He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1574 The first battle, Xiaozhi vs Shinji! (Down)

"Electric monster...then it's up to you, Pikachu!!"

With a wave of his thumb, Xiaozhi dispatched Pikachu.

Although he was slashed for no reason and his strength dropped...but the electric shock monster in front of him doesn't look like a high-level Pokémon, so it's not a big problem.

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

A shot is naturally the most signature offensive move.

Sizzling! !

At this moment, Pikachu has completely recovered from the previous disasters, and a strong electric shock burst out from his cheeks, lasing towards the target.

"Electric shock monster, use charge!"

Shinji commanded like this suddenly.

However, this small electric shock monster does not dodge or dodge, but turns its arms 360 degrees on the spot... This makes it look like an electric device that can automatically generate electricity at this moment, with its head plug and antennae There is still current on it.

Zizizi! !

The powerful 100,000 volts fell on the electric shock monster, but it was completely sucked into the body by the latter, and did not achieve any effect.

Even when he stopped and turned his arms, electric shocks were still erupting around the body of the electric shock monster, which seemed even more imposing!

"Is this Pokémon immune to electric shocks...?!"

Both Xiaoguang and Bogaman were startled, this is an electric shock that can directly stun Bogaman!

"Is there such an application for charging moves..."

Dr. Yamanashi next to him folded his arms and stared at the field.

Neither the Electroshock Monster nor the Electroshock Beast has the characteristic of a lightning rod. Only their final evolution, the Electric Shock Beast, has the characteristic of an "electric engine" that is immune to electric shocks.

But the charging move can absorb the electric shocks it creates and enhance the power of the next blow... It is equivalent to directly creating a lightning rod feature manually.

"It's now, Electric Shock Monster, use Electric Shock Wave!!"

Shinji clapped his palm and attacked sharply.


I saw the electric shock monster let out an excited cry, and the arm turned 360 degrees again... only this time it was completely reversed.

The current that was originally sucked into the body is also completely spurted out at this moment, piercing through the air, with terrifying power!

Boom boom boom! !

The electric shock wave hit Pikachu head-on, and the strong voltage even pushed Pikachu back half a meter on the lawn, causing slight and severe damage.


When the current dissipated, Pikachu shook his head, and there was no big problem.

Although the strength has declined, Pikachu's strength at this moment is probably below the level of the alliance king holding the Pokémon, and it is not something that electric shock monsters of this level can touch.

Even without lightning rods or electric motors, a high level means high resistance to electric shock itself.

"It seems that you are not simple, but don't underestimate us...Pikachu, use Lightning Flash!!"

This time, it was Xiaozhi's turn to attack.

Pikachu rushed out at a brisk pace, turning into a blast of white light!

"Electric shock monster, use protection!"

Shinji's face finally became serious, realizing that the opponent in front of him was very difficult.


The green light barrier propped up by the electric shock monster under the limit directly bounced the rushing Pikachu into the air, and the flash of lightning did not work.

"In that case, Pikachu will use the steel tail like this!!"

"Electric shock monster, use split tiles!!"

The moment the distance opened, Xiaozhi and Shinji launched an attack at the same time.

Pikachu, who was bounced in mid-air, turned around, and the steel tail had turned into a bunch of heavy axes, pressing down on him, and he was about to slash straight down.

On the other hand, the Electric Shock Monster, whose arms were glowing with white energy, also jumped up vigorously, facing the target in the air.

"Hmph, my electric monster has two hands..."

This scene made Shinji smile contemptuously, only saying that the victory and defeat had already been decided.


However, Xiaozhi also had the same expression, without the slightest panic.

And the Pikachu that kept approaching and falling also made the heart of the nearest electric shock monster tense for no reason.

Can't stop it!

Originally, it wanted to block the iron tail with one hand, but the other one directly smashed Pikachu into the air...

The electric shock monster at this moment was instinctive, and could only cross his arms on his head at the same time, intending to block the blow.

"Electric shock monster...?"

The sudden change of move in the air also changed Shinji's expression.

His electric shock monster has excellent aptitude, and his combat talent is the best he has seen in such a long journey, so naturally he will not change his tactics because of timidity.

Boom boom boom! !

In the next moment, the iron tail fell with a sound, and hit the front of Piwa's arms together.

Immediately afterwards, there was a huge force, falling down overwhelmingly... This made the electric shock monster unable to resist for a while, just like that, Pikachu directly fell from the midair, and fell heavily on the ground.

The powerful force impacted, and even a gust of wind blew, blowing the grass below wildly towards the surroundings.

"What an awesome Pikachu...!"

Xiaoguang couldn't help but exclaimed.

Her Pogaman really kicked the iron plate.

"These two guys are really not simple..."

Dr. Yamanashi also secretly lamented that the commanding skills of both of them are very sophisticated, far beyond what ordinary trainers can match.

But at this moment, the outcome has been decided.

The disparity in levels makes it impossible to rely on command to win, and the command of the superior side does not lose at all...



Soon, the Electric Shocker struggled to get up from the ground. The resistance of electric attributes to steel attributes made it barely withstand the blow.

I was also secretly glad in my heart, if it hadn't suddenly changed its moves, it should have completely fallen by now.

In the face of such an attack, wanting to save half of the strength to take advantage of the opportunity to attack is undoubtedly a dream.

Seeing that Pikachu was about to attack, the electric shock monster instinctively propped up the protective barrier, intending to muddle through for a round first.

"It's useless, Pikachu, use the electric ball!!"

However, after landing, Pikachu supported the ground with one hand, and there was a hip-hop dance on the spot, and the tip of his tail threw out an electric energy bullet.

Even before the protective barrier was fully propped up, it exploded on the electric shock monster!

Boom boom boom! ! !

The electric ball caused a violent explosion, which exploded in the open space in the backyard of the research institute, and even caused many Pokémon around to raise their heads and look over in a daze.

As the smoke and dust cleared... the electric shock monster was already charred and fell down among the grass.

"Great, Xiaozhi won~!"


Xiaoguang and Bogaman slapped each other, and couldn't help but congratulate.

Although the two met for the first time, it was obvious that Xiaoguang had completely swayed to Xiaozhi's side.


Shinji's expression was not too turbulent, and he quietly retracted the electric shock monster, with a gloomy face, he didn't know what he was thinking.

Xiaozhi on the other side also rubbed the head of Pikachu who jumped back, and the latter had obviously regained his confidence now.


I am really good!

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