He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 132 Semifinals!

"Da da da da da da!!"

All kinds of punches and kicks are being staged in the arena.

In fact, most of the contestants in the first round were miscellaneous fish. Xiaozhi even saw a few participating with Little Lada and King Carp.

The most embarrassing thing is that he still won.

If it hadn't been for this guy named Uikawachiichi who met him in the first round, he might have beaten him all the way to the end.

"Da da da da da da!!"

Soon, Xiaozhi also ushered in the second round of battle. This time, the opponent was a Pokémon with a brown body, only the top of the head was exposed, and he didn't know what the body underneath the ground looked like.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He knew this Pokémon, it was called Gopher, and it was often found in various caves and tunnels, and there were quite a few in the back mountains of Zhenxin Town.

It's just that he looked left and right, scratched his head in doubt, but didn't see the hands and feet of this gopher, how can he punch it?

"Gopher, use Grab!"

The passerby trainer on the opposite side gave instructions.

Before Xiaozhi could react, he saw the gopher scurrying on the ground, and soon crawled in front of the Fire Monkey, and then he didn't know where the palm came from, and saw a flash in front of Fire Monkey's face. There was an extra white light paw print phantom.

Fire Monkey: "?"

The sharp claws directly left three red marks on half of its face.

Pyromonkey got angry immediately, it was fine to get hit by a yordle, but now a flea wants to touch porcelain?

I saw him stomping his feet violently, shaking the entire arena with a stance of mine shock, locking the gopher in place, and then kicking the gopher flying with a backhand.

Attached to the clods on the ring, the gopher fell directly out of the ring, without any room to resist.

And the body under the soil clods doesn't have any big lower body, and the gophers are only that small in size.

"Contestant Xiaozhi and Fire Monkey enter the next round!"



The competition was still going on, but Xiaozhi entered a state of secretly observing and scanning the surrounding contestants.

After two rounds of competition, Xiaozhi also discovered that this is a very low-end competition, and it can be said that 90% of the contestants are trash.

After some observation, Xiaozhi locked on three players. Not surprisingly, the top four were these three people and himself.

A passer-by who couldn't remember his face and his humanoid Pokémon were similar in appearance to the previous encounter, but they were no longer yordles. They were much taller, even a head taller than humans.

The other is a man dressed as a fighter in a white exercise suit, and the brown humanoid Pokémon standing next to him, with those two strange spring-like legs, looks like a master of legs.

It's just that this person seems to be staring at him all the time, with a hostile look on his face, obviously he doesn't know this person at all.

The third one is of course Fan Dou and his Kuaiquan Lang, they are very energetic.

And the result was not as expected by Xiaozhi, all the way from the hot morning to the dusk near the evening, Xiaozhi and his party even had a free lunch by the way.

And it was these four who entered the final four, and Xiaozhi's opponent was the trainer with wrist plus.

"Didi. Haoli, the rice-moving Pokémon has great strength, and its body is the most perfect fitness proportion, and it is also the most perfect body proportion of the fighting Pokémon, but it is only male by visual inspection, and it has a few taels of flesh. Continue to train It is not meaningful."

The illustration book automatically broadcasts a report, telling the information about the purple humanoid Pokémon.

Passerby: "?"

When I typed this question mark, it's not that I have a problem, but I want to say that there is a problem with your illustrated book.

The competition started soon, Firestorm Monkey and Haoli stepped onto the stage, and the host rang the bronze drum when he saw the momentum of the audience reached its peak.


As the sound fell, the two Pokémon sprang up and rushed towards each other at the same time.



The two Pokémon wrestled together, their arms stretched out, and they hugged each other's half shoulders and body, trying to overturn them.

The two chose Lengtouqing's confrontation method at the same time.

Seeing the stalemate, Xiaozhi quickly activated the spirit buf:

"Fire Monkey, use all your strength, don't lose to him!" "Hmph, compare your strength, my strength will not lose to anyone!"

The passer-by trainer made a punching movement, and Haoli on the ring immediately exerted strength with his heart, and the muscles on his body even swelled a lot, pushing the fiery monkey backwards continuously.

Fighting is a sport that depends on body shape and weight.

However, Haoli was a class higher than Huobahou in terms of size and weight. I saw that his arms and waist exerted force, and he was about to push him to the ground gradually.

The anxiety of the situation made Xiaozhi couldn't help but sweat profusely.


This large and small size reminded him of the first battle.

At that time, the fire monkey was the same size as the wrist force.

"Fire Monkey, take all its power!!"

Following Xiaozhi's loud roar, the Firestorm Monkey understood its meaning instantly as soon as its eyes lit up. The posture in which it was still struggling for strength suddenly changed, and its body turned into a posture with its back leaning on Haoli, with its butt on top Haoli's clang department.



I saw the Firestorm Monkey exerted strength suddenly, and with Haoli's strength, tightly grasped his wrist with the palm of his back, swung his waist violently, and threw Haoli who was two heads taller than himself into the air.


Seeing the success of the scheme, Xiao Zhi snapped his fingers and shouted excitedly.

This move is still the movement of the wrist force against it at that time, but the hot monkey copied it with a backhand.

Its qualifications are extraordinary!

Besides, what's the use of strength, good waist strength is the key!

Xiaozhi took advantage of the victory and pursued, not giving the opponent the slightest chance:

"Now, Fire Monkey, kick with your foot!"

Firestorm Monkey understood, ran on the spot, and then made a football sliding shovel posture, slipping one foot on Haoli's big toe, and the latter hugged his thigh to practice howling in pain.

"Hey! You actually copied my move again!"

The defeated Mei Chuanuchi scolded very angrily. There was a man dressed somewhat similar to him standing next to him, who was the favorite to win the championship this time.

"It's okay, brother, I will avenge you!"

He comforted, and his fierce eyes swept to the fan fight next to him and Xiaozhi on the edge of the ring.


In the arena.

Firestorm Monkey is not only good at copying, but after hitting the living room and sliding kneeling successfully, Firestorm Monkey stepped on the ground, sprang up from the ground, and punched Haoli on the chin.

L Dragon Fist! !

The heavy blow to the chin made Hao Li dizzy for a while. What is needed in fighting competitions is momentum. Once he is broken, he will be defeated like a mountain.

Firestorm Monkey once again swung a combined punch, successfully blasting Hao Li out of the ring without any resistance.


For a long while, Hao Li could only half fall to the ground and whine.


Fire Monkey stepped onto the horizontal rope of the ring with one foot, raised his arms and shouted to welcome the applause of the audience.

"Contestant Xiaozhi and Fire Monkey entered the final!!"


And with Xiaozhi and Fire Monkey off the field, the game also came to the second semi-final.

"In the second round of the semi-finals, the local fighter, Mr. Fanto, will face the famous martial arts family in the Kanto region, fighter Mr. Urakawauchi!"

The host suggested.

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