He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1554 Wind King? !

"Naughty ~ electricity!!"

It's just that when Lucario just started sprinting, the speed of that naughty thunderbolt was actually one step faster, quickly condensing an energy electric ball in front of him, and throwing it out very silky.

The flying electric ball hit, and Lucario could only hold the bone stick horizontally in front of him to resist.

Boom boom boom...!!

The violent explosion, with the flowing electric current, blasted Lucario back.

"Lucario, Naughty Thunderball has extremely fast speed, don't be careless!"

Xiaozhi quickly reminded him from behind.

Of course, all he knows is the ordinary Naughty Thunderbolt, which belongs to the ultra-high-speed Pokémon... It seems that the speed of the ancient species in front of him seems to be equally impressive.


Hearing that it was a speed test, this Lucario snorted coldly.

Immediately, he dissipated the bone stick in his hand, kicked his footsteps... his figure turned into a strange and unpredictable blue light in an instant, and completely disappeared from sight.


Lucario's figure suddenly became difficult to capture, and he approached the target at an extremely fast speed.

The long-lost battle made Lucario forget "quietly entering the tree of origin" for a while... Let's talk about it after fighting.

Looking at it along the way, there is not much difference between here and the outside.

It seems that Master Yalang simply does not want to destroy the tranquility here, not that entering here will cause any catastrophe.

"Naughty ~ electricity!!"

But this scene also made this weird and mischievous Lei Dan instantly excited.

When the spherical body rolled forward, it turned into an elusive afterimage of blue light in an instant, disappearing invisible.


"How can it be?!"

Seeing that there were only two blurred afterimages of blue light left in mid-air, with colliding and explosive lights from time to time, Xiaozhi was completely stunned.

Even the ultra-high-speed naughty thunder bomb, it is impossible to master the super speed, right?

Could it be that the speed of the ancient mischievous Thunderbolt has even reached the level of his Electric God Pillar...forcibly mastered the speed move?


Pikachu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, was also a little dizzy from the swift moves of "one dog and one ball".

I finally mastered the speed move, so is the speed bad now?

It Pikachu is the first to refuse!


Bang bang! !

After several collisions in a row, Lucario and Naughty Lei Dan exited the super speed state and backed up at the same time.


Lucario's expression has become completely serious, completely treating him as an enemy who needs to go all out, not a small character that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

Even Xiaozhi looked confused.

Lucario is definitely not weak.

Comparing secretly... He feels that if he put it outside, he has already started to be the main force of the king of the alliance, or even stronger.

But he still didn't gain any advantage, which means that the naughty thunder bombs in ancient times were all so powerful?


This time, Lucario's hands were condensed on the side of the waist, and the power of the waveguide was continuously condensed and compressed, gradually condensing a dangerous blue energy bomb in the palm of his hand...

Then throw it violently!

Wave missiles!

"Naughty ~ electricity!!"

And this naughty ancient thunderbolt didn't show the slightest timidity when he saw this, but showed an excited expression.

But I don't know if it's an illusion...Xiaozhi always feels that this naughty thunderbolt is just playing around?

And the aura from the latter also gave him a very familiar feeling.

Shhhhh...! !

The next moment, the whole body of this naughty wooden thunderbolt was covered with emerald green light, and there was an aura of violent destruction in the light that radiated outward.

"Lucario, it's a big bang!"

Xiaozhi's hair stood on end, and he immediately recognized the opening gesture, and quickly exclaimed loudly.

But in this big explosion, there is also a strong grass attribute light... So is it a grass attribute big explosion?

Boom boom boom! ! !

The next moment, the explosive energy on Naughty Leibo exploded completely, turning into a dazzling green light cluster, continuously crushing and bombarding the surrounding air unstoppably.

Lucario's powerful wave missile was crushed and split apart after a short period of resistance.

Boom...! !

The terrifying power of the big bang even hit their side all the way.

Being the first among them, Lucario was blown back again and again.


But the latter held on after retreating about one meter in a row, and Lucario was resistant to grass-type moves.

Moreover, the power of this hair-grass attribute explosion seems to be much weaker than the original explosion?

Xiaozhi in the back was relieved.

No matter what, if the self-destruction is used, then the victory or defeat has been decided.


Boom! !

However, in the next moment, an electric shock wave suddenly broke through the smoke and dust in the sky and flew towards it.


Caught off guard, Lucario was directly hit by the electric shock on his chest.

The strong force directly blasted it several meters away, and smashed it heavily on a tree trunk!

"What the hell, haven't you lost your ability to fight yet?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't close his mouth, he didn't know what happened.

But now that Lucario was blown away...

"Pikachu, it's up to you!!"

With a wave of Xiaozhi's thumb, it was finally his turn to appear on the stage.

Just in time for Pikachu, try out the powers of this wacky ancient mischievous minecraft.


At the same time, Pikachu jumped and landed in front of the electric Pokémon... although it always felt that this Pokémon was weird.

But as the smoke dispersed, I saw that although the naughty Lei Bo was covered with scars, it did not completely lose its ability, and was still restless when touched.

"So this big bang of the grass attribute, at the price of reducing part of the power, in exchange for not having to commit suicide..."

Xiao Zhi secretly weighed in his heart, not daring to be careless.

The mighty Lucario was blown away, and if he was not careful, he might also be defeated by this ancient species.


"Naughty ~ electricity...?"

But when he saw the sudden change of the candidate for the battle, the expression of this naughty Lei Dan instantly collapsed.

Seeing Xiaozhi and Pikachu who were eager to try, it lost the fighting spirit first.

Immediately turned around, jumped and ran into the huge bush next to him, making a gesture to escape from his figure.

"Don't run, naughty Lei Dan...!!"

After finally finding a powerful and special Pokémon, Xiaozhi saw that he was happy with the hunter, and there was no reason to let it go, so he quickly took Pikachu into the bushes to chase after it.

It's just that I haven't seen anything clearly yet, the bushes and grass leaves in front of me start to flap rapidly, and I can only see a flash of dazzling white light.


Immediately thereafter, a loud and high-pitched cry came from the ear, with a magnificent and domineering momentum in the voice!

When it spread, the whole jungle became quiet for a while.

"This is...?"

This lofty aura and cry made Xiaozhi and Pikachu look at each other, as if they had heard it somewhere before.

And a huge figure also jumped out of the bushes and flew vertically into the sky.

Xiao Zhi took a closer look, but saw that it was a big bird with colorful rainbow-like feathers, which was completely impossible to appear here, passing by his eyes.

Like the most noble divine bird in the world, it is hard to desecrate.

"Wind King?!"

Looking at the beautiful divine bird going away, Xiaozhi rubbed his eyes vigorously, it was completely messed up.

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