However, although the latter is menacing...but the injuries before the mega evolution are still there.

"Flame chicken, use the flame kick directly!!"

I saw that the flame chicken was the latecomer, leaping onto the head of the Nianli puppet, and then hitting the flame kick with the heavy ax vertically, and it was about to bombard and fall from the air!

Boom chi chi...! !

The fiery flames ignited under its feet again!

After the evolution of mega, the flame chicken forcibly broke through the ban on the flame kick of the hold technique, and a signature flame kick was perfectly kicked out!

You are fixed on a flame chicken, what's the matter with my mega flame chicken? !

"What?! Psychic puppet, hurry up and use supernatural power!!"

Yu Kang hastily exclaimed, this unreasonable logic made him look stupid.

It's just that after the mega evolution, the flame chicken's power has been newly improved, and even supernatural powers can hardly stop its movements for a while.

Boom! !

In the end, the flame chicken forcibly broke through the shackles of mind power, and kicked the target's face with a heavy flame kick.

Especially with the blessing of the sunny sky above, the strength of this kick is extremely terrifying! !


The Nianli puppet who backed away let out a muffled hum, and even the movement of floating in the air became wobbly.

"Don't give it a chance, keep using Flame Kick!!"

Xiaozhi took advantage of the victory and pursued, continuing to use the moves that the flame chicken is best at.

While bouncing, the Mega Flame Chicken had rushed out again, and the raging fire ignited on the soles of the lower limbs.

Acceleration characteristics make it terrifying at this moment.

"Nianli puppet, just use the spinning top ball like this!!"

This time Yukang didn't dare to use super power moves anymore, but planned to block it with the high-speed rotation of his body.

The gyro ball move will change its power according to the speed difference between the enemy and the enemy...

Since the speed of the flame chicken, no one can match it for a while...

This also means that at this moment, the power of the spinning top ball of my Nianli clay puppet will rise to the peak! !

Whoosh whoosh! !

The Nianli clay puppet spun at high speed and turned into a huge black spinning top.

The terrifying speed brought an extremely strong tearing force, causing strong winds to blow in the surrounding air, and even a dust tornado appeared!

"Mega flame chicken, use flame kick!!"

Xiaozhi didn't change, and continued to attack.

The flame chicken leaped out, and the flames under its feet did not weaken at all, and quickly approached the target.

It's just that when it reached the position of 3 meters, the flame chicken in mid-air obviously had no support point, but its figure flickered strangely, and disappeared in place.

thump bang...!!

At the same time, there was a blast of mystifying air.

"This is...?!"

Yukang opened his half-squinted eyes. If he read correctly just now, the flame chicken seemed to have stepped on the air and changed its body position with its strength?!

In the next moment, the flame chicken had appeared directly above the head of the Nianli clay puppet.

It is true that the most powerful spinning top ball is unstoppable...

But only in positive power.

If it is the two weakest positions of the top and the bottom, the power of the gyro ball is not very strong.

However, the action of stepping on the air to bounce and instantly change the position made Yukang and Nianli puppets unable to react at all.

Boom! ! !

In the blink of an eye, the mega flame chicken's full flame kick trampled down heavily, stepping on the head of the Nianli clay puppet.

Not only broke the spinning top instantly, but even blasted the huge body of the Nianli clay puppet to the ground below.

Coupled with the surrounding sunny weather...

The whole body of the Nianli clay puppet was ignited with flames, and its figure fell rapidly like a flaming meteor.

Boom! !

In the end, it fell heavily to the ground, creating an exaggerated pit of ruins, and at the same time declaring that it was impossible to fight on the spot.


"What terrible leg strength, this flame chicken..."

Taking back the defeated Nianli puppet, Yukang said in fear.

However, the Flaming Chicken on the other side was able to exit the mega evolutionary form and return to its original form after a successful blow.

"Thank you, flame chicken...!"

Xiaozhi actually took the flame chicken back.

Enough is enough. Brainstorming is not an ordinary trainer. Being able to defeat the latter's two Pokémon one after another is already quite remarkable.

With a full blow, and the previous injuries... the condition of the flame chicken is not so good, and he can go back and have a good rest.

At the same time, Yukang and Xiaozhi stopped and stopped running.


In front of you, there are waves of sea waves washing against the edge of the coast.

And at this moment, both of them have completely passed through the jungle and stood on the soft sandy beach at the mouth of the sea.

The blazing sun shone on the two of them without hindrance.

"I didn't expect this old man to be pushed into such a desperate situation...!?"

Yukang's muscular body was trembling slightly, obviously his mood fluctuated abnormally.

Under the scorching sun above, the dark muscular physique is covered with beads of sweat... and matched with Yukang's old face.

The style of painting is somewhat weird.

But it has come to an end, the two of them no longer need to continue running, the only thing left is to defeat the person in front of them with all their strength.


boom! !

The red light flashed, and the next moment, two more Pokémon appeared in front of the two at the same time.

In front of Yukang was a fat and huge turquoise giant frog with a bumpy body and thick limbs that stepped on the sand and even sank some distance.

The face is a bit old, and on the huge and spacious back, there are huge red plantain petals, and the roots are lush plantain leaves.

It is one of the three royal families in my hometown...Miao Frog Flower! !

As for the one in front of Xiaozhi, it was a coincidence.

The body structure is similar, but the size is only 1/2 of this Miaowahua.

With red pupils, the eyes are still full of vitality and sunshine.

On the back, there are also lush plantain leaves, and a pink bud in the center has also been fully opened, blooming a gorgeous big flower.

Wonderful frog grass!

This happens to be a battle between the evolutionary type and the degenerate type...the battle between abnormal 002 and 003!

"You frogweed...?"

It's just that Yukang frowned when he saw Xiaozhi's Frogweed for the first time, and was very surprised.

The buds of the second-stage frogweed must have just opened... He has never seen a frogweed that fully blooms at this stage!

And the strong breath of life from the latter is even several times stronger than his own Miao Frog Flower? !

This is impossible! !

Yukang is best at describing the properties of grass and ground... At first glance, he recognized the extraordinaryness of this froggrass in front of him.

"It's been a long time since we fought side by side...Fight with all your strength, Frog Grass!!"

Xiaozhi said loudly, he was very excited to be partnered again with his former comrades in arms.


Froggrass also responded with a loud cry, especially when it saw that the other party was its own evolution, its originally gentle breath instantly became aggressive.

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