He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 136 Do you want to whore for nothing?


On the arena, under the spotlight, Firestorm Monkey wore a big golden belt around his waist, raised two big fists, and greeted everyone's cheers and applause.

That big belt is the proof of winning the championship.

Of course, it's still gold-plated.

During the cheers, Firestorm Monkey suddenly held Xiaozhi's hand and raised it together.

In Xiaozhi's puzzled expression, it turned its face sideways and smiled at him, with an expression like a comrade fighting together, or a child eager for praise after victory.

Although the smile is still very grumpy.

It has already recognized Xiaozhi as its trainer, whether it is physically or mentally.

"Fire Monkey..."

Xiaozhi was secretly moved, and quietly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and then enjoyed the victory together with him.

This is the p1 fighting competition. If you win the championship, you will be able to stand at the end and enjoy this supreme glory, which is enough to make every fighter obsessed...


Afterwards, the crowd dispersed, and the authorities began to tear down the stage.

After all, this arena is still built on the road in the center of the town. It is an illegal building and needs to be demolished.

"It's really you, Xiaozhi, who won the championship."

"Then you will be able to participate in regional-level fighting competitions."

Xiaogang Xiaoxia came over and patted him on the shoulder, congratulating him.

The level of competition at the town level is indeed not high, basically it's all trash, and even a layman like Xiaozhi can push all the way to win the championship.

But once it reaches the regional level, it will be different. The opponents of the first round of miscellaneous fish may be at the level of Neiku and Feikulang.

Every round is a fierce battle.

It has to be said that Xiaozhi's performance this time is really good, and the two even suspected that someone was playing on behalf of them.

But it can also show that Xiaozhi's trainer level is also constantly increasing through the analogy of fighting competitions.

"Your name is Xiaozhi, right? I recognize your strength, but I won't lose again next time."

As soon as he mentioned internal dryness, the fighter came up, followed by a younger brother of the same style.

But he didn't have the arrogance he had at the beginning. After all, fighters are willing to bet and admit defeat. Only with a broad mind can they go further and further on this road.

As the runner-up in this game, he is still eligible to participate in the regional level competition.

"I won't lose either!" Xiaozhi replied passionately.

The two shook hands, and it was considered a good rival.

"Xiaozhi, I won't lose next time either!"

Nei Kuo's younger brother, Nei Yi, the arm trainer, also ran over, wanting to shake hands with Xiao Zhi and make a declaration of rivalry.

"Not familiar, no appointment."

Xiaozhi scratched his head and ignored him directly.

Is this the champion? So soon a stranger ran over to shake hands pretending to be familiar, and wanted to make a declaration of rivalry with him?

feel good.

Xiao Zhi secretly laughed, obviously enjoying this feeling.

Inside one: "..."

After sending off the Neikunei brothers, Xiaozhi and his team packed up their equipment and planned to go back to the Pokémon Center to make a big meal for the fire monkey, take a rest and get a good night's sleep. It's already late at night.



In the Pokémon Center, the fiery monkey is feasting on the delicious food that Xiao Gang specially prepared for it.

And the three of Xiaozhi were drinking iced cola and chatting relaxedly.

The cola is iced, so there is no need to worry about the concept of calories, even Xiaoxia who has always kept her figure can drink freely.

In Xiaozhi's hand was still holding the paper fan Geng Gui left for him before he left, like an old man fanning Erlang's legs with his legs crossed.

"Speaking of Xiaozhi, you will also participate in the next regional competition, right?"

Xiao Gang suddenly raised a question.

"Naturally, my goal is to win the championship of the World Fighting Championship!" Xiao Zhi clenched his fists and said with enthusiasm.

The fighting competition, which does not conflict with the league competition, is a stone monument of his journey to become a Pokémon master.

The same goal by different routes will only make him stronger!

"Speaking of which, when will our regional competition in the Kanto region start? Let's play together." Xiaozhi asked curiously.

"Let me check..."

Xiaogang reached out his hand to Xiaozhi's crotch and took out a big treasure.

For this kind of thing, just ask the illustration book.

"There's no need to check. The regional competition in Kanto just ended last month, and the next one will be three years later."

A deep voice came from behind, and the three of them saw that it was a fighter fan fighting.

It is worth mentioning that there was another final in the ring that no one paid attention to, the loser's bracket.

Fan Dou's Kuai Quan Lang defeated Hao Li, who was also one of the top four, and successfully won the last ticket to participate in the regional competition.

"Hey, it's gone, what a pity!"

Xiaozhi punched the void, feeling a little helpless.

"Hehe, there's no need to worry. The most recent regional competition will be held in half a year, and the venue is in the Chengdu area next to the Kanto area. It's not too far away."

Fan Dou laughed.

The qualifications for each region are interoperable, and you can take a group of people to other people's sites to step on the field.

For example, it often happens that the fighters in the Hezhong area occupy the top 12 or 30 in the Sinnoh area, which is extremely bad.

"City capital..."

Xiaozhi secretly weighed it.

Half a year later, his trip to the Quartz Alliance is almost over, but he can go to the Chengdu area for a stroll.

However, he is also very interested in the Yoshien area, which is full of Rikakuza.

This is something for later, don't worry.

Fan Dou rubbed his hands together suddenly, leaned over and said:

"By the way, student Xiaozhi, I have a very good deal here. I wonder if you should consider it."

With dark skin, thick arms and a horse face, Xiaozhi secretly kept a few centimeters away from each other.

"There is something to talk about."

Fan Dou pointed to the monkey who was still eating next to him.

"Hehe, that's how it is. The fiery monkey I saw you in the competition just now has an extraordinary fate. I'm afraid it is a natural champion. The monkey king among monkeys wins the world championship, and it's not just talking ..."

To be able to progress from a layman to the level of beating ordinary fighters in one day, Fan Dou is not lying about his aptitude, it is indeed impressive.

But it is nonsense to say that you want to win the championship.

"So?" Xiao Zhi's expression remained unchanged, he had already guessed something in his mind, raised his brows, and asked back.

Fan Dou smiled heartily, showing a mouthful of white teeth: "Hehe, but right now it lacks an opportunity, an opportunity, a...a bole."

Bole, a character in the underworld.

It is said that during his lifetime, he was the master of the breeding house of the horse farm. From a group of 1v and 2v little fire horse eggs, with a pair of discerning eyes, he picked out the rarest 6v little fire horse just by looking at the shell of the egg. become famous.

Even now, there are still many idol-level existences of hatching maniacs.

"Hehe, I am confident that if you hand over this fiery monkey to me, I can make it the most perfect champion!!"

Fan Dou slapped his chest, said with enthusiasm, and then added:

"Of course, you can also become the honorary trainer of Fire Monkey at that time, and you will definitely not lose!"

As soon as the words fell, the surroundings suddenly fell into a strange silence.

"You want to whore for nothing?"

The three of Xiaozhi looked at Fan Dou with contempt in their eyes.

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