He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1299 Masana's Egg?

The almost perspective perspective allows Xiaozhi to see the situation in every room and lobby of this hotel.

For a moment, a large number of images flowed into his brain, which made Xiao Zhi feel a burst of pain.


Especially when he saw some unsuitable scenes in several rooms, Xiaozhi couldn't help but blush.

When the mind was flustered, this feeling of being transparent to everything also trembled instantly, and the scene was in chaos.

When Xiaozhi subconsciously loosened the shell of the elf egg, the faint blue scene that he could see disappeared in smoke.

What the eyes see is still the colorful world in front of them.

"Eh...it's still broad daylight, what kind of exercise are these people doing on the bed...?"

Xiaozhi underestimated, but the feeling just now was...

"Is it the power of waveguide again?"

Xiaozhi knows that he has two kinds of power, one is the power of bondage.

It can connect the minds of humans and Pokémon and share the five senses.

The high concentration of the mind can even temporarily "lend" his mental power to the Pokémon, so that the quality and energy of the latter can be greatly improved in a short period of time.

If used well, the effect is not even inferior to mega evolution.

Xiaozhi can probably master this ability, as long as he and Pokémon's desire for victory is strong enough, they can enter this state.

It can be said that with this ability, Xiaozhi allows all elves to achieve "mega evolution".

Another ability is the power of waveguide.

This seems to be an ability to see distant scenes?

"Still haven't hatched yet...?"

Xiaozhi touched the eggshell, although the latter shook from time to time.

As far as this hyperthyroidism is concerned, other Pokémon would have hatched long ago, but it is still here in Nezha.

Xiaozhi even wanted to make a call to see if he could ask Master Ajin to check it remotely.

"The power of waveguide...Xiaozhi, you have incredible power..."

Yashida spoke suddenly, with some admiration in her voice.

This made several people look at the latter. It seems that he knows something else?

"Haha, don't underestimate me! When I was young, I traveled around the world, and I haven't seen any special landscapes~!"

Yashida laughed and said, this time it was finally Xiaozhi's turn to be surprised, which made him very satisfied.

However, seeing the curious eyes of several people, Yashida quickly found a seat and sat down, and began to popularize science seriously.


"Waveguide is a kind of spiritual energy. It can be said that every living being has a waveguide...but almost no one can guide it out and control their own waveguide."

It's like the mind power of a superhuman.

In fact, everyone has spiritual power, but most people's spiritual power is extremely weak, let alone a stone, not even a hair.

But if you keep staring at someone...

Even if this person has his back to you, he will feel a strange feeling, which can more or less prove the existence of spiritual power.

"The human beings who contain powerful waveguide power in their bodies and manipulate and guide them are called waveguide messengers."

"Birdguide messenger?"

Xiaozhi and the others were a little dazed, and suddenly they were listening to heavenly scriptures.

"That's right... Now Xiaozhi, you must have a strong waveguide power in your body, which means that you have the possibility of becoming a waveguide messenger."

To become a waveguide envoy, one needs to have a strong waveguide power...

Only with innate possession + acquired training can success be possible.

Simple acquired training is just futile.

"That's right, the number of waveguide messengers can be said to be extremely rare in the entire world... In a way, it is even rarer than the legendary Pokémon!"

Ahida said seriously.

But the waveguide envoys use the power of waveguide not just to spy on the hotel.

Such as telepathy, seeing through things... even creating physical barriers that directly produce substantial effects, and blowing storm airflow can all be done.

It can even condense the power of the waveguide to send out a strong shock wave!

"The wave missile knows, this move is not just a Pokémon move... The wave guide messenger can also rub out a wave missile after long-term training!"

These words surprised Xiaozhi and the others.

But Xiaozhi quickly thought of Naz in the Golden Gym... That woman's telekinetic power is powerful, not to mention mentally telekinetic, even stronger than most Pokémon with super power attributes!

Then the other people rubbed out a wave missile...it doesn't seem strange, does it?


"As far as I know, there should be only two types of elves related to the power of waveguide...?"

Yashida pushed the sunglasses and looked at the elf egg shaking from time to time in front of her.

"Charem, Lucario."

After a while, he spit out two names.

Charem Xiaozhi knows that this is a kind of elf with the power of yoga... It seems that he can also use the power of waveguide?

However, the spots on the surface of the pokemon eggs are generally similar to the color of the Pokémon's body after hatching.

The dark blue spots on his egg are clearly different from the red Charem.

Well, Xiaozhi still hopes that there will be a special Pokémon, Charem or something, he can completely tame one in the Fangyuan area by himself.

"I'm afraid you forgot, let me tell you, the hatched egg is the initial form, and the initial form of Charem is Masana, and the blue spots just match Masana~!"

Xiao Gang's sudden reminder made Xiao Zhi's heart tremble.

It seems...really? !

But now he cares more about the second Pokémon.

"Illustrated Book, let me take a look at Lucario's data!"

Turning out the illustration book, the latter ran for a while and gave feedback.

In the image, there is an upright werewolf-type Pokémon with a handsome and capable appearance, which looks like a very powerful Pokémon.

"What a handsome Pokémon!"

Just at the first sight, Ash fell in love with the Pokémon in the image.

"Hehe, I actually think it should be Lucario~"

Yashida said with a smile, if it was just Masana on the rotten street, this egg would still look ill-fated... somewhat tricky.

Moreover, Charem who can use the power of waveguide is only a very rare phenomenon after all.

Note that Pokémon can use wave missiles, but it does not mean that it can use "waveguide power". These are two completely different concepts.


"Speaking of Xiaozhi, you have such a strong wave guiding power, it would be a pity not to train hard the day after tomorrow."

Ahida suddenly spoke.

The talent that others can't desire, can't just be wasted on him without guiding it out.

"I think so too, but I don't know how to train at all."

Xiaozhi said quite distressed.

Able to rub out a wave missile...

If there is any battle in the future, Pokémon will watch him go up and fight from behind. Xiaozhi is also looking forward to this style of painting.

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