He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1573 The first battle, Xiaozhi vs Shinji! (middle)

"Next is the wing attack!!"

After a successful blow, Xiao Zhi took advantage of the victory and chased after him.

This time, Mukel's wings burst out with white energy, and he was about to flap away.

Shinji was secretly amused by this mindless attack, and said casually:

"Mukel, use the shadow clone...!"


With a high-pitched sound, Shinji's Mukel instantly turned into five or six parallel afterimages, which made Xiaozhi Mukel's wing attack move directly penetrate one of the targets without any effect.

Especially Mukle, who saw such a scene for the first time, flapped his wings in mid-air in a panic, shaking his head from side to side.

"Now, use Yan Fan!"

Shinji's Mukel understood, his eyes were sharp, and several shadows instantly merged into one, appearing in a blind spot of the opponent's perspective.

Immediately close its wings together and fly out like a sharp arrow!

Whoosh! !

There was no room for parrying at all, and Xiaozhi's Mukeer was hit head-on by Yan Fan's move on the back...

Immediately afterwards, he fell weakly in mid-air, completely losing the ability to fight.

"What a pity, Xiaozhi!"

The sudden defeat also made Xiao Guang frowned, calling it a pity.

"It's still too early to win..."

Dr. Yamanashi was concentrating, his expression not too turbulent.

The basic level of the two Mukels is not high, but Shinji's is even higher... The lower the level of combat, the less room the trainer can play.


Taking the lead, Shinji smiled contemptuously, with a strong sense of aggression in his eyes.

Then it was back to Mukle, throwing his second Poké Ball again.

"Thank you, Mukle..."

Xiaozhi's expression hasn't changed much, he might have become nervous before... For him now, his mood is surprisingly peaceful.

The victory and defeat have just begun!

"Then it's up to you, Riolu!!"

Xiaozhi's second Pokémon to fight, chose Riolu.

And Shinji's elf is a little orange monkey with a burning flame on the buttocks, which looks quite excited.

"This elf seems to have been seen somewhere..."

Xiaozhi subconsciously took out the illustration book.

"Didi. It has already been broadcast, and will not be repeated."

The illustrated book simply chose paddling.

Before coming to the Sinnoh area, Dr. Oki specially upgraded the illustrated book, and it seemed that something inside was burned out.

"Has it already been broadcast...?"

Xiao Zhi rubbed his chin. It stands to reason that this was the first time he had seen Little Flame Monkey.

"Hey. Little Flame Monkey, a fire-attribute Pokémon. It is one of the original three masters in the Sinnoh area. It is agile, mischievous, and has a strong curiosity... When you sleep, the flame on your butt will go out."

Next to Xiaoguang's illustrated book is a rigorous broadcast report.

Unlike Charmander, where the extinguishing of the flame means the end of life... the flame of the flame monkey burns or extinguishes, it is completely arbitrary.

The second battle officially begins!

"Little flame monkey, use sparks!"

This time, it was Shinji's turn to take the initiative to attack.

The little flame monkey opened its mouth wide, and countless spark spots flew towards it!

The power is not too great, and it seems that the flame has not been well grasped.

"Riolu, use Lightning Flash!"

However, Riolu just sprinted and jumped among the bushes quickly, dodging all the sparks very easily while flashing.

Whoosh! !

In the end, it even directly hit the little flame monkey's chest, sending it flying several meters away.

"Little Flame Monkey, use Grab!!"

Faced with the opponent's sharp claws tearing at him, Xiaozhi's command was more straightforward:

"We use metal claws!!"

Several metal claws extended directly from the back of Riolu's palm, and they also tore away from the front!

Hiss! !

The metal claws had the upper hand no matter in terms of strength or attributes, and even directly sent the little flame monkey flying, and then rolled on the ground in embarrassment.

Low-level Pokémon can't fight protracted battles at all, and they are already out of breath within a few rounds.

"Little flame monkey, it's time... use the flame wheel!!"

Shinji commanded suddenly loudly, with a look of anticipation in his brows.

Little Flame Monkey pressed his eyes, tried his best to ignite raging flames all over his body, and then turned into a ball of flames and rushed up!

"Riolu, Wave Missile!!"

However, for the nimble Riolu, this move was meaningless at all. The latter leaped forward and dropped the attacking flame wheel under his body.

Riolu adjusted his figure in mid-air, and a blue energy bomb quickly condensed between his palms.

Throw it out when the front is parallel to the ground.

Boom boom boom! !

The wave missile exploded on the little flame monkey without hindrance, easily tore up the outer flame wheel, and even blasted the latter's figure into the air, ending the battle very easily.


After landing, Riolu didn't forget to hook his hands and made a provocative gesture to Shinji.

"Good job, Riolu!"

Xiaozhi was naturally the first to send words of praise.

The birth of Riolu was multi-faceted.

Years of nurturing in the egg, master Ajin's consecrated golden finger, and finally he and Director Lu's full waveguide infusion... It can be said that Riolu's strength far exceeds other newly hatched Pokémon.

Not to mention that before Xiaozhi left Orudolan, Director Lu specially set aside a day to train Leolu intensively.

This led to Riolu's temperament at the moment, which was very similar to Director Lu, like an ancient Pokémon warrior!

If it weren't for Xiaozhi's chocolate poisoning incident at that time, Director Lu might have been able to practice for a few more days...


"Come back, Riolu."

At the end of the battle, Xiaozhi didn't take Riolu back into the ball, but called him back to his side.

According to Director Lu, he and Yalang have been staying together, and as the bond deepened, they evolved naturally.

According to the current academic circles, this phenomenon naturally means that Riolu belongs to the type of intimacy evolution. If you keep it with you all the time, it can speed up the pace of evolution.

"Tsk, can't you use that power..."

Shinji glanced coldly at the little flame monkey who was lying on the ground in front of him, and could only take it back into the poke ball temporarily.

Although it was more of a gap in Pokémon, he also noticed that the guy in front of him was not an ordinary novice trainer, and he was completely capable of commanding.

At this moment, both of them have a record of one win and one loss, so the third battle will be a battle of victory and defeat.

"Then it's you in the end, Electric Shocker!"

Shinji's last player is naturally the Lightning Beast that he brought with him before.

He has an upright figure, tentacles like electric plugs on his head, strong and flexible limbs, and an excited look.


(Thanks to the lord who is really troublesome!!? I will definitely find a time to update...!)

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