He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1561 The dream of symbiosis


Every time Xiaozhi tried, it seemed as if the dream had been electrified, and once again spied around strangely.

After so many years, it must be haunted, right?


After being electrocuted several times in a row, Meng Meng noticed the sound of some kind of creature.

But it is too vague, which requires Mengmeng to use her own telepathy in turn to communicate in reverse.

Dream, who has always been very playful, suddenly became interested, suspended in mid-air, closed her eyes and meditated, and concentrated on receiving the voice of the unknown creature.

Until the next cycle, the dreamy reverse telepathy successfully communicated with a certain creature, and was able to fully "hear" the other party's voice.

"Hey hey hey!! Dream!! Help!!!"

Xiaozhi naturally tried his best to unleash his waveguide power all at once, creating a berserk cry for help in his heart.

The sound was like thunder, exploding in the dreamy little head!


The small body seemed to be hit hard, trembling in mid-air, and even lost its superpower to levitate, just fell to the ground.

This is the loud roar of the evil attribute, for the dream of the super power attribute...

The effect is outstanding! !

For a moment, Mengmeng's head was full of intoxicated stars, and she couldn't even tell the difference between east, west, and north.


Before entering the next cycle, Xiaozhi could only look at the falling dream with a dazed expression before leaving.

Hmm, I seem to have accidentally yelled too much...


After coming here for a while, Mengmeng gradually recovered and realized Xiaozhi's cry for help.


Feeling a little in my heart, I really felt the presence of two more human beings in the red bubble at this moment.

Because she often went to play in Orudolan next to her, Mengmeng was quite familiar with humans, and she didn't have any resistance.


Thinking of this, its small eyes narrowed, and its whole body began to emit a strange light, trying to communicate with the original tree of the world...

The Dream and the Tree of Origin are in a symbiotic relationship.

The latter's red bubbles, or the three guardian giants, are all instinctive unconditioned reflexes of the body. When a foreign object is detected, it will naturally and instinctively expel or even kill it.

And Dream has the ability to communicate with the original tree, so that the latter can complete the conditioned reflex of subjective manipulation.


Mengmeng kept tensing her body, exerting all her strength to communicate, and the surface of her little head was faintly bursting with blue veins.

Obviously, it is still extremely difficult to change unconditioned reflexes.

Just like the knee jerk reflex that humans have innately, Meng Meng at this moment is desperately suppressing the nerve reflex, so that even if his knee is knocked, he can't bounce up.

Da da da...!!

On the other side, at the entrance of the stone chamber, Lucario and Pikachu also successfully entered the deepest heart stone chamber.

As soon as he came in, he saw that Mengmeng was blushing, and his whole body was emitting a strange light, trying to do something.


Pikachu was about to step forward, but was stopped by Lucario.

Mengmeng seems to be...rescuing Xiaozhi?



A few minutes later, two groups of red bubbles flew over the stone room.

As the surface of the bubble burst... the figures of Xiao Zhi and Qi Duo fell to the ground at the same time.

"This is...?!"

Qi Duo was dazed, she had completely lost her will ever since she was swallowed, and when she woke up now, it seemed like she had arrived here in the blink of an eye.


Xiaozhi naturally knew what happened in the middle, and hugged Pikachu who jumped over.

"Director Lu, I seem to have mastered telepathy!"

He also showed off to Lucario next to him.

But it's not normal telepathy...

His telepathy seems to have turned into a "loud roar" that can be released in consciousness to the target. It is so powerful that it almost blows the dream unconscious.


And to rescue the two of them completely, Mengmeng seemed to have lost a lot of strength, and fell from the air with a weak body, and fell to the ground panting.

"Dream... Don't worry, I have a lot of medicine here!!"

Xiaozhi immediately ran up and poured out all the contents of his backpack.

Then I grabbed the berries or sprayed the wound medicine, I don't know what the effect is, anyway, just stuff it into Mengmeng's mouth.


After taking a bunch of medicines, Mengmeng's expression improved a lot, and she slowly floated up.


Everything seemed to have come to an end, which finally allowed Lucario to look around.

This is the deepest part of the world's original tree. Yarang must have been here before, what did he do...

"This is...?!"

Lucario suddenly noticed a pair of blue and black patterned gloves sandwiched between a crystal gap next to it.

This is exactly the same pirated version that Xiaozhi wore before...the same, it is also the glove used by Yalang.

He went up to pick it up, but apart from this pair of gloves, there was nothing else related to Aaron around.


Lucario was half-kneeling on the ground while clutching his gloves in a bit of desperation.

If Master Yalang died here, at least there would be a corpse, or a piece of clothing... Why is there only a pair of gloves at this moment.

"Lucario, there is a flower of time here, maybe something is recorded in it."

However, Xiaozhi noticed a spiral crystal bud growing in the corner, and immediately walked up to it, slowly stretched out his palm, and released his waveguide power.


The next moment, a ray of light projected out of thin air in front of everyone.

In the picture, Meng Meng is actually doing the same movements of tensing her body and exerting force to communicate with the tree of origin...but the strength is obviously weaker.

"Dream, I will share my waveguide with you...!"

And a man dressed in the costume of a brave man came out, with a bit of determination in his thick voice, wearing long-sleeved gloves, and raised his hands.

In the palm of the hand, a group of waveguide power gradually condensed, and it was completely poured into Mengmeng's body.


After the latter had accumulated his strength, he suddenly let out a low drink.

The next moment, the emerald green light spread out with unstoppable power centered on dreams!

It seems that at this moment, all hostile wars in the world have completely disappeared, leaving only a peaceful state of mind.

Even after countless years, even the flower of time... Xiaozhi and the others can still feel this peaceful feeling.

"Is this the way Master Yalang resolved that war..."

Lucario murmured with a solemn expression.

Yalang once told him not to share his waveguide with others unless it is absolutely necessary... The waveguide is the spiritual power of every creature.

Once lost, it also means that the creature itself will completely lose its life.


Mengmeng next to him also let out a small and lonely cry, recognizing that this was the picture of the sacrificed human being.

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