He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1298 The Ill-Fated Elven Egg

Whoosh! !

The green knife light flickered for a moment, and in the next blink of an eye, the Lizard King was already ten meters behind Menus.

Half-kneeling on the ground, his arms were in a slashing posture.

And around Menus, under a sharp slash, the snowflakes in the sky were completely divided into two.

Menus' entire body flipped out and fell heavily on the ground.

The effect is outstanding! !

When the Lizard King retracted his knife and stood up again, he folded the branch of his tail and continued to hold it in his mouth.


On the other side, Menus had already collapsed, his eyes rolled, and he completely lost consciousness.

"Meinas loses his ability to fight, and the Lizard King wins! Therefore, Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town will win this battle against pipes!!"

The referee said loudly.

Seeing her beloved pet's fainting, Xiao Ji stared blankly ahead and murmured:

"Have you failed..."

If the target is not the Lizard King, but a Pokémon with average speed, the last blizzard will definitely hit the former.

But the lizard king's speed is too fast, Menus can only choose to attack the ground, using the aftermath of ice and snow to attack...

This also allowed the Lizard King to break free from the ice and snow, and perform that final leaf blade slash.

"Thank you, Menus..."

Xiao Ji smiled wryly for a while, and took Menus back.

"555, my little Ji lost!!! I can't accept it!!!"

In the stands, Xiao Gang's eyes were filled with tears, and the tears flowed down like a waterfall.

Xiaolan \u0026 Ahida: "..."


Xiaoji walked up to Xiaozhi and handed out a golden badge.

"It's a sign of luck...but you got it with your strength."

Xiaozhi took the badge, it was still a golden circular badge, but in the middle was a hollowed out hexagonal pattern.

A total of four pioneering area symbols have been obtained, and he has already completed half of the indicators.

"It went very well, Xiaozhi~!"

Ahida laughed beside him.

Although the battle against the pipeline this time is much quieter than the previous ones...but the beautiful Menus, as well as the initial three royal Pokémon Lizard Kings in the Yoshien area, all have good popularity.

"Then let's get out of there, Ji~!"

After waving his hand, Yashida made a gesture to take a few people away.

"Miss Ji! Your battle is so beautiful, I will never forget it!"

However, Xiaogang has grabbed Xiaoji's palm again, as if singing love to the goddess.

"To meet you, my luck must have passed the test!! If you don't mind, Xiaosheng is willing to stay in the battle channel and stay by Xiaoji Xiaoji's side and become your strong backing..."

Before Xiaogang finished speaking, Yashida quickly stepped between the two of them, and changed the subject:

"Haha Xiaogang, we are tired from being the audience, so let's go back early and rest."

As cold as thistle, you probably don't like this kind of prodigal son's public display of love, right?

Although she was her friend, Yashida didn't dare to provoke this fierce woman like a poisonous snake, and she was even more worried that Xiao Gang would be swallowed by the latter.

"That's right, that's right, there's no time to support idlers~!"

Xiaolan also spoke beside him, and they couldn't help but dragged Xiaogang out of the battle channel.

"Miss Xiaoji, Xiaosheng will definitely come back again~~!!"

In the distance, Xiao Gang's elongated voice can still be heard.

It's just that this sentence usually comes from the mouth of the villain.

After a while, Xiaoji was the only one left in the empty rock arena in the battle channel, and there were only explosion marks around the pits, showing that there had been a high-intensity battle here before.

"Xiao Gang..."

However, Xiaoji stared straight at the place where everyone disappeared, and muttered to himself.

However, no one saw this move.



Walking out of the battle channel, Ahida cheerfully took a few people to the hotel to start today's post-war relaxation.

"There are only the last three battle facilities left... Don't blame me for not reminding you, the last three are also the strongest for developing minds."

Ahida did not forget to remind.

The order of his selection is not just a simple principle of proximity... Ahida deliberately left the strong opponent at the end.

"Is that so, I look forward to it even more!!"

Having just experienced the battle, the blood in Xiaozhi's body has not completely calmed down, and his eyes are burning.

Buzz buzz...!

He didn't even notice that his backpack was shaking constantly, as if something was about to jump out.

Xiao Lan is walking in front, comforting Xiao Gang who has lost love again... Well, unrequited love is also considered broken love.

It wasn't until he got near the hotel that Yashida pushed the sunglasses and asked tentatively:

"Eh Xiaozhi, by the way, is there any living thing in your backpack? It was moving just now."

"My backpack?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, subconsciously stopped, and turned to look at his backpack.

Whoa, whoa...!

Sure enough, the backpack was jumping and jumping, as if something wanted to jump out of it.

"Hey, I don't have anything in the backpack, except..."

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something, quickly found a table, and carefully put down the backpack.

Seeing his cautious appearance, Xiaogang and Xiaolan also surrounded him curiously.



Open the zipper of the backpack, and the first thing that catches the eye is a Pokémon egg.

"Hey Xiaozhi, if I remember correctly, this egg is the dead egg, right?"

Xiaolan asked curiously.


Unconsciously, Yashida stared straight at the white elf egg, with several dark blue circular spots on its surface.

I don't know what Pokémon it is...but it's definitely not a dead egg.


At this moment, it was shaking in the backpack. It was originally stored in the device, but the egg even pushed the device open and hit the backpack outside.

This is no longer a dead egg, but a hyperthyroid egg.

Xiaogang came out of the broken relationship and told Ahida the whole story.

This egg was obtained by Xiaozhi from the royal masked man who came to fry fish at the Kanto Conference.

But at the time it was completely dead, lifeless...

Except when it comes into contact with Xiaozhi, there will be a trace of vitality.

Later, in the Chengdu area, through the consecration of the golden finger of the egg hatching master A Jin, it regained its vitality, and it was placed in the Damu Research Institute to continuously restore its vitality.

It can be said to be an ill-fated elf egg.

"Oh, before I went back to the research institute, Dr. Oki said that it seemed to be hatching soon, so I took it with me by the way."

Xiaozhi touched the surface of the blue-spotted eggshell, and his face became a little more excited.

It's been more than a year, almost two years... Is this egg finally hatching?

What Pokémon will it be? !

"This is...?!"

As soon as the palm touched the surface of the eggshell, everything in Xiaozhi's field of vision seemed to lose its color, leaving only a faint blue like perspective.

Buzz buzz...!

And in my mind, circle after circle of ripples continued to spread outward.

This allows Xiaozhi not only to see things in front of him.

Even the images spread out all the way, and even the scenes in the nearby hotel, which were completely invisible to the naked eye, appeared in Xiaozhi's mind in every detail at this moment.

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