He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1567 Set foot on the Sinnoh area!

"You are Dr. Yamanashi?!"

Xiaoguang's face was filled with joy, he didn't expect to meet the target just now when he went out.

"But now there is nothing wrong with this young man's body. I need to send him to the elf center in Zhensha Town for a check...I have to go first."

Saying that, Dr. Yamanashi flipped his palm and threw a poke ball again.


This time, it was a blue lion-cat Pokémon, covered with a thick black mane, with fierce eyes like Dr. Yamanashi, and a slender star tail growing behind it.

Roentgen the cat, this is an electric-type Pokémon.

Immediately afterwards, Dr. Yamanashi straddled the Roentgen cat and turned his head to look at Xiaoguang.

"Then you come to Zhensha Town next, I will wait for your arrival at the research institute there...!"

After finishing speaking, the Roentgen cat began to run with him, and the Mook eagle in the air also fluttered its wings and disappeared completely by the heart of the lake in a short while.

"What a handsome roentgen cat..."

After the other party walked away for a long time, Xiao Guang came back to his senses in a daze.

Immediately, her eyes became hot with anticipation... She also wanted to get a Pokémon earlier and become a trainer!

And the vortex in the sky that has disappeared, the strange boy who fell from it...

This world is really amazing, you can't see these things at home!

"Then I'll do my best too!"

Xiaoguang took a deep breath towards the shore of Xinqi Lake, and clenched his fists.

It's just that the sparkling lake surface has become thicker with fog unconsciously.


Vaguely, Xiaoguang seemed to see something in the mist on the lake.

It is small in size, suspended on the water surface, with a strange light blooming, and you can vaguely see the pink head of the other party...

"Is it some rare Pokémon?"

After staying and watching for a while, the latter's figure completely disappeared, which made Xiaoguang amazed again, and it took a long time before he turned around and left here.

Bang Bang Bang...!

Pick up the bicycle and pedal hard... This is a gift from her mother Ayako.

Hikaru intends to ride this bicycle and travel around the Sinnoh region with his Pokémon, becoming a top coordinator like Ayako!



at the same time.

The southern area of ​​Zhensha Town is located in the most southwest position of the Sinnoh Continent, adjacent to the sea.

Similarly, a trade and tourism terminal leading to other continents is built here, which is the first stop for many outsiders to set foot on the Sinnoh continent.

chug chug...!

At this moment, an ocean-going cruise ship was slowly sailing into the pier, and the towering chimneys rose in circles of smoke.

On the front deck, there is still a young man full of energy standing, looking at the new area he is about to set foot on with fiery eyes.

He is naturally Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, who is 12 years old this year.

After traveling in the three continents of the Kanto region, the Johto region, and the Yoshien region, the originally immature face has become a bit more angular and mature.

The hat is the same as the hat from the Hoen region, but the Poke Ball icon in the center has changed color slightly.

The clothes on his body were also replaced with a black vest with short sleeves, a yellow "V" pattern on the chest, and a pair of blue denim trousers on the lower body... These are the new clothes that Hanako sewed for Xiaozhi.

Looking at the approaching mainland, he could already see some new elves that he had never seen before in the distance, which made Xiaozhi feel novel.

"Pikachu, how are you, are you nervous?"

Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu beside him.


At this moment, the latter is standing on the railing, looking at the approaching mainland, with a troubled expression and a rather nervous expression.

It's as if an injection is about to be given... No, the patient who is about to be pushed for surgery is very nervous.

"Maybe the Fangyuan area is just an accident? The Sinnoh area will not kill you..."

Xiaozhi could only comfort him in this way.

Although being slashed in a new area can make Pikachu's potential stronger...but it is true that it is still difficult to stand up at the moment of the knife.

"Unfortunately, Teacher Gang is not here..."

Xiaozhi looked around. At this moment, they were the only ones who came to this new continent alone.

Xiaogang said before that he would travel to the Sinnoh area together...

However, it seems that the Nibi Gym has some communication with the local rock attribute Gym. The former has already set off a week in advance.

And make an appointment to meet at Heijin City in the Sinnoh area.

There is also the first stop that Xiaozhi, as the inspector of the Elf Alliance, will go to...

Of course, I had to go to Zhensha Town before.

Dr. Yamanashi there is a good friend of Dr. Oki, who told Xiaozhi that he had to visit Zhensha Town first.


Soon after, the cruise ship docked.

Walking down the steps of the cruise ship, Xiaozhi led Pikachu through the wooden bridge pier extending from the sea, then took a deep breath, and officially stepped on the ground in front of the mainland.


And Pikachu on the shoulder, with a somewhat hesitant expression.

Although it often stays on Xiaozhi's shoulder, but this time, it seems to be a little afraid of heights?

"Come on Pikachu, this step is always taken!"

Xiaozhi put Pikachu on the back of his hand, then gently lowered his arm, waiting for the latter to step up, while keeping his eyes on Pikachu's movements.

It was the first time in the Hoen area last time, so I didn't pay attention to it...

This time, he wants to see who is secretly targeting Pikachu!

But the cautious appearance of the two made the surrounding tourists and the locals in the Sinnoh area look astonished, and they couldn't help but surround them.

Among the 18 attributes, the ground is indeed the only one that restrains the electric attribute...

But an electric mouse doesn't have to be so afraid of the ground, right?

Is it possible that if you step on it, you will be injured by the sand that restrains attributes and fall down on the spot?

"What's so strange about this, imagine that it is a small fist stone at this moment, and it will be fine if it is about to enter the pool..."

A well-informed old man next to him said casually, which made the surprised passers-by around him suddenly realize that they dispersed one after another and stopped paying attention.


Small fist stones in unfavorable water may drown...

So it seems reasonable that Pikachu will die suddenly when he steps on the ground?

It seems that the electric mice in other regions are even more fragile than they imagined. They are completely delicate vases that will break when touched.


However, just as Ash was concentrating on Pikachu's movements.

creak...! !

A sound of mechanical extension suddenly sounded, and then a mechanical palm flew over suddenly, grabbed Pikachu by the back of the neck, and grabbed it away from the air.


Startled, Xiaozhi blurted out subconsciously.

But this familiar feeling...

"Huh? I seem to hear someone asking "who" meow~?"

"Since you asked the question sincerely~!"

"Then we will show you mercifully~!"

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