He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1564 Hatching, Riolu!

As the light dissipated, a light blue upright puppy appeared in everyone's sight.

The appearance and color matching are very similar to Lucario's, the lower limbs are black, and the face has black lines like a mask, and large black arcs like water droplets fall on both sides of the eyes.

"This is..."

Xiaozhi took out the illustration book in a daze, but unexpectedly it actually hatched.

"Didi. Riolu, the fighting attribute, Lucario's previous form, is a rare Pokémon that can see and use waveguides. He is as light as a swallow and has plenty of stamina. He is a very persistent and hardworking guy, but still It's a brat."

The picture book suggested.

According to the picture book, at this moment, this Riolu is jumping up and down very excitedly, even doing backflips from time to time.

A pair of reddish-brown pupils looked around, obviously curious about everything around them.

Although all three of their "waveguide envoys" were drained because they contributed their own waveguide...but now, after accepting the feedback of the dream, Riolu is alive and well.

"Phew...fortunately it's not Masana."

Seeing that the elf egg was finally settled, Xiaozhi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


Lucario, who was also physically weak next to him, just gave Xiaozhi a question mark expression.

Although there are indeed some other Pokémon that can use the power of waveguide...

But if it was born with this power, it could only be their Lucario family.


Not only that, this Riolu who just made a sound suddenly let out a low cry, and there was endless energy in his body.

Immediately, the immature claws moved to the waist, and the palms faced each other, and strange light blue ripples appeared on the surface of the body.

"Wait a minute, don't...!"

Recognizing the familiar Lucario's gesture, Xiao Zhi quickly said.

It's just that the voice was a step late. This is a blue energy bomb that has quickly condensed in Riolu's palm, which looks quite powerful.

Boom! !

Immediately, he pushed out his palms and threw the energy bomb out.

Wave missiles! !

However, its control level was a bit immature. The wave missile suddenly deviated from its trajectory in mid-air and flew upwards.

Boom! !

Just like that, it bombarded the ceiling, causing a big crater in an instant, and the smoke from the explosion spread, which shows the terrifying power!

"What a powerful wave missile..."

Even Lucario, who is used to seeing the big world, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

This little guy was just born, and he released the wave missile directly, blowing a big hole in the ceiling? !

Isn't it generally Lucario who has evolved into it to master wave missiles? !

Seeing that the latter was about to release another wave missile to celebrate his own birth... Xiaozhi quickly stood up forcefully, ran over quickly, and grabbed Riolu's slender wrist.

"Riolu, don't do anything here..."

This is the atrium of the original tree of the world, and the largest crystal next to it is the so-called central "heart".

If Riolu is not right, the wave missile will bombard the crystal position... now this tree of the beginning of the world is probably going to go berserk and destroy it again, right?


Being pinched by his little hand, Riolu just tilted his head, looked at Xiaozhi from a close distance, and blinked his eyes under the black blindfold.

He is very familiar with Xiaozhi, whether it is the close breath he often feels, or the very similar waveguide... It can be said that the intimacy between Riolu and Xiaozhi is not too low since birth.

There is also the source of the second waveguide breath... Leo Lu looked at Lucario next to him, he can be regarded as its elder.

Since its waveguide comes from Xiaozhi and Lucario's feedback to the dream waveguide, it is natural for it to think that the two people in front of it are its relatives.

Xiaozhi's appearance is not the same as that of the father, it should be the father's side.

So Lucario, who has the same race as himself, should be regarded as the mother side?

After all, two elves of different races hatch eggs, and the race of the offspring follows the mother.


This couldn't help but make Lucario shudder, because a childish waveguide call suddenly rose in his mind.

Although I still can't reach the clear telepathy, I can vaguely feel that I am calling myself "Mom" affectionately.

He is the male Lucario! !

After witnessing the birth of a new life, unconsciously, Lucario's heavy feelings about the previous sacrifice of Aaron were washed away a bit.


"Haha, Riolu, you finally hatched~!"

Xiaozhi sat cross-legged on the ground with bright eyes, stroking Lucario's little head, causing the latter to shake his little tail comfortably, and narrowed his eyes.

Speaking of which, when the royal masked man from the Alola region gave this Riolu to himself, it was still a dead egg.

I don't know how long it has been passed down in his hands... The masked man at that time had completely lost confidence and planned to find a place to bury the elf egg.

Later, in his hands, it also maintained the metaphysical state of death and immortality.

It wasn't until he met Ah Jin that Riolu was completely revived, but after a long period of nurturing...

"The hatching of this little guy is really ill-fated!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but sigh with emotion, it feels like it's been a long time.

Pikachu and Qi Duo also came up together, watching the newborn Riolu, trying to rub it.


But at this time, Meng Meng forcefully inserted into the center of the crowd's encirclement.

This hyperactive little guy, who knows if he will throw another wave of missiles... still have to be sent away as soon as possible.

Well, and this group of people too.

After all, this is the atrium of the world's original tree, and it is very fragile... Except for dreams, for other existences, this place is actually a forbidden area.


Without any explanation, Mengmeng began to exert force, and a strange blue light suddenly enveloped everyone.


In the next moment, everyone's figures disappeared in place at the same time.


When everyone opened their eyes again, they found that they had returned to the position of the hole where they had just entered the tree of the beginning of the world.

"Nula? Newla~!"

Da Niula, who had been guarding here all the time, looked overjoyed when she saw Qiduo's sudden appearance, and rushed up to hug the latter.

"Nula, I made you worry..."

Qi Duo also hugged the latter with emotion.

After thinking for a while, she made a decision and started talking with her companion in the communicator.

"Banksy, this is an incredible place, but it's not suitable for us humans to take risks... Don't publish the records and data of this trip."

As an adventurer, after each expedition, it is natural to announce what you have seen and heard along the way to the public.

If you don't write about your travel experience after traveling, it means you haven't traveled.

But obviously, the tree of the beginning of the world is the paradise of Pokémon, and the entry of human beings is a big crisis for this place.

"Okay, I see."

On the other end of the communicator, only the sound of emotion could be heard, and all the data about the original tree of the world was deleted with great pain.

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