He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 135 See you, the copy is successful!

Game start.

"Preemptive attack, Fei Ji Lang!" Nei Ku took the lead in launching the attack.

Flying Leg Lang lifted his thigh in the air, stretched it 2 or 3 meters suddenly, and kicked Firestorm Monkey head-on.

Xiaozhi took his time and instructed:

"Fire Monkey, use that move!"


Firestorm Monkey nodded, tilted his head slightly, and carried Flying Legs' long spring legs on his shoulders, and then exerted strength from his waist to throw them back.

Although it was only used twice, it fell over the shoulder.

And Flying Legs' reflexes were not weak either. With the force of being thrown away, his other foot extended along the trend, stepped on the horizontal rope at the edge of the ring, and bounced back abruptly.


Then he kicked on the back of Firestorm Monkey's head, and the latter touched his head again and again in pain, his face soaring with anger.

"Such a strong reaction..."

Xiaozhi secretly admired.

Now he is actually taking advantage of it. After all, Flying Legs' hp can be restored to full, but after a big battle, his energy and concentration are not so easy to return to the peak state.

And my Firestorm Monkey basically pushed all the way flat, with no loss at all.

Even so, Flying Legs is still strong.

"In that case, Fire Monkey, use the Jianche you just copied!"

Xiaozhi suddenly opened his mouth and instructed.

These words made Neiku and Fan Dou onlookers secretly startled.

If you are talking about cutting-edge skills, it is not too difficult to learn, but this refers to cutting-edge fighting skills, how can you learn them with just a few glances?

This trainer is making Pokémon, right?

On the ring stage, Huo Baohou took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and the "#" blue veins on his forehead that were condensed from anger gradually disappeared.

Then it danced lightly, and the whole state of breath became somewhat mysterious.

"Hey! Really copied!?"

Fan Dou was startled, this action was obviously the same as that of his Kuaiquan Lang.

"Excellent qualifications, extraordinary qualifications..." Fan Dou's expression suddenly became hot.

Even Nei Ku was taken aback by this scene. He was the one who watched Xiaozhi's match all the way. This fiery monkey is a layman at all. The over-the-shoulder throw just now was just a few hours ago. Stealth.

Now he even stole everything?

"Damn it, Flying Legs, use a double kick!" he said angrily.


Flying Leg Lang immediately threw out two spring-loaded thighs, attacking Firestorm Monkey's chest and forehead respectively.

But the fire monkey just jumped lightly on the spot, facing the attacking feet, its breathing was not disturbed, and it was ready to face the attack.



Unexpectedly, the two rounds of kicks hit the Firestorm Monkey, leaving two flashing scars on the latter.

"Haha, I thought I really mastered it, but it turned out that I just learned it!"

Neiku burst out laughing suddenly, feeling relieved.

Although the fire monkey is also dodging and dodging at the limit distance, the speed is much worse. Although the two consecutive kicks did not hit the target position, they also worked.

"Let it see what we really see!"

With a wild laugh, Flying Legs nodded and jumped on the spot, and soon entered a mysterious state. Dozens of phantoms seemed to appear behind him doing various predictive actions.

Dozens of movements can be made with one breath.

It can be attacked or defended, this is where the strength of the combat method is seen.

Seeing this, Nei Ku proudly instructed: "Now, attack him!"

Flying Leg Lang shot out again and again in a state of seeing everything, and dozens of kicks with the soles of his feet seemed to be shot at the same time, sweeping out like a torrential rain.

Firestorm Monkey didn't dare to be careless, it jumped on the spot, constantly trying to avoid the attack.

"Da da da da!!"

It's just that the effect was not good, and he couldn't dodge completely. Almost every kick left a scar on his body.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi's eyes sank, and he shouted:

"Fire Monkey, we attack too!"


The fire monkey struggled to maintain a jumping state, resisting the kicks that rained down on its head, raised its fist, and started to attack.

"It's useless!" Nei Ku laughed.

Sure enough, every punch of Fire Monkey was avoided by Flying Legs with a perfect distance, without even touching the edge.

"Da da da da!!"

And Firestorm Monkey was passed by countless flying kicks again, and the damage was accumulating.

The situation seems to be overwhelmingly one-sided.

But Xiaozhi suddenly punched out, wiped off the sweat on his forehead, and shouted:

"Third Brother, show us our bonds and momentum!!"


The Firestorm Monkey, who had endured countless kicks, let out a loud shout, staring fixedly at the long leg in front of him with a pair of big eyes, and its body skills were gradually moving closer to it, as if it was subtly changing something.

"Da da da da!!"

Almost every kick can hit it, and it has gradually become two times to kick it once...

three times, four times...

And the fists that Firestorm Monkey swung, from the first ten punches to one punch, gradually moved towards five punches to one punch.

Three punches... two punches...

The Fire Monkey's movements also began to become more flexible. Being constantly attacked, his breathing became more steady, and the prejudged phantom behind him also changed from nothing at the beginning to gradually increasing...

Even Nei Ku noticed this change, and with a glance out of the corner of his eye, he saw a sly smile on the corner of the trainer's mouth.

Like to laugh?

"Flying Legs, attack with all your strength!" Nei Ku said angrily.


Fei Kichi Lang's speed skyrocketed again, and his kicks were as fast as a phantom, making his movements completely invisible.

On the other hand, the fire monkey lost its initial disadvantage. Even in the face of the stormy attack at the moment, it still maintained a steady body movement in every kick.


Taking a closer look, Fei Keg Lang hadn't kicked him any more since half a minute ago.

But the Firestorm Monkey just moved around in place, and even wiped a circular mark less than half a meter in diameter on the ground.

His legs never left this narrow circular mark.

See cut, the copy is successful!

Xiaozhi showed that his plan had succeeded, and struck out with a heavy fist: "It's time for us to fight back, Fire Monkey!!"


Firestorm Monkey lowered its head to avoid Fei Keg Lang's kick. This time, its fists swept out like a torrential rain, and each punch was aimed at Fei Keg Lang's vital points.

"Da da da da da da!!"

Punching to the flesh, Flying Leg Lang continued to let out a tragic whine amidst countless phantom punches.

Boxing requires momentum.

Once momentum wins, the situation is settled.

Taking advantage of the situation where the other party was completely stupefied with him, Xiao Zhi suddenly shouted, and changed into the ultimate skill of Fire Monkey.

"Fire Monkey, use the Explosive Fist to get rid of him!!"


Firestorm Monkey exited the cutting state in an instant, and turned into the berserk state of Yuanyuan, with two "#" veins condensed on his forehead.

Then the thigh slammed on the ground and jumped out. At this moment, a fist the size of a sandbag was shining with a terrifying red light, and it was about to explode like a time bomb.

Flying Leg Lang was stunned by the beating, and Firestorm Monkey's fist had appeared directly in front of it, hitting its forehead with a punch.


There was a sound of thunder, and everyone couldn't help but startled and leaned back.

And the flying leg man in the center of the explosion was even more tragic. He felt as if something had exploded in front of him, and then there was a sharp pain in his face, and he was blown away with a terrifying force.

Even in the process of flying upside down in mid-air, his eyes turned black and he lost his ability to fight.


Due to the sudden change in the situation, he couldn't see Xiaozhi's strategy, so he looked angry.

"Are you okay? The fastest way to master what you see is naturally muscle memory, hehe."

Xiaozhi waved his hand and smiled triumphantly.

He really thought that he was stupid and let the Fire Monkey play as a punching bag for Flying Legs. If it wasn't for your skills, he would have ended the battle with a punch.

Stealing Jianqie, and then winning the championship, this is Xiaozhi's strategy.

It's just that he didn't expect that the other party would be so stupid. He used Jiancut on the fire monkey. Isn't this equal to hand-in-hand teaching?

"There it is, the champions of the p1 fighting competition this time are Xiaozhi and Fire Monkey!!!" the host roared again, even breaking his voice.

Suddenly applause and cheers resounded throughout the town.

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