He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1568 This knife was cut on the main artery


"That's it meow~!"


After a series of familiar opening lines, the Rockets trio and Lian Weng made their debut in handsome poses, with faint rays of light behind them.

Next to it, there are two door gods, the rice spoon snake and the desert naia, standing on the left and the right.

Pikachu was grabbed by the back of the neck by Meow Meow's mechanical arm, and was pinched into the air.

If it was normal, Xiao Zhi would even sit down and enjoy the long-lost scene...but now that Pikachu is in the hands of the opponent, that's another matter.

"Team Rocket?! Why are you here?! And haven't you already given up on Pikachu?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help scolding sharply.

But when it reached the Rockets' ears, it seemed that there was a sour smell of complaint?

It seems to be annoyed why they came to catch Pikachu now.

"Hmph! Our Rockets act, why do we need to explain to others?!"

"This time, we have made a deal with Boss Sakagi, and we will definitely plant the Rockets' banner in every corner of the Sinnoh area!"

"This Pikachu is just stored with you all the time, don't think it's your Pokémon, meow~!"


The three members of the Rockets replied one by one, and the one next to him really buzzed with each other from time to time.

Xiaozhi suddenly commanded:

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

"Pika, Chu...!!"

With his lower limbs volleying in the air, Pikachu bowed his body like a shrimp, accumulating strength in mid-air, and the violent electric current and lightning exploded in all directions.

Zizi... Whoosh!

However, the next moment, the dazzling golden electric current poured into Meow Meow's mechanical arm like water absorbed by a sponge.

"Hey, the power storage function is naturally arranged meow~!"

Miaomiao smiled triumphantly, this time they are already part of the brand new Rockets.

"Then try this meow~!"

The battery on the back was fully charged, and Meowth suddenly pressed the button on the other side.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, an independent mechanical flying leg extended from the lower part of the mechanical arm, kicking straight in Xiaozhi's direction.


Before Xiaozhi could move, an elf ball on his waist bounced off by itself.

In the red light, I saw a black and blue upright puppy, showing all its energy on the stage.


Riolu let out a low cry, and pushed out his palm, trying to block the oncoming mechanical flying legs.

Naturally, it was Riolu who had just hatched in Orudolan last week, but just after hatching, he already had a good fighting power.

Ka Ka Ka Ka...!!

It's just that this is Pikachu's electric-powered flying kick attack, which is so powerful that it pushed Riolu back three or four meters, and the raised lower limbs kept rubbing against the ground.

At the moment of stalemate, Xiaozhi suddenly commanded:

"Pikachu now, use Grass Knot!!"

At this moment, Pikachu's little paw, which can still move flexibly, lifted up, and his eyes glowed with crystal green light.


The next moment, strange green vines stretched out from the ground under Meow Miao's feet, which directly hooked the former's lower limbs, tripping Miao Miao.

This also made Miaomiao subconsciously press the button, and the grip of the mechanical arm was loosened, allowing Pikachu to land smoothly.


Pikachu had a victorious expression, but when his limbs stepped on the ground, he realized what had happened.

Immediately afterwards, there was an inexplicable sharp pain from the back, as if being slashed by some flying knife from above, and the back was about to split open.

"Pickup, pickup...!!?"

The pain made Pikachu couldn't help but fell on the spot, trying to grab his back, rolling and whining on the ground, grinning, looking very uncomfortable.

Meow meow:"?"

This appearance stunned Miao Miao, who had just broken free from the straw knot.

"Hey Pikachu! You don't want to touch Porcelain Meow! Why do you feel as if you've been slashed when you fall on the ground?!"

Miaomiao quickly claimed that she was innocent.

"Are you okay Pikachu?!"

Xiaozhi naturally knew what was going on, and asked anxiously from a distance.

It's just that the mechanical arm and flying legs are ready to go, and there are dangerous rice spoon snakes and desert naia beside them, so they can't get close for the time being...

This time he came to the Shen'ao area, thinking that he already had the powerful waveguide power, and he didn't bring any powerful Pokémon with him.

But Xiaozhi clearly felt Pikachu's breath, which was rapidly weakening and descending...

Sure enough, when he arrived in a new area, he was mercilessly hacked again.

This time is the second turn Pikachu?

In the Fangyuan area last time, Pikachu was cut down from the stable king level to below the king.

This time, Pikachu's strength has improved again, but the cutting range seems to have also increased...?


"So Pikachu is really acting?"

"It seems not only in terms of strength, but Pikachu is also very talented... This is the Pikachu our Rockets need!"

Seeing Pikachu gradually relieve the pain and stand up from the ground again, Musashi and Kojiro couldn't help but brighten their eyes.

It's not acting... It can't be scratched by the ground, right?

"Rice Spoon Snake, kill it!!"

Musashi immediately commanded.

The rice spoon snake licked its tongue, opened its bloody mouth and snapped at Pikachu.


Pikachu quickly jumped up, stepped on the head of the rushing rice spoon snake, and jumped into the air with his strength.


And Naia, the desert next to him, has also attacked, and the cactus palm covered with spikes directly slapped Pikachu.

"Pikachu, use Iron Tail!!"

Pikachu quickly turned his body, turned into a steel tail and swept out, very reluctantly repelling Desert Naia.


After landing, Pikachu was already panting.

In the past, this blow to Iron Tail had already decided the winner...but at this moment, it was difficult for Pickup to control his own strength.

Both the electricity and the strength of the body have weakened a lot, and even his own control has become a little stiff and strange.

This knife was undoubtedly cut on Pikachu's main artery.

Now Xiaozhi just wants to take Pikachu and the Pokemon Center to take a good look, and doesn't want to get entangled with the Rockets here.

"Look at Meow's trick~!"

But the Rockets on the other side are not relentless, and Miaomiao suddenly activates its mechanical flying claws.

"Riolu, use metal claws!!"

The small and nimble Riolu rushed down in front of Pikachu in a hurry, extended the metal energy claws from the back of the raised palm, and slashed at the target fiercely!

In terms of strength alone, Riolu is inferior.

Clang! !

But the sharp attack from the extended metal claws caused Riolu to tear apart Meow Meow's metal flying claws, bursting into bare wire sparks.

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