He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1305 The Freak Frogweed


At the beginning of the battle, Xiaozhi's Froggrass let out a low growl, and his whole body suddenly glowed with a strange green light.

In an instant, the surrounding ground of the entire beach arena also lit up with a rich emerald green light.

This force even spread out all the way, fully lighting up the 100-meter-long beach!

"This is...?!"

Yukang was taken aback again, and stared blankly at the changes around his feet.

This strong scent of grass and trees...

The next moment, vines and grass seedlings grew on the surface of the beach arena.

"Is this a move from Green Grass Field? No..."

Yukang is very good at the grass attribute, and he recognized that this is not the skill of Froggrass, and the grass field is at most the size of a training field, so it will cover a 100-meter beach like this?

This should be the trait Grass Maker? !

But can the Miaowaseed family have such characteristics?

Sure enough, this frog grass in front of me is very extraordinary...

But it's not a big problem, everyone has the same attributes, and the green grass field is beneficial to them.

Then this venue is not open.

"Wonderful Frog Flower, use the Flying Leaf Knife!!"

"Froggrass, we also use Flying Leaf Knife!!"

As the battle officially started, the two actually performed similar moves.

Whoosh..! !

Whoosh..! !

Blades of grass bounced off the backs of the two, spinning at high speed in the air, turning into sharp and dangerous blades and flying towards each other.

Keng Keng Keng! !

The extremely dense flying leaf blades collided in the center of the arena, and there were bursts of metal crashing sounds!

Regardless of the number or strength of the leaves, they were on par, and soon they all turned into weak leaves and fell on the beach.

"Is it evenly matched..."

Yukang even felt that the strength of the ghostly Froggrass and Flying Leaf Kuaisao on the opposite side was faintly surpassing his own Frogflower...?

"Next, use the rattan whip!!"

He quickly attacked again.

"We also use rattan whips!!"

Xiaozhi didn't back down, and used exactly the same moves to deal with Dao.

The next moment, Miaowahua let out a low growl, and eight slender brown vines flew out from the base of its back at the same time, attacking the target!


However, although the froggrass at the other end was much smaller in size, the number of vines that flew out was not weak at all, and eight vines flew out as well.

Clap clap! !

A large number of vines kept whipping each other in the center of the arena, making people dazzled, and making bursts of dense explosions, the sound was terrifying!

Afterwards, it became tense at the same time, and eight vines entangled the other eight vines at the same time, turning into a tug-of-war.

However, at this time, Xiaozhi suddenly said:

"Is this your limit... Froggrass, show him your strength!!"

However, while the frog grass was maintaining eight vines, four vines flew out from both sides of its body again, flying out flexibly!


Yukang's eyes widened, full of surprise.

The number of vines used represents the Pokémon's mastery of grass-type energy.

It is no longer legal for you to use eight vines for this second-stage froggrass... and now there are four more? !

And this grass maker feature, it's too outrageous!

It can be said that this freak Froggrass masters the energy of grass attributes, which is the legendary Pokémon, is it nothing more than that?

Snapped! ! Snapped! !

With all the vines of her own, Miaowahua couldn't guard against it at all, and was severely whipped on the face by the four extra vines in an instant, leaving four more terrible red marks.

But Yukang's expression froze, and he didn't admit defeat.

"It is true that the energy of your Frog Grass is stronger...but the difference in body size is still here, the power of Frog Grass is destined to surpass yours!!"

The voice fell, but Miao Frog Flower suddenly let out a low growl, exerting strength all over her body.

The eight vines that were still wrestling in the center of the arena suddenly leaned in the direction of Miao Frog Flower.


A powerful force struck, and for a while it was difficult for Froggrass to control its body, and it was forcibly dragged by Frogflower.

Its grass energy is stronger, but in terms of physical strength alone, it is still the Miao Frog Flower that is more powerful!

With the strength of the frog flower, it even dragged the frog grass into the air!

"As expected of a veteran trainer, did you find a flaw so quickly..."

Xiaozhi's expression didn't change at all, and he directed instead:

"Then use the opponent's strength to use the shoulder throw!!"

In mid-air, Frog Grass just adjusted its body like this, allowing itself to be pulled by the opponent's vine whip, and even jumped over Frog Flower's head.

Immediately, with the help of the latter's power, the eight vines that were still entangled first completely released their strength and relaxed, and then completely tightened and exerted their strength in an instant.


This time, it was the turn of the thick Frog Flower to widen its eyes and let out a muffled groan.

The powerful force even dragged it up, and its body fell backwards and flew away.

It can be said that the froggrass at this moment completely borrowed the strength of the latter and pushed it over the shoulder!


The petals on the back were heavily pressed on the sand, and the beach was trembling with it, and Frog Flower suffered a lot of damage.


On the other side, Frog Grass Miao just landed steadily and retracted the rattan whip, seemingly with ease.

"Your froggrass not only has a terrifyingly high plant energy...but is also very good at dealing with large Pokémon."

Yukang pointed out the truth at a glance.

Xiaozhi just nodded with a smile and didn't refute.

As the boss of the backyard of the Damu Research Institute, any Poké would respectfully call Froggrass the second brother when it dreamed of it. Naturally, it didn't depend on the gentle character of Froggrass.

And iron-blooded wrists!

Especially in the face of many large elves...

With its medium to small size, Frog Grass has also developed a perfect way to deal with it.

The disadvantages of physical strength brought about by the small size are not a problem for the froggrass.


The opposite Pokémon is obviously in the previous state, but at this moment, my own Frog Flower is completely at a disadvantage...

"Miao Frog Flower, it seems that if we don't play tricks today, we won't be able to win the game."

Yukang sighed, but his gaze became firm.

The opponent's weird froggrass, Yukang has long ceased to regard it as an "incomplete" Pokémon, but a complete enemy.

Then you must go all out!

Bang bang! !

But Yukang grabbed his crutch and hit the ground hard.

The next moment, a round jewel stone carved between the crutches shone brightly.

On the back of the Frog Flower, at the root of the petals with many branches and leaves, a round bead also echoes, blooming the same light...

Mega evolution! !

As for the froggrass that has not yet completed its final evolution, no matter how fancy it is, it will never be able to complete its mega evolution... This is what Yukang said.

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