He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1572 The first battle, Xiaozhi vs Shinji! (superior)

Before Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang could communicate much, there was a knock on the door.

"At this time, is anyone here...?"

Dr. Yamanashi gave the two of them a calm stretch and walked over to check the door.

But I saw that it was the guy who traveled alone in the jungle before.

The cold and stern expression is even slightly more serious than Dr. Yamanashi...at least the latter will smile a little when he hears about Dr. Oki's junior.

"Hi, Dr. Yamanashi, I'm Shinji from Veil City, my brother Leisi asked me to visit you..."

Although his expression was cold, Shinji was surprisingly polite and bowed solemnly to Dr. Yamanashi.

"Oh, you are the younger brother of Leisi... I remember that your brother took the Pokémon and the illustrated book from me before, and it was just for you... How is the tortoise now? "

Dr. Yamanashi also remembered, and replied with emotion.

Generally speaking, the parents of newcomer trainers reserve the initial Yusanjia from Dr. Pokémon, and come to pick it up at the appointed time to trigger the trip.

But he remembered that Shinji was a special case, and the two did not meet each other.

According to his brother, Shinji didn't intend to travel from the Sinnoh area...he left the area directly on the day the handover was completed.

"Yes, the tortoise is growing very well now."

Shinji replied, and then his eyes fell on Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang who were whispering beside them.

"Hey Xiaozhi, are you going to the Black Gold Gym next? Then you need to go through Changshou City, and I happen to be going to Changshou City too~!"

Xiaoguang said in surprise.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi just patted his head inexplicably.

"I don't know anything about the Sinnoh region...Since you want to go there, Xiaoguang, why don't we travel together!"

He initiated a team invitation without thinking.

Traveling requires a lot of people.

"Travel together..."

The sudden invitation made Xiao Guang hesitate, and even felt a strange feeling in his heart.

If there are three or four people, she will naturally agree...Xiao Guang is also not a person who likes to walk alone.

But if it's just a two-person trip, and the companion is a boy of the opposite sex.

Just looking at the clean and sunny face of the young man in front of him, still with a bit of anticipation in his eyes, it made it difficult for Xiaoguang to say no, and finally he could only nod heavily.

"Haha, then we will be partners from now on, Xiaoguang~!"



Xiaozhi smiled heartily immediately, and Pikachu and Pogaman, who were holding each other, also shook hands in a friendly manner, canceling the previous grievances.

But looking at the recovered Pikachu, Xiaoguang always felt like he had forgotten something?


"You want to challenge the Black Gold Gym, so you also want to challenge the trainers of the Sinnoh Alliance...?"

Hearing the words of Heijin Gym, Shinji who was next to him came over, looked directly at Xiaozhi and asked.

The powerful electric shock before, and that rare Riolu... This guy doesn't seem to be simple.

But Mukle on the shoulders, so is the novice trainer?

"Challenge the Black Gold Gym? Although I really want to challenge, but..."

Xiaozhi just wanted to say that he is actually a Pokémon inspector, and there is an official certificate from Damaranci in the bag.

It belongs to the existence of licensed employment!

It was his first time as an inspector, which made Xiaozhi look forward to the next journey.

As for the Sinnoh Alliance...Damaranchi said before that when the Sinnoh Alliance Conference ends this time, he can give himself a chance to challenge the local alliance kings and even champions.

Only then did Xiao Zhi agree backhandedly.

"Oh... so do you want to fight me now?"

Shinji didn't think much about it at all, he only thought that the latter was a trainer like him, and suddenly launched a battle invitation.

It just so happened that he had returned to the Sinnoh area now and needed a battle to warm up.

"Although...if it's just a battle, I will naturally accompany you to the end!"

As soon as he heard the battle, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he put aside all explanations.

The battle with the Rockets is not a complete battle at all, just a fight with this arrogant looking guy in front of him, starting the adventure in the Sinnoh region!

"Do you want to fight... Then everyone, please follow me to the backyard."

Dr. Yamanashi didn't have the slightest intention to stop it, so he walked in the front and led a few people to the open space in the backyard of the research institute.

Xiaozhi is a trainer praised by Dr. Oki, and even beat Mikri...

According to Lei Si, his younger brother is also an experienced trainer. Although the previous alliance conferences did not go to the end, most of them were the top four and the runner-up. His strength is tyrannical.

Dr. Yamanashi wanted to see for himself the true strength of these two.


Xiaoguang followed Xiaozhi with a cute face.

After all, the other two people seem to be somewhat fierce...



The backyard of the Yamanashi Research Institute.

There is no training ground here, just a flat grassy ground.

Dr. Yamanashi stood in the middle of the two with a serious face and acted as the referee.

"I see you have three Pokémon on you...then it's 3v3, neither side has the right to change, two wins out of three."

Shinji said simply and rudely, obviously he didn't take Xiao Zhi seriously in his expression.


Xiaozhi on the other side also agreed casually, and also didn't take Shinji seriously.

Unanimously, both of them think that the other is a rookie, while they are experienced trainers, and they both regard each other as a stepping stone.

The next moment, Xiaozhi and Shinji threw the pokeball at the same time.



The red light flashed, but they saw that the elf of their shots was a chubby gray-brown bird, flying in mid-air.

Mukle meets Mukle!

"If it turns out to be the same kind, we can't lose... Mukle, use Lightning Flash!!"

Xiao Zhi was delighted to see Lie Xin, and took the lead in launching an attack.


The fighting spirit of the same race made Mukele's gaze fixed, and his wings closed together, turning into a straight white light and rushing away.

Whoosh! !

The speed is not bad, for a while, Shinji's Mukel has not completely dodged, and was brushed to the side.

"I hit it, a flash of lightning ~!"

This scene also brightened the eyes of the onlookers, and congratulated Pogaman.

"It's just rubbing to the side, the damage of this blow is negligible..."

Don't look at Dr. Yamanashi's stern look, but he is giving Xiaoguang some pointers.

It can be seen that these two Mukels have just been subdued, and they don't have much physical strength... It is estimated that the winner will be determined within a few moves.

But what makes him strange is that these two people are not newcomers, so why are they using newly conquered Pokémon?

Are you going to start over...?

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