In the picture of the flower of time, after the termination of this ancient war, Yalang's figure gradually became illusory.

There are still dots of blue sparks on the surface of the body, floating out... like a piece of white paper that is slowly burning out.

"Master Yalang!"

Lucario subconsciously wanted to step forward to help, but his hands pierced through the phantom of the Flower of Time.

In the picture, Yalang sat down in front of the crystal very weakly, gasping for breath.

"Lucario, I'm sorry..."

Lucario was still hanging his head lonely, when he suddenly heard Yalang calling his name, he raised his head quickly.

But Aaron was just talking to the air.

He didn't even notice that there was a flower of time growing in the hidden place beside him that could record light and shadow information.

"Forcibly sealing you in the scepter is a last resort... Otherwise, you will follow me everywhere, even in this situation..."

He gasped heavily, talking to himself.

"Of course! I will always follow you!!"

Lucario responded subconsciously, with a firm tone.

It seems that Aaron in the picture even heard Lucario's answer, and continued with a wry smile:

"Exchanging my life for the end of a meaningless war... This kind of stupid thing, I can do it alone."

"However, I have no regrets... In Orudolan, I spent a wonderful time with Your Highness Lynn, and you... Those are the proofs that I am alive..."

Yalang's words were intermittent, and his figure became more transparent. It was like a candle flickering in the wind, which would be completely extinguished in the next second.

After confirming the truth of everything, this also made Lucario finally shed tears from the corners of his eyes, knelt down on the ground, and hit the ground again and again as if venting.

If given the chance, he would even be willing to die instead of Aaron...

"Thank you, Lucario... the days with you, I am very satisfied..."

"But I still hope to see you again..."

As the last words fell, Yalang's pupils became completely hollow, and his breath disappeared.

The whole body turned into dots of blue ripples, completely scattered into the air.

At this moment, the flower of time completely terminates its closure.


Lucario just knelt down on the ground, without the slightest appearance of a chic and handsome waveguide envoy.

Just like an ordinary Pokémon, weeping weakly because of the trainer's departure.

"Road guide..."

Xiaozhi couldn't do anything behind him, he just patted Lucario's shoulder lightly.

Looking at the closed flower of time... Although I don't know how many years have passed, this Mr. Yalang is undoubtedly a real hero.

It takes great courage and faith to save the world with one's own life.

Maybe there is a real catastrophe in front of him, Xiao Zhi doesn't care about it alone, and maybe he will make the same sacrifice as Yalang.

But if it's just normal... the word sacrifice is also too heavy for him, and he can't even make a choice.


Just when everything seems to be coming to an end.

Rumble...! !

Suddenly, the entire stone room began to shake violently.

The surrounding mineral crystals also suddenly changed from a gentle bright blue to a dangerous fiery red... For a moment, the entire stone chamber became fiery red, as if countless alarm lights flashed around.

There was also an aura of near destruction and collapse, which spread in the hearts of several people in an instant.


Mengmeng was the first to notice something, and immediately tensed her whole body, completely releasing her own strength, trying to communicate with the original tree of the world...

If what Yalang did at that time was to let the tree of the beginning of the world spread the power that could calm all creatures.

So now it's all over...

The dazzling and dangerous red light will make the creatures on every inch of the land illuminated by the tree of the beginning of the world, full of hostile battles.

Even reproduce the cruel ancient war at the beginning!

"What's wrong?! Isn't everything resolved?!"

Xiaozhi looked panicked and was very puzzled.

The expression of Qi Duo next to her also became serious. She probably understood the whole process after waking up before.

The World Tree instinctively drives and kills human beings. This is an unconditioned reflex and does not belong to the brain tube... it is just a protection mechanism for the ontology.

But Mengmeng let them out forcibly, which was a forced violation of the rules of the World Tree's instinctive operation.

And once a certain node is crossed, the operation rules of the entire World Tree will naturally become disordered and collapsed.

The legendary waveguide envoy forcibly diffused the power of peace... Now this power is backlashing back, and even completely reversed, it seems to spread the tyrannical emotion that was taken away at the beginning.


Dream's body has become hot and red, and its power is obviously not enough to completely control the legendary tree of origin.

That's why it used to need Yalang's waveguide to complete the final control and guidance...

"Is this the original choice of Master Yalang...?"

Seeing the doomsday-like red around him, Lucario also fully realized that what Aaron faced back then must have been the same scene.

So what he can do now...

"Aww!! The power of waveguide is in my heart!!"

Lucario shouted resolutely, jumped in front of Mengmeng, and raised his palms.

He chose the same fate as Aaron.

The power of the waveguide condensed, and a group of light blue ripple energy quickly condensed in front of him, falling into Mengmeng's body.

Transferring one's own waveguide to other creatures can greatly increase the target's ability at one time...but the price is also irreversible.

This waveguide messenger will lose his life completely like Yarang, even his body will no longer exist.

"Director Lu! I'm also responsible for this kind of thing...I'm also Bird's emissary!"

However, when it really came to a critical moment, Xiaozhi went directly to the top, forgetting whether he would sacrifice his life.

I saw him coming to Lucario's body, he also raised his palm, and with a thought, he tried to release the waveguide power in his body.

Zizixiu...! !

It was as if a thin electric current flashed in Xiaozhi's palm, and then gradually grew larger, turning into blue ripple energy, which also fell into Mengmeng's body.

Two equally powerful waveguides entered the body, which instantly increased the power of Dream to a higher level, even surpassing when Yalang gave it waveguides.


Mengmeng snorted, now it has no time to care about the two waveguide envoys next to it, it can only work hard to communicate with the world's original tree, and completely suppress this tyrannical force of war that is about to spread.

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