"Ready to fight, Kuaiquan Lang!"


Kuaiquan Lang jumped onto the stage with the horizontal rope in his hands, his movements were clean and neat, and he even punched a few sets quickly on the spot, obviously his fists were very flexible.

"Come on, Flying Legs!"

The fighter on the other side, Nei Ku, also waved his thumb. The calm humanoid Pokémon beside him opened his eyes, but instead of holding on to the long rope to go on stage, he suddenly stretched three times with his spring-like thigh The length, directly stepped onto the ring.

The scene is a bit spicy.

"Didi. Flying Leg Lang, playing with the Nian Pokémon with legs, the legs are very malleable and good at all kinds of kicks."

The picture book suggested.

Flying Legs and Quick Fist Lang belong to the evolutionary chain family of Fearless Boys, and the evolutionary conditions can be said to be very special.

When the Pokémon's ability tends to be offensive, it will evolve into Flying Legs, and when it is defensive, it will evolve into Kuaiquan Lang.

So at this moment, Fei Keg Lang's offensive momentum is even higher.

Of course, there is a third evolution for Fearless Boy, which is to evolve into a war dancer who can only dangle in place like a fool, and has no role other than a cute mascot.

It can be said that the arena is the most original battle in the fighting game, the contest between fists and flying legs, which made Xiaozhi swallow his saliva, curious about what kind of sparks these two Pokémon will create.



The bronze drum sounded, but neither of the two Pokémon took the initiative to make a move, and stared at each other closely.

In fighting competitions, the emphasis is on a late-strike striker, whoever moves first loses.

However, Xiaozhi's eyes are 1.0, and he can see a drop of sweat dripping from Kuaiquan Lang's forehead, and his arms are trembling slightly, and the same is true of Flying Leg Lang's thighs. Obviously, the difference in strength between these two Pokémon may not be large.


Soon, Kuaiquan Lang was the first to be unable to bear the suffocating atmosphere, and punched straight at the target with a speed as fast as lightning.

Sonic Punch!


The Sonic Fist hit, hitting the flesh with a punch, Fei Jilang backed up half a meter, his broad feet drew two black marks on the ground, and then gently wiped away the scar on his cheek.

Even with the boost of Iron Fist characteristics, the effect of this preemptive Sonic Fist is still infeasible.

Just after one punch, a phantom shadow suddenly appeared in front of Fei Jilang's face, which locked on Kuaiquan Lang in an instant, making the latter uncontrollably stand up.

Seeing this, the corner of the fighter's mouth twitched, and he instructed:

"Flying Legs, kick with flying knees!!"

Hearing that Fei Kichi Lang kicked out like a spring, a sharp cold light flashed on the sole of his foot, and he kicked out suddenly.

Flying Knee Kick is a great skill of the fighting attribute, and it is so powerful that Kuaiquan Lang can only temporarily dodge to one side.

Neiku swung his fist and shouted, "It's useless!"

Sure enough, the spring thigh kicked by Flying Knee suddenly folded and changed direction in mid-air. This time, it landed on Kuaiquan Lang's chest with a straight kick, leaving a black footprint directly.


Kuaiquanlang flew backwards for a few meters, hitting the long rope at the back of the ring before stopping his backward trend.

"Is this... the eye of the heart?"

Fan Dou wrinkled his eyes and blurted out.

The flying knee kick hits very low, and if it misses, it will even injure its own knee, which is not low.

But the Eye of Heart released in advance can perfectly avoid the risk of this trick.

"It's a veteran..."

Fan Dou looked unkindly at the man in the white exercise uniform in front of him, then his eyes sank, and Kuaiquan Lang on the ring understood, and slowly stood up from the ground.

Although the damage is huge, the fatal blow is still a lot worse.

I saw him close his eyes, start jumping on the spot, his whole body suddenly lightened, and his state seemed to become mysterious.


Flying Legs struck out with heavy legs, one foot supported the ground, and the other kicked dozens of kicks at the same time in an instant, each kick was aimed at the key position of Kuaiquanlang.


But the breath of the latter did not change at all. The body, head, and limbs were constantly changing positions during the extremely fast kicks. Each time, it was just the distance to avoid.

Not even the slightest disturbance of breathing.

"This is..."

Neiku is not a countryman Amon, so he has naturally seen this kind of technique.

See cut.

Although the Pokémon League regards cutting and protection as the same type of defensive skills, those who are familiar with fighting games know that cutting and protection are definitely two completely different defense methods.

Protection is to condense a green barrier around the body, thereby offsetting the opponent's skills once.

It is equivalent to relying on the special power of the barrier to forcibly block the opponent's attack, which is a direct immunity.

Of course, protection can only protect but not protect, and those who forcibly pursue the double guarantee will have some water in their brains.

Moreover, the effect of immunity is also limited to a certain extent, just like the protection of Little Lada is impossible to block Gulardo's sword of the cliff, when the gap reaches a certain point, even the protection becomes paper.

But seeing things is different, not relying on any protective shield to directly immunize, but relying on Pokémon's natural insight reaction and physical flexibility to avoid and dodge attacks.

In other words, the ultimate version of "Get out of the way."

Of course, Erlian will also fail, but this is for ordinary Pokémon.

For fighting Pokémon, their steel-like physical fitness can fully support them to perform two-command, three-command and four-combo...

As for the highest level of seeing and cutting, according to the Heavenly King Xiba, this is no longer a level of three or four, but a state.

It relies on various parts of the body to perform conditioned reflex movements, separating the body from the consciousness, allowing each part of the body to perceive the dangers around it beyond instinct, and no longer needs the brain to think before acting.

This realm is what Sheba calls it.

Feel free!

But even for him, it can only last for a dozen seconds at most.

Perhaps ten seconds in other fields would make people laugh, but ten seconds in this realm is enough to make Xiba stand out from the crowd.

"If I can maintain this state for 3 minutes, even if I face Champion Du who has restrained fighting attributes, I can blow him up."

Shiba described this realm in this way, and a few simple words showed its horror.


Of course, the Kuaiquan Lang in front of him is not to mention 108,000 miles away from Zizai Jiyi, but there are still 107,000 miles.

Even so, he can easily evade all the attacks of the flying legs.

"Not bad, it's useful."

The fighter on the other side turned his mouth up, revealing a sinister smile.

"However, this is a skill that every fighter knows..."

He snapped his fingers, and the flying leg man in front of him actually assumed the same posture, then he took a deep breath, jumped up on the spot, and entered a similarly mysterious state.

Even because Flying Leg Lang is better at attacking with his legs, his lower body is more stable, and his state seems to be even better.

See you! !

Two Pokémon with one punch and one leg entered this mysterious state at the same time, facing each other and jumping lightly. Every time they jumped, they seemed to be doing a dodge and evasion movement, or punching and kicking movements.

Xiaozhi couldn't help but rubbed his eyes, he actually saw Fei Kick Man and Kuai Fist Man doing dozens of movements at the same time, either dodging or attacking.

When he rubbed his eyes again, he found that the two of them were facing each other in such an ordinary way, without any fancy movements.

"This trick is so powerful..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out, he couldn't tell whether it was the two people on the stage who predicted him, or he predicted their actions.

Immediately, he widened his eyes, staring at every movement of the two of them, his face flushed and his breath was short of breath, and finally he uttered a word lightly.

"Good job, I stole it!"

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