completely blocked in the first cabin.

The ghost knows that a person is still wearing a black-tech strange power device!

"I guessed it too haha~! As expected of Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, I really want to meet him!"

Hinata obviously admired Xiaozhi very much, which made Xiaozhi next to him scratch the back of his head and smile self-effacingly.

He hasn't gotten used to the feeling of being a celebrity yet.

"So sister Hinata, what will happen to Manafei next?"

It is obviously impossible to send it back to the sea... If Venton can find it once, he will definitely find it a second time.

This big pirate has a strange force boosting device, and it is estimated that there is some black technology radar search device.

"Well, it must be protected before Manafei hatches, so that no one can find it."

Hinata said seriously.

They prefer to let Manafei hatch naturally, and finally return to the legendary sea temple according to their own wishes.

After all, there is no disaster in the sea now. In fact, there is no need for Manafei to become the prince of the sea, and the commander to do great things.

"Then send it back to our ranger school. With our strength, those pirates should not dare to invade!"

Xia also blurted out.

Hinata seemed a little hesitant.

If it's a Fanton, it's easy to deal with.

But if Venton unites all the pirates and locks down their Ranger School...a disaster could break out.

Of course, it is also possible that the pirate has given up on Manafei.

She originally thought that Manafei had already hatched, so she didn't have to worry about her whereabouts, and she just let it return to the sea and it was over.

Through the screen, Hinata carefully looked at this strangely shaped elf egg.

The shell is so transparent that you can even see what's inside.

"It looks like it will take a while to hatch..."


Just when the two were still thinking about how to deal with Manafei, Xiaozhi next to him suddenly said:

"Do you need a place where pirates can't find it? I have a place here."

These words made both Xia Ye and Hinata on the screen turn their heads.

But Xiaozhi grabbed the silver feather pendant on his neckline and shook it lightly.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, it seemed that countless streams of water gushed out of it, but in the blink of an eye, they all turned into phantoms again.

Immediately afterwards, a giant black and purple beast flew out of it, about 1.8 meters in size, like a big monster.

Especially those red and bewitching eyes, which seemed to glisten in the dark night.


Just as Diablo Rogia wanted to raise his head to the sky and scream, Xiao Zhi directly covered his mouth.

In the middle of the night, don't disturb the people!

"Sea...Sea God?!"

But the sudden appearance of Rogia made Xia Ye tremble with fright, subconsciously took a few steps back, and even fell to the ground.

What the hell, does this guy still have the legendary sea god Lugia? !

And why does it look like a monster? !

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