He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1353 Ancient Naughty Thunderbolt!

the next morning.

Officially entered the realm of the "world's original tree", or stepped into this lush jungle.

Lucario walked in the front and led the way vigilantly... although it was his first time here.

But as long as you walk straight towards the tallest mountain range, you don't need to know the way.

Xiaozhi stared wide-eyed, looking at everything around him curiously.

Arriving here, there are many kinds of wild Pokémon that inhabit at once. What little Radha Plaster is hiding in the grass and watching the humans who suddenly broke in.

The jumping monkey monster climbed over the branches, awakening Gu Gu who was sleeping and dozing on the trunk.

There are also butterflies flying in the jungle air, hunting flying insect Pokémon like swallowtails, and a brown moth insect that he has never seen before.

"Is that an ancient Pokémon?!"

Xiaozhi took out the illustration book with great interest, is it Guda's last moth?

"Didi. Gentleman Moth, bug and flying attributes, is a very common bug Pokémon in the Sinnoh area. It likes to compete for the nectar of the three bees. Then eat it by yourself."

Xiaozhi was disappointed by the voice of the illustrated book, it turned out that it was just a Pokémon from other regions.

Walking all the way for hundreds of meters, I have almost entered the hinterland of this jungle, but I still haven't seen any "ancient Pokémon".

Except that the environmental ecology here is a bit primitive...

The trees are extraordinarily tall, and even the shrubs and bushes under their feet are about one meter high, so it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

It is not much different from the jungles in other places.


Lucario, who was walking in the front, didn't say anything.

Well, it doesn't look like there's anything special about it...

Why did Master Yalang say not to enter this area casually?



Suddenly, several people heard a sound of electric current in a certain direction.

Lucario became alert and carefully pushed aside the bushes and ferns.

However, hidden in the grass and trees, there are actually two round ball Pokémon, one big and one small.

The body seems to be carved from wood, half of it is brownish-yellow, covered with annual rings like the cross-section of a tree, and the other half is smooth orange-red.

The smaller ball is only half a meter in diameter, the red part is in the upper semicircle, and there are a pair of big funny eyes on it.

The larger ball is about one meter high, and the orange-red part is in the lower part... The wooden ball in the upper part even has a pair of eyes carved in wood, which are very rough.

"This is...Thunderbolt Electric Ball and Naughty Thunderbolt?"

Xiaozhi was stunned for a long time before he said.

The shape is too weird, isn't it really like carving out of wood?

"That's right, that's the naughty mine bomb I saw last time, it's made of wood!"

Qi Duo in the rear exclaimed loudly while operating the drone.

Even Big Niula, who released himself, was on guard beside him... The expressions of these two wooden mine bombs didn't look very friendly.

"Is this an ancient Pokémon?!"

Xiaozhi's interest was all up, and he took out the illustration book. This time, the latter very simply reminded "I can't find this Pokémon", which made Xiaozhi even more sure that this is a very rare ancient species!

"Naughty Thunderbolt, is it said that the Pokémon was found in the human Poké Ball Factory..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help thinking of the cold knowledge he got from listening to Damu's lectures when he had insomnia.

Many scholars have speculated that in addition to the newborn naughty thunderballs and thunderbolt balls that were bred later... the original naughty thunderbolts may have mutated from the poke balls in the factory.

A mechanical Pokéball... so it gets the electrical attribute.

So how did this ancient wooden naughty thunderbolt come into being?

It's impossible to have a poke ball factory in ancient times, right...?

"If you understand this research, maybe you can come up with a big paper that will cause a sensation in the world!"

For some reason, Xiaozhi's academic soul was burning fiercely along the way, and a thesis title popped up every now and then.

He somewhat understood why Xiaomao abandoned trainers and became scholars...

To some extent, researchers have come up with an idea and confirmed it. The degree of excitement and excitement is not inferior to direct Pokémon battles!


However, these two wild Pokémon did not let Xiaozhi think wildly.


I saw this wooden thunderbolt electric ball with funny eyes, suddenly covered with electric light, and rushed towards several people suddenly!



Xiaozhi and Pikachu hadn't moved yet, but Lucario, who was standing at the front, had a serious expression on his face, and a big energy metal claw was condensed on the back of his arm, and he tore and slashed out!

Metal claws!

On the surface, he is still the guard assigned by Queen Irene.

Bang wah...! !

There was an uncomfortable sound of tearing metal, and the thunderbolt electric ball was sent flying back, and it hit the tree trunk behind heavily.

"What a powerful force..."

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help but admire.

The battle between him and Lucario a few days ago was just a physical gladiator... But the real power of Pokémon lies in its ability to release various moves.

With this metal claw, he felt that it should be able to directly tear his own skin and flesh.


But the much larger evolutionary type behind it—Naughty Thunderbolt also became agitated, and countless green leaves suddenly shook out around the wooden body, flying towards it with a strange light.

Magic Leaf!

Compared with Feiye Kuaidao, Magic Leaf's attack trajectory is accompanied by a wave of spiritual power, making this move have a 100% hit rate.


Seeing this, Lucario simply did not intend to dodge, but clenched his hands together in front of his chest, and then pulled them to both sides.

The next moment, a faint blue bone stick was held in his hand.


Like a fan, the one-meter-long bone stick continuously rotated in front of him, turning it into an airtight barrier, smashing all the magic leaves that hit it and falling down.

Bang Bang!

"A bone rod made with the power of a waveguide...Is there such a way to use it?!"

Although he couldn't go up and fight in person, Xiaozhi watched from behind with great interest.

Xiaozhi remembers that this move is the exclusive move of the Gala Gala clan, and it can only be performed with the help of a unique prop—a big stick.

But at this moment, Lucario, using the waveguide to create a waveguide bone rod, also performed this move.

"So this naughty thunderbolt has the attributes of electricity + grass...?"

He secretly recorded the performance of these ancient Pokémon, and as Qi Duo said before, he used grass-type moves.

Maybe I can tame one later and bring it back to Dr. Oki to have a look.

There is no data even in the illustrated book...Maybe the red brother is also very interested.


In the battlefield, all the magic leaves were shredded. This time, Lucario took the initiative to step forward, picked up the waveguide bone stick, and smashed it towards the face of the naughty thunder bomb!

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