He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1563 The Third Waveguide Messenger

Seeing that the fiery red and restless ore light around them has gradually cooled down, it seems that this war riot is about to be completely ended soon.


Lucario naturally noticed Xiaozhi on the other side, who was also releasing his waveguide with all his strength.

Xiaozhi's idea is very simple, since one person will pay the price of his life for releasing the waveguide.

Then two people release the waveguide together... Naturally, both of them can retain half of their lives.


But Lucario's control over the power of waveguide is much higher than that of Xiaozhi.

In his perception, the waveguide amplification needed to allow Dream to communicate and even control the world's original tree does not exceed the sum of the waveguides of the two of them... This idea is indeed feasible.

Well, if Xiaozhi's waveguide control is at the same level as his, maybe both of them can really survive.

Then it's just going to be a period of weakness...but life doesn't matter.

It can be fully recovered in a few days and a half months at most.

But the current Xiaozhi obviously can't completely control his own waveguide, this idea is completely a fantasy.

If it goes on like this...they will both die together.

"This journey started because of my persistent request... If you want to die, I am enough alone."

"Perhaps I can meet Master Yalang again..."

At this time, Lucario's telepathy came out of nowhere in Xiaozhi's mind.

"Thank you Xiaozhi, I am very happy to meet you during this time... In the future, you will definitely become the greatest waveguide messenger in the world."

After saying that, Lucario maintained the posture of condensing the waveguide with his hands, and with a flash of movement, he was about to knock Xiaozhi directly into the air.

"Wait a minute, Director Lu!!"

Realizing what Lucario was going to do, Xiaozhi suddenly let out a low cry, trying to stop him.

The center of gravity of the body fell even more, and the lower body stood firmly on the ground.

Bang bang...!!

Lucario's blow turned to the side of the iron mountain, and for a moment it really seemed to hit an iron mountain, and the latter's figure did not move at all.

This immediately made Lucario anxious.

Damn, why is this guy's body so hard? !

Who is the Steel-type Pokémon? ?

"Little Zhi, let go quickly!! This ceremony is enough for me alone... You are just dying in vain, you can't save me at all!"

In the panic, Lucario initiated telepathy with rigorous logic, trying to persuade Xiaozhi.

With the massive release of Bird, his body seems to be drained at this moment, and he can't even hit the second shot, so he can only let Xiaozhi withdraw by himself.

Just looking at Xiaozhi's extremely firm eyes, it seemed that he really planned to die with him... This made Lucario feel even more guilty.


"Director Lu, if the two waveguide envoys will die together... what if there is a third one?"

However, Lucario suddenly heard Xiaozhi's voice.

Maintaining the release of the waveguide made Lucario baffled... Where is the third waveguide envoy right now?

Is it the woman in the back? But she doesn't have any waveguide power at all!

"Wait a moment...!?"

Lucario's eyes widened suddenly, with an expression of disbelief.

Previously, his focus was on Xiaozhi, and he had no time to pay attention to his surroundings... When he interrupted at this moment, Lucario's waveguide perception also subconsciously spread to the surroundings.

He sensed that he and Xiaozhi were not the only ones who were sending the waveguide to Mengmeng at this moment.

Indeed, there is a third waveguide messenger, who is also transporting waveguide energy.

That breath is like a newborn baby, surging and powerful.

And the source of the power of the third waveguide...

When Xiaozhi treated Mengmeng indiscriminately before, he poured out all the things in his backpack, and the medicines and props were scattered all over the place.

Among them, an elf egg that was poured out was particularly conspicuous.

Eggshells are white, covered with bluish spots...

Not only that, at this moment the latter seems to have its own will, and it is also sending out its own waveguide.

"This is...?!"

Lucario was completely stunned, how can an egg be able to guide the power these days? !

And with the joint efforts of the three waveguide envoys, the energy increase of Meng Meng reached the peak in a short time.


Finally, with a low drink from Meng Meng, a burst of bright green energy suddenly burst out from his body, spreading like a tidal wave.

Everything touched by the energy tide became peaceful in an instant.

The violent red crystals in the surrounding stone chambers also returned to a calm blue.

This wave of tidal energy infected every corner of the world's original tree, and rippled all the way to Orudolan in the distance, and even further places.

The tyrannical atmosphere of war before also dissipated in an instant.


"Hoo hoo...!"

After doing all this, Xiaozhi sat down on the ground with his feet weak, panting heavily.

Glancing at his palms... well, nothing happened, much to his relief.

He quickly looked at Lucario on the opposite side, and he didn't disappear into crystallized powder like Aaron.

"Successful, Xiaozhi...!"

Seeing that Lucario was also panting and sitting down on the spot, but the latter's telepathic sense of relief came from his mind, Xiao Zhi finally calmed down.

He succeeded!

In those legendary years, he couldn't save that great waveguide envoy...

But at this moment, he has successfully rescued another great waveguide envoy.

One person and one dog survived the catastrophe, with their palms on the ground, and at the same time looked at the elf egg behind him who was like a savior.

Even Xiaozhi didn't expect that the elf eggs he poured out indiscriminately saved his life.

It's just that at this moment, my breath is weak, and my feet are weak, as if I have been squeezed dry...

I don't know if there will be any problems in hatching this elf egg that was also squeezed dry?


At this moment, Dream in mid-air suddenly let out a clear and clear cry. It didn't look tired at all, but seemed vigorous.

Just a moment ago, it received the blessing of the world's original tree, which directly restored Mengmeng's physical strength to its peak.

And at this moment, around its body, there is still a large group of light blue ripple energy... After all, nearly 80% of the waveguide energy that the waveguide messenger forcibly poured into it cannot be absorbed by it.

This waveguide energy gathered by three people can be said to be very huge.


Meng Meng sized it up and had an idea in an instant. With a wave of her little hand... the surging energy of the waveguide flew towards the elf egg all at once.

This is the purest waveguide energy, absorbed without any stiffness or violation.


Like a glutton eating, this elf egg sucked it up all at once.

Now, not to mention the waveguide that was drained before... the elf egg now has three times the power of the waveguide before!


And the next moment, the sound of a broken eggshell also came from the position of the elf egg.

The hatching white light enveloped it...!

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